- Comment on Too dumb to understand where the gas tank opening is 2 months ago:
On some models yeah. I’ve had cars that didn’t
- Comment on Too dumb to understand where the gas tank opening is 2 months ago:
I’m pretty sure I have some deficiencies, but I’m lucky I got to learn pretty young on a farm. I’m torn between wanting to advocate kids have access to like go kart tracks at school vs funding more public transit and walkable communities, as someone else said. Both would be dope tho
- Comment on Too dumb to understand where the gas tank opening is 2 months ago:
Welcome to life, where occasionally you deal with things you don’t want to. I do hope you never experience a similar situation, but if you do, I hope it is handled with compassion.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 months ago:
There’s a small city in the Kansas City, Missouri metro (Raytown) that lobbied to keep it legal in restaurants and bars. I just looked it up, and apparently it’s fine to smoke weed as of 2023, too
- Comment on Drink it, I dare ya 4 months ago:
The carton stuff literally tasted like sweat the one time I tried
- Comment on No excuse 4 months ago:
Lmfao I had to start using the covers for litter boxes since one of mine does this. I feel bad, like I know it’s not great for them to feel confined but…I am not letting that continue
- Comment on Magic Mineral 4 months ago:
Such as increased rates of infertility iirc
- Comment on Clipped it blud 5 months ago:
More like asking “you think I’m charismatic?”
- Comment on Y tho 5 months ago:
Well now I want to know why though
- Comment on Lingering damage 5 months ago:
Ah, maybe try searching household hazardous waste recycling specifically. It’s possible the auto stores might accept all used oil products too, though. At least when I worked in the hazardous waste field for my county program, I mixed all the oil products, and they used it to heat the shops over the winter. We had a separate company that picked up stuff we couldn’t process, and my job was mostly sorting and combining what I could first. Afaik a lot of auto companies are doing the same hazardous waste bulk pick up.
- Comment on Lingering damage 5 months ago:
Rather than throwing it away, you may have free options for recycling nearby, too. My county has a pretty robust program for residents available with regular recycling and hazardous waste like oil or paint in certain locations. There’s sometimes restrictions and sorting required from customers, but it’s usually pretty straight forward if you look it up
- Comment on My Tool phase 5 months ago:
You can understand the reason!
- Comment on My Tool phase 5 months ago:
Or. They. Sound like. Words combined. Sometimes in German. It is awesome and creative. As a new stoner, I was obsessed from the get go. Now look at me walking it back. I ran out of space… Here’s the end
(I worked hard of this dammit, someone better catch it)
- Comment on A Twitter-like app where you are the only actual user and every other "user" is an AI bot. 5 months ago:
Fuck, am I!?
- Comment on Thanks to science, men can now locate the clitoris with micrometer accuracy. 6 months ago:
Speaking as someone who’s Christian fundamentalist parents did not ensure a proper education about this, whose community enforced it, it takes time to figure out, even with the Internet. I was sexually active years before I ever orgasmed, and even after that, the shame for enjoying sex at all was still engrained. I was aware of my anatomy, but with limited, supervised access to the Internet until 18, it set me up to be metaphorically fucked in my ability to communicate about it. But hey, I’m in my 30s and survived.
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
Well some of us are not only ignorant but had our critical thinking skills to varying levels stunted by shitty education. To me the answer didn’t necessarily matter as long as people agree both exist, but I’m glad to now have an answer grounded in science rather than relying on philosophical musing
- Comment on Gen Z mostly doesn't care if influencers are actual humans, new study shows 9 months ago:
I don’t think it’s a bad thing to want to be paid for being the center of attention. There’s pathological levels to it for sure, but we’re communal, creative creatures. Maybe it depends on how we define influencer, idk. I was gonna comment that younger generations aren’t fully developed physiologically, so the appreciation for fully human influence could be chalked up to that
- Comment on Antybooties 10 months ago:
I’ve heard in psychology it’s the opposite, which is kind of unfortunate. Like one guy I follow on YouTube talked about wanting to research something (can’t remember what, but take something like pedophilia) but was told that if he went forward with it he’d be viewed as one because people often want to research what they’re familiar with. I personally find that a bit more important to study than whether ants track their steps, but I’m just one person 🥲
- Comment on Does anyone speak hairdresser? I need help communicating. 10 months ago:
I wish this were the norm for bangs. Every fucking time I go in with pictures, explain with my widows peak and cowlick on one side it doesn’t take much, and they still cut off too much and I’m stuck growing it all back out for the next year before trying again >.<
- Comment on legs to die for 11 months ago:
Where are they native so I can potentially live the remainder of my life in irrational fear?
- Comment on I still don't get why people spend money... there's tons of it for free 11 months ago:
My local library saved my butt last week for a uni class I’m in, and I plan to follow up by buying the book now that I’ve read part of it and like it so much! “Happiness is a Choice You Make” by John Leland if anyone’s curious:) I was skeptical of the title but he’s building an excellent argument for it regarding aging
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I’m taking a psychology of aging course that gets into the extreme cultural ageism against older adults, and man, I really can’t begin to explain how much it’s humbled me. We’re reading a book called “Happiness is a Choice You Make” by John Leland that I want to recommend to everyone now.
I do wonder if there’s a generational difference in how we’ve been exposed and take in information - along with younger adults and kids being more negatively impacted by the isolation of COVID - but otherwise, yeah, I was going to comment something similar. Throw in the AIDS crisis, satanic panic, and any number of other issues
The one thing I want to maybe disagree on is how much “better” things are today. In some ways, absolutely. In others, like stagnated wages, it’s not. I’m not too interested in doing a deep dive on it today but I’ll keep it in mind for a potential summer project
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
I remember reading a few years ago that the US postal service was looking into using it for voting. I haven’t seen anything about it since, but it did peak my interest. I’d love to see it used for research if possible, too, but then I can barely understand these decentralized social media platforms so my opinion isn’t worth much with tech
- Comment on Desperate TikTok lobbying effort backfires on Capitol Hill 11 months ago:
I follow mainly therapists and pet behaviorists on TikTok so my take is the teaching thrives through regular user engagement. I can imagine a teacher letting students know they have a page and getting their start that way, too. It has its risks but it’s really helped supplement my education.
- Comment on What are the strengths of the scientific method? What are its weaknesses? 11 months ago:
We’ll see who cancels who?
- Comment on Fact 1 year ago:
You’re contradicting yourself. If billionaires are shit heads, why does inheriting it inherently make you one? I agree with the other poster that keeping it all is the part that makes it shitty
- Comment on Dissing car brands is console wars for boomers 1 year ago:
Or: Found On Roadside Dead
In my boomer dad’s case, it’s been sitting dead on the property forrrrrr a few decades?
- Comment on Amazon's Silent Sacking 1 year ago:
The first yes, but the second is a straw man of my argument. I’m curious if you can steel man it
- Comment on New year time 1 year ago:
Why must you call me out like this
- Comment on Amazon's Silent Sacking 1 year ago:
Hey, whatcha typing this comment on?