- Comment on Why don't people going to college get HUD, Food Stamps, and free Medicare/Medicaid while enrolled? Instead of the parents footing the bill or the student working 3 jobs and school? 2 days ago:
I think they mean the nature and true goal of higher education is not to educate, but is singularly profit and more and more peofiy each and every semestee. Profit above all else but hopefully, but not nessecary whatsoever, an institutions shamefully underpaid and overworked staff has the time or energy to properly teach the next generation their area of expertise.
Higher education wants $$$ and they know the government and private corporations will issue about any 18 year old kid, fresh out of high school who has been pressued their entire childhood to either go to college or be a homeless prostitute, massive and insanely high interest.
It’s to take from you and burden you with debt that can’t be undone, even in the event of personal bankruptcy. Why would this system give money away when they can loan it out for an abusive & permanent high interest loan that would make even a gambling addict blush?
- Comment on Who are these 3 other guys in the car with Coolio in the "Fantastic Voyage" music video? 4 days ago:
Cage fight: Mob Deep & Mos Def vs. NWA & Snoop. Who would win?
P.s. K.L. does the halftime show for that one too.
- Comment on Who are these 3 other guys in the car with Coolio in the "Fantastic Voyage" music video? 4 days ago:
as featured on his album, “Bad Hair Day”
- Comment on Who are these 3 other guys in the car with Coolio in the "Fantastic Voyage" music video? 4 days ago:
Aight, I checked and it’s not them, but I’m def gonna give them a listen. Looks like they only had 2 albums. 10/10 hint tho.
- Comment on Who are these 3 other guys in the car with Coolio in the "Fantastic Voyage" music video? 4 days ago:
ohhhhh. Excellent, info!!! Checking them out now.
- Comment on Who are these 3 other guys in the car with Coolio in the "Fantastic Voyage" music video? 4 days ago:
Seriously, the top left looks like a young Mos Def. This album came out in 1994 and his first album came out in 1999. BUT in 95’, he was in this group that did an album called “Manifest Destiny.”
- Comment on Who are these 3 other guys in the car with Coolio in the "Fantastic Voyage" music video? 4 days ago:
It’s progress. Moolio, Schoolio, & Goolio are still on the table tho.
- Comment on Who are these 3 other guys in the car with Coolio in the "Fantastic Voyage" music video? 4 days ago:
I used my graphics tablet and my "e"s are a little wack I guess
- Who are these 3 other guys in the car with Coolio in the "Fantastic Voyage" music video? ↗Submitted 4 days ago to | 20 comments
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 months ago:
Lol. Dude stop being such a nerd.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 months ago:
I quite a pack a day habit 12 years ago and one of the first things I noticed when my sense of taste and smell returned was how aweful smokers smelled when they’d walk into a building after a cigarette. I had thought the smell was off me within maybe 10 minutes but I found out quick that the smell never really goes away. Feels like a previous life thinking I smoked because I can’t see myself ever smoking even a single cig for the rest of my life because it’s so revolting to me now. Oddly enough, however, sometimes I’ll see someone light up a fresh cig in a movie or something and I’ll get this strong 2-3 second craving for a smoke. It’s so strange how even over 12 years since my last one, I still get these strange urges for a cig by seeing someone of TV light one up.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 months ago:
Oh, piss off, dude. We get it. You don’t eat meat and you want to argue about it with strangers on a post that has nothing at all to do with the topic. Virtue signaling as a replacement for a personality.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
Still not as fun as spin up/spin down quarks. Are they spinning? Not at all. And Charm quarks. What the hell does that even mean, science nerds? We also have the strange quark… aren’t they all really strange or have you just completely given up?
- Comment on Good point 7 months ago:
Someone should have told my exwife this handy life hack. Would have saved me untold grief and depression. However, life can throw you a beautiful little surprise after a nightmare. If it wasn’t for that godawful woman, I never would have met the love of my life, the woman who I spent my whole life waiting for and now enjoying what it means to be happily married to my biggest crush, my best friend and waking up right next to her and our little family every morning. I can safely say it was all worth it. It could have been easier to get here but I’d do it again on legendary difficulty if I had to.
