- Comment on I cannot tell you a way my life has genuinely gotten better since the advent of "smart" phones. 2 weeks ago:
OK, I just didn’t take it as being an argument that smartphones were bad or that they haven’t helped anyone. I took it as OP saying that having one hasn’t benefited them personally, which I can understand and relate to, and is why I was defending that opinion (I explained my view about them in an earlier post in the thread). Anyway, no point in continuing since we just have different interpretations of what they were saying. Thanks for being polite about it and giving me a better idea of what some responders were upset about.
- Comment on I cannot tell you a way my life has genuinely gotten better since the advent of "smart" phones. 2 weeks ago:
OK, you thought their opinions were antagonistic and we may have different definitions of antagonistic. But read the thread. There are a lot of aggressively antagonistic posts telling OP they’re full of shit, lying, a troll, etc. Apparently they just couldn’t believe someone didn’t think their smartphone has made their life better, and attacked. Maybe I missed something, I didn’t see any posts from OP calling anyone names, accusing anyone of lying, or telling anyone they’re full of shit.
- Comment on I cannot tell you a way my life has genuinely gotten better since the advent of "smart" phones. 2 weeks ago:
I guess it depends on how you take it, could be vice versa. I see a lot of posts that could be taken as other people dismissing OP’s valid points that don’t suit their preconceived points of view. Downvotes on most of OP’s posts that aren’t saying anything offensive, just expressing their POV.
Have we gotten to where everyone has to agree with the majority or they get piled on? Even if the opinions seem antagonistic to you, could that you be feeling personally attacked because you do like smartphones. They’re just opinions of phones, not opinions of people who use them. It just seems weird how strongly people are reacting to someone who hasn’t done anything wrong or insulted anyone, but is just not conforming to the norm.
- Comment on The writers have run out of ideas 2 weeks ago:
Perfect! Those things look just like a dumpster too.
- Comment on The writers have run out of ideas 2 weeks ago:
Thanks, when I saw the news I knew I wanted a good shot of the it. Should become a great meme.
- Comment on Why does the winter solstice mark the beginning of winter, and not the center? 2 weeks ago:
To answer the original question, it’s because the earth is very large and retains the heat from warmer times preceding the solstice in the water bodies and the ground, like a buffer, so there is a lag time for things to lose that heat and get to the coldest air temps. As an analogy, if you heat up some rocks in the oven, then turn off the oven, the rocks will still stay hot for a long time and gradually cool off.
- Comment on I cannot tell you a way my life has genuinely gotten better since the advent of "smart" phones. 2 weeks ago:
I saw no hostility except from you toward OP. Lighten up. Don’t take it as a personal insult if someone isn’t into smartphones as much as you are. Let’s not treat attitudes towards phones as if they are attitudes towards the people who do or don’t use them.
- Comment on I cannot tell you a way my life has genuinely gotten better since the advent of "smart" phones. 2 weeks ago:
Don’t let downvotes from smartphone addicts get you down. You’re being thoughtful about it and that’s a good thing.
- Comment on I cannot tell you a way my life has genuinely gotten better since the advent of "smart" phones. 2 weeks ago:
So far I have managed to avoid getting a smartphone and am still using a flip phone. Every time I look into getting one it gives me a yucky feeling. Of course I have a computer, a laptop, and also a tablet that I have some apps and games on for amusement. But for a phone to carry around, all I care about is having a way to make a call if needed and send/receive texts, so I have no need for a smartphone. I have taken my tablet to a cafe and used their Wifi to access the internet a few times, but I rarely want to do that.
Things that I can see a smartphone being useful for:
GPS/maps, but I don’t really need that since I rarely travel that far away and I know my way around my city and nearby cities. However I can always download static maps of other cities to my tablet if I’m going to an unfamiliar place and/or look it up online ahead of time–like when I had to go to a funeral, I printed off a couple maps–one close up on the location area and one zoomed further out to see the route to the area.
Signal app, which I’m not sure I’d use, but I think it would be nice to have in case I need secure messaging as we move into 2025.
ummmm, can’t think of anything else 🤔
Things I’m glad I don’t have to worry about by not having one:
Tracking, data harvesting, surveillance. Including via the phone’s mic.
going around like a zombie everywhere constantly staring a screen, unable to sit or stand quietly for more than 15 seconds without whipping it out (the phone! you knew what I meant). This is really not healthy. Maybe I wouldn’t do that, but who knows, maybe I would start doing that, as it seems everyone else does, and (sorry, but) it looks pathetic.
the constant beeping, dinging, vibrating, or whatever it’s set to do for notifications, from dozens of apps demanding attention. That would drive me nuts. My phone only makes a sound if I get a phone call or text, which is not often. If I ever started getting texts too often I might turn off sound for them.
