- Comment on I never realized this 1 month ago:
I’m pretty sure only people on the internet argue about this. No one actually cares what other’s do with their last name after marriage.
This post has 2017 reddit vibes. Not in a good way either.
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 1 month ago:
Why do they need more humans? For workers obviously.
You know what happens when workers become scarce? They are no longer expendable, which means each person has more employment power. This happened after the black death. So many peasants died that the power dynamic shifted and they were free to choose their employers.
They are heavily invested in keeping the population up.
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 1 month ago:
They are proposing a humsn body factory for producing wage slaves.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 1 month ago:
I always thought I had bad indoor allergies until i moved out of my parents house. They have chain smoked inside with the windows closed for my whole life. Moving out was the best thing I ever did for my health.
I hate cigarettes now, especially since I quit smoking myself(didnt smoke inside though) I don’t even know why I started in the first place. I’m dumb I guess?
- Comment on Accused killer of US insurance CEO pleads not guilty to 'terrorist' murder 2 months ago:
Remember how Rapist Brock Turner raped a girl, there were two witnesses, and the judge “didn’t want to ruin an athletes life?”
It’s fucking dystopic how our legal system picks and choses who to apply the law to. Rape a not wealthy person? Get out of jail free. Kill an inarguably evil CEO? Terrorist! get the death penalty.
I personally feel more terrorized by rapists like Brock Turner being free in the world than by Luigi’s actions.
- Comment on Perspective 2 months ago:
I mean, to be completely honest, it was a relief that it wasn’t children or random innocent adults getting gunned down this time.
Ffs the police rarely get the right house when busting someone’s door down and shoot the “wrong suspect” all the time. This guy shot his intended target and hurt no one else. He’s not only less evil than health care CEOs, he’s less evil and more competent that the police.
- Comment on Just put a spray tan over it 2 months ago:
Dyes come in different permanence, but some colors like to stick around for longer. For example pthalo based dyes(or paints even) likes to stain everything and have a tendency to leech into places you don’t want them. Yellow dyes tend to fade from UV exposure very easily. I have no idea what’s in that green dye, but holy shit I hope it’s not carcinogenic.
- Comment on Dyk, Bobby? 2 months ago:
Np! I couldn’t find any evidence that any species of tree use their leaves to prevent new ones from growing too close.
The lack of light, water, and nutrients would kill and new saplings all on its own.
That might be an old hypothesis that later got disproven, but most people don’t keep up on forestry sciences so that’s understandable!
- Comment on Dyk, Bobby? 2 months ago:
I’m not directly aware of any trees that do that, but it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if that was true for at least one species.
Most trees that drop seeds have methods of getting them away from the parent tree. Maple trees have little helicopter twirlies, oak trees have animals carry them off, some trees grow new ones from their roots called suckers.
I’ll try to look it up later because now I’m curious. I’ll update here if I find anything interesting about trees dropping leaves to prevent new ones growing too close.
I don’t think my arborist textbook said anything about that specifically, but I’ll double check there first.
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
Maybe they’ll forget to take their cholesterol meds with all the childlike excitement they seem to be having about eating McDs.
- Comment on When Does Instagram Decide a Nipple Becomes Female? 3 months ago:
I read once that it had more to do with not seeing wealthy women’s nipples. For example wealthy women would hire a wet nurse to breast feed their babies. It was a way to show off wealth and social standing. So the hired help in the form of a wet nurse could show her breasts, but her wealthy employer would not because its beneath her.
So not showing breasts, even for the purpose of breast feeding became affiliated with wealth and power, whereas the inverse was true, showing breasts meant you could not afford to keep them covered.
And that’s not even including the influence of brothels and prostitution.
Let that cook for however many hundreds of years, mix in religion and you get whatever the fuck we have now.
It was an interesting theory and seemed to make sense to me. I’ll have to try to find the article later. I read it maybe 10 years ago so it might take some looking.
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
When supreme court justice kavanaugh was followed by protesters he had a hissy fit and said they couldnt do that. But it’s totally fine to spy on everyone with a phone and expose their medical data.
These hypocritical fuckheads deserve exactly what you are proposing and I’d fucking love to see it happen.
We could even say it’s to protect the children… make sure certain politicians who have expressed interest in legalizing child marriage aren’t left alone with any.
- Comment on Reddit says it is not covered by new Online Safety Code as it has moved its jurisdiction to the Netherlands 4 months ago:
That too
- Comment on Reddit says it is not covered by new Online Safety Code as it has moved its jurisdiction to the Netherlands 4 months ago:
Some us prefer not drowning in bots and pathologically hostile individuals.
