- Comment on I am at a loss on words 3 days ago:
I used to read Ctrl Alt delete and penny arcade all the time. Just stopped reading web comics at some point. Completely missed this meme for a decade on the Internet as well. Was very confused first time I came across it a few years ago.
- Comment on Is this green or blue? 4 days ago:
It’s 1993
- Comment on I'm doing my part! 2 weeks ago:
Oh man such a great game. Great couch co-op.
- Comment on In the 1985 movie Teen Wolf, when Scott Howard turned into a teen wolf, would he have had a human penis or a wolf penis? 3 weeks ago:
Human penis, wolf testicles and scrotum.
- Comment on my version is better 3 weeks ago:
Superchunk has a song hyper enough. It sounds like they say “Laughter guns” but it’s actually “Lofter winds”
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 3 weeks ago:
Plus that graph is pretty much the same when Trump supporters talk about him securing our borders from illegal immigrants. Pretty much every country restricted border crossings at the start of Covid so yeah it was way harder for people to move around.
The Biden administration didn’t increase the amount of illegal immigration, it just returned to the line it had been on before Covid.
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 3 weeks ago:
The word supporter of course.
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 3 weeks ago:
How the arm got to that position matters. We know what Elon did. Unless there’s video I don’t know how the rest of those arms got raised.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 months ago:
I remember coming home from shows in high school/college and I would have to shower and throw my clothes in the washer. I was so happy when smoking was finally banned in clubs.
- Comment on Typing monkey would be unable to produce 'Hamlet' within the lifetime of the universe, study finds 4 months ago:
There are 8.0658*10^67 orders you can shuffle a card deck in.
The math is easy. It’s just 52! if your calculator has that function which is really 525150…32*1. There are 52 possibilities for the first card 51 for the second since you’ve already used one card and so on.
- Comment on Study hack 5 months ago:
Don’t get me started on low quality professors/classes. I went back to get my BS after getting an associates a few years prior and the teachers were much worse and the classes were teaching less than I learned at community college. Very infuriating. I did the minimum to pass a class just so I could leave a review ripping into the teacher/class.
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
80s millennial here and same. Getting games to run was so much work back in the 90s that I learned about computers. I think I got my first IT job because I was able to install and setup Word.
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
Not Foundation, but sounds a bit like it. Galactic empire collapses because no one knows how the technology that powers it works anymore.
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 5 months ago:
Thats how I interpret it as well.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
On my knees, in my ass.
- Comment on If Necromancy suddenly became possible, can the undead be called as a witness during court proceedings? 6 months ago:
No necromancy spells require too much glitter. Think of the environmental impact.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
Isn’t it a remake of elite ii? Oolite is more like elite 1
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
Astalon: Tears of the Earth. Really fun 8-bit roguelite metroidvania where you swap between characters to access different parts of the dungeon.
- Comment on TSMC Arizona struggles to overcome vast differences between Taiwanese and US work culture 6 months ago:
Free time is tight before and after shift so it’s all about preparation. Clothes are out the night before, meals are prepped before work week starts etc. It’s also important to have a short commute. I’m close and go home on lunch break for an hour to eat and walk the dog.
Some days are real busy but fly by fast. I’m super beat after those. Most I’m more “on call” and just fix problems as they come. I get to work on projects I want to in the down time, or even just chill knowing a big problem is around the corner. IDK hard to explain but it’s worth it for the time off. I think my ideal would be for 10s every week.
- Comment on Only ever played OOoT, MM, and WW. Just ordered an Analogue Pocket. Suggest an order. 6 months ago:
Hold up. What are the oracle GBA editions? are they actually enhanced?
- Comment on TSMC Arizona struggles to overcome vast differences between Taiwanese and US work culture 6 months ago:
Honestly once you get used to 12 hour shifts you come to prefer them. You have half the year off before you factor in vacation and sick leave. There is built in overtime every day. The time doesn’t feel much longer than an 8 hour day.
12 hour night shift was rough. The work hours weren’t bad but it was too hard to get on regular hours on my days off.
- Comment on There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent 7 months ago:
I think the 360 failed for the same reason lots of early/mid 2000s PCs failed. They had issues with chips lifting due to the move away from leaded solder. Over time the formulas improved and we don’t see that as much anymore. At least that’s the way I recall it.
- Comment on Reject reality 7 months ago:
Superchunk has a song called hyper enough and I think the first verse ends with “lofter gusts” but it sounds like he’s saying “laughter guns” to me and many others.
- Comment on hot dog 9 months ago:
Hotdog or not hotdog?
- Comment on Ok, $23. Final offer. 9 months ago:
I’ve only seriously lowballed scalpers who buy niche new records and try and flip them. I will pay you the cost of the record and shipping and throw in 5 bucks but that’s it. I will not pay triple.
- Comment on Choose your difficulty 9 months ago:
Mexico mode is only available once a year on May Fifth. It then disappears until next the next year.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I call BS. It’s been apparent for years Elon is an ass clown. I never liked him because I don’t like billionaires, but it was when he called the driver who rescued those kids stuck in a cave a pedophile just because he didn’t get to use his submersible he had space x build. That was 2018. I’m sure there were red flags before that but that was when I lost respect for anyone who likes him.
- Comment on My opinion on Bone conduction earphones 10 months ago:
I wear them at work because normally you are only allowed to wear one ear bud to keep awareness but I am deaf in one ear. The clean room suits actually help improve the sound (I think they vibrate a little). I also use them at my desk so people can’t sneak up on me.
At home I use them for phone calls because I don’t sound weird to me unlike regular headphones.
- Comment on This is a Test 11 months ago:
Desk pop.
- Comment on A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us. 11 months ago:
Only if rail can figure out their shit and hire enough workers and give them all time off. Too many train derailments from precision scheduled railroading.