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 weeks ago:
What if it’s about some other guy named Brian? So stupid.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 weeks ago:
At one of my first jobs in an office, everyone had an ashtray at their desk and there was always someone smoking at any given time throughout the day. Same with the breakroom. Sometime around then was when they started making people go to the breakroom to smoke, then a few years later it moved to having to go outside, which just meant walking through the cloud of smoke surrounding the door to get inside. Well, at least one thing has changed for the better since then. 😄
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 weeks ago:
YES. Flip phones were fine and were enough to handle all the problems mentioned about pre-cellphones. Calls, texts, voice mail. All the new problems mentioned are caused BY smartphones. If the meme showed a Nokia flip phone it would have been perfect.
- Comment on turned them into their final form! 1 month ago:
The correct way to do this is by making them into meatballs and make a meatball sub.
- Comment on turned them into their final form! 1 month ago:
They came out all right at the end.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
Just because burning fossil fuels is bad doesn’t magically make nuclear good, or somehow no big deal. The chance for a catastrophic accident mentioned in the meme is only one drawback (which is bad enough–get real, denial is not a strategy here). Just a few other issues:
the problem of what to do with the waste: no permanent solutions have yet been implemented and we’ve been using costly-to-maintain “temporary” methods for decades. Not to mention the thermal water pollution to aquatic ecosystems
the enormously out of proportion up front costs to construct the plants, and higher ongoing operation and maintenance costs due to safety risks
the fact that uranium is also a limited resource that has to be mined like other ores, with all the environmental negatives of that, which then has to go through a lot of processing involving various mechanics and chemicals just to make it usable as fuel.
Anyway I’m not going to try and spell it all out on a forum post–this topic is something you have to put in some effort to learn about, but all this advocacy for a very problematic method of producing power as if it’s a simple solution to our problems is kind of irritating. We should be focusing on developing renewable and sustainable energy.
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 2 months ago:
Don, Jr.: My dad put these fries in the box himself! hurr durr
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 2 months ago:
There was some real optimism when I got to vote for Obama as an 18 year old. Would’ve never seen all this coming…
Unfortunately, all this is pretty much a backlash to that event.
- Comment on hard to argue with 2 months ago:
So based on this type of criteria, God created men to fuck things up.
- Comment on How did we move from forums to Reddit, Facebook groups, and Discord? 3 months ago:
No, boomers invented forums. Millenials invented Web 2.0 (as they called it) and destroyed the internet.
- Comment on They say “anyone can become president”, but this will be the first presidential election since 1970s, where there is no Bush, Clinton, or Biden on the ballot. 3 months ago:
That’s what Michael Bloomberg thought and he was wrong, too.
- Comment on Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app 5 months ago:
I have never bought an appliance or physical product that requires an app to use, and I never will until our society has deteriorated to the the point where there is no alternative to that in order to get by in it. It’s almost at that point already with smartphones but for now it’s still possible to get by without one.
- Comment on Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio) 5 months ago:
Same! I’m in a red state but I have voted in every election since I reached the age to vote (a looong time ago). Yeah, my state always goes red for POTUS but I still vote Dem for POTUS so we don’t look like we’re a total shithole state. We have a Dem governor, a Dem House rep in DC, and my personal State senator and rep are Dems, too–I helped put them there. Dems are still quite outnumbered in the State legislature, but there’s been enough of them to keep the repubs from overriding the governor’s veto of some of their fascist bullshit bills. Every bit helps.
- Comment on Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio) 5 months ago:
Yes! It’s the total votes statewide that determines the winner (POTUS and Senator), no matter which areas of the state they come from. Besides that, a showing of more blue votes in red areas makes a bigger statement to powers-that-be, campaign analysts, etc. than blue votes in blue areas. Represent!
And as everyone else is saying, vote blue for every office on the ballot. The state, county, and city levels are just as important as the national level if not more so. Vote in every election no matter what, even if no one you voted for wins, it matters how close the races are so Dems know where to concentrate their efforts.