- Comment on Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising 8 months ago:
Great shit analogy, Bo Bandi.
Thanks, Mr.Layhe
- Comment on The new Chinese owner of the popular Polyfill JS project injects malware into more than 100 thousand sites 8 months ago:
- Comment on Am I supposed to ask stupid questions here, or *not* ask stupid questions? 9 months ago:
Just install Linux and see for yourself.
- Comment on Google employees question execs over 'decline in morale' after blowout earnings 9 months ago:
That’s precisely what they do. But not only their souls but the souls of the employees just trying to provide for their families and live a normal and fulfilled life.
- Comment on YouTube Premium announces 100 million subscribers 1 year ago:
Found the corporate account. Fuck youtube. Steal that shit.
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
Well, that’s great. It’s very easy to make this about you and fail to see what many others face. I hope you never have to face the brutal hardships caused by not being in the right place with the right connections and the other life circumstances that can lock people into a life of deeper and generational poverty. But it could be the tide just hasn’t risen to a level with your head barely above turbulence where your stuck treading water with no way out. In an instant, everything could get turned upside down through no fault of your own and now the world is a different place all of a sudden. But it’s nor any different, you’ve just joined the millions of others who got the rug pulled from beneath them earlier than you.
I too have been quite successful in life through hard work, discipline and the right life situations that allowed me the opportunities to carve my own path in life doing what I love. I can still see how things have collapsed and I would never question the validity of the millions of other simply because my life experience has been different. This alone makes you venerable to being pushed to the front of the line next.
- Comment on You have now entered manual breathing mode. 1 year ago:
I was definitely being cheeky but there’s no doubt they were a globally huge band at the time. Even in 95-96ish, 10 y/o me had the Morning Glory album as did most of my friends in our chilly little Wisconsin, USA town. I think we all thought they would end up far more influential in the future. Whatever lasting impression they made on the music scene, and no doubt they did just that, I don’t think it was quite the impact the whole world thought they would make back then. In the same breath, here we are still talking about them nearly 30 years later.
- Comment on You have now entered manual breathing mode. 1 year ago:
Remember when they called Oasis “the next Beatles?” Turns out that one guy vaguely resembled John Lennon when wearing those little circle glasses but that’s as close as they could get.
- Comment on Voyager 1 stops communicating with Earth 1 year ago:
Love your name. Greatest band in human history.
- Comment on My whole night is booked now 1 year ago:
Holy shit! Thank you for this! I’ve seen many of these already and loved them all. It’s great to see that there are many more for me in the near future again!
- Comment on My whole night is booked now 1 year ago:
I love em’. Better than anything else on TV imo. I love a full breakdown of an analog horror ARG or an internet mystery rabbit hole deep dive. And usually because ots just one dedicated creator with no deadline/boss/focus group/format to appease, they have so much more character, charm and uniquenes… There’s no studio who could hold my attention with the cookie cutter slop on any of the streaming platforms.
- Comment on My whole night is booked now 1 year ago:
Worst MMO Ever is incredible. The time and attention he spends deep diving into truly terrible MMOs is an artistic labor of love. I could never do it but I sure enjoy watching him do it for me.
- Comment on My whole night is booked now 1 year ago:
Nexpo gang say “yeaaah!”
Also, Manykudos, Internet Historian, WavyWebSurf, Jacob Geller and The Cursed Judge.
- Comment on PEACHES COME FROM A CAN 1 year ago:
Theres 5 strings between the guitar and bass and it’s still a masterpiece. So much sound for such a minimalist approach to their instruments. Kitty is a supreme banger.
- Comment on PEACHES COME FROM A CAN 1 year ago:
- Comment on How can I become a better conversationalist? 1 year ago:
I use the Cinco Face Time Party Snoozer. I can be outgoing and social while catching up on some much needed ZzZz’s.