- Comment on Mom of the year 4 months ago:
I could be entirely fucking wrong here, but I’m pretty sure that actress played a mom in a netflix show about two brothers who killed their parents.
It’s also 6 am and I just smoked a bowl, and it just occurred to me this might be a joke im not getting. If that’s the case sorry about that and don’t mind me
- Comment on X's controversial changes to blocking and AI training saw half a million users leave for rival Bluesky in just a single day 4 months ago:
Social media like Twitter it preys on people’s fear of missing out. Manufactured Problem - not being up to date on internet bullshit. Marketed solution - be on twitter. Supply and demand died a long time ago. Now it’s all about manufactured problems, and conveniently marketed solutions.
This sort of psychological manipulation in marketing works. It’s why it’s so hard to get people to leave websites like Twitter, reddit, fb ect. They’ve made their brands synonymous with media trends.
It took long enough, but I’m genuinely happy to see folks wising up and realizing they don’t “need” Twitter. It’s like watching a bunch of people break up with a toxic ex all at the same time.
- Comment on there's now more ads in "legit" sites (YouTube, amazon) than in piracy sites 4 months ago:
Ad revenue is like Crack to corporations. Once they get a taste for it, it’s all downhill from there.
Mostly because it’s the easiest money they’ll ever make and it’s more profitable than subscription models. Gotta see those numbers go up at all costs.
- Comment on Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic 4 months ago:
I had this thought too. Probably unrealistic because of all the ways that can go horribly wrong, but somehow that solution seems easier than convincing a certain subset of men to behave themselves.
- Comment on PS5 Homescreen Now Replaces Unique Video Game Art With Annoying Ads You Can’t Turn Off 4 months ago:
Same, still playing my ps4, probably won’t buy a ps5 though. I’ll just wait for ps6 or whatever to happen. As of now ps4 plays elden ring and bloodborne(two of my favorite games) so I’m content with it.
- Comment on Social media is becoming infested with climate change denial and misinformation 4 months ago:
Critical thinking and how to cross check your sources to verify if something is true are invaluable skills.
I graduated high school in 2006 and we had to learn both of those in order write research papers. I grew up in a blue state, and went to public school. My English teacher also taught us that “anyone can get a book published, or write an article online, so always cross check your sources and make sure they aren’t making stuff up.”
They taught us those skills so we could write papers for college, but I feel like they’re even more important now just for navigating the internet.
- Comment on Whale 5 months ago:
It’s so happy to be here
- Comment on rabioli 5 months ago:
I guess all those things are worse than your pet getting West Nile disease, rabies, distemper, or any of the various diseases pets can get.
Some horse people have stopped giving their horses vaccines because " Wild horses don’t need them"(wild horses don’t live as long dumbfuck) and west nile is going rampant. Seeing a horse with west Nile so bad they need to be euthanized is not something I’d wish on anyone. It goes neurological in them and causes loss of coordination and seizures.
- Comment on Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots 5 months ago:
It was more or less a throw away comment pointing out that rich people and corporations don’t get legally held accountable for the same transgressions the same way normal people do.
Rules for thee but not for me with this crap is getting tiresome.
- Comment on Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots 5 months ago:
Guess they’ll have to shut down reddit since they have their analytics boosted by large amounts of bot activity.
The whole point of advertisers paying reddit for ad space is so people will see the ads.
- Comment on If we ever move past Trump I don't think I'll ever be able to put up with any political bullshit again. 5 months ago:
I wish I knew how to program so I could make a browser extension like ublock that blocks Trump content. I’m fucking tired of seeing his face everywhere and hearing all the dumb shit pouring out of his mouth and contaminating everything.
I know all I need to know about him and who I support politically. I’m so done with him trying to monopolize everyones minds and time. Get out of my life you fucking lich.
- Comment on Wells Fargo employee found dead in cubicle 4 days after she clocked in: ‘She was just lying on her desk’ 5 months ago:
I would be so pissed if I died at work like that. If being a ghost is an option after death I’d haunt the fuck out of the ceo, my boss, and anyone else responsible for whatever fucked system lead to that.
I truly feel bad for that woman. No one should die in a fucking office working for some corrupt fucking company.
- Comment on Tibetan Sand Fox 5 months ago:
That animal looks like bad taxidermy even though it’s still alive. Poor thing
- Comment on I'm so sorry 5 months ago:
This is a porn meme? I must be out of the loop on that one. I thought it was referencing a Hanes commercial or something. Look at those shirts!
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
Thank you for the info! Thats a great way to get an introduction to linux so can I poke around and get used to it. Appreciate the advice!
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
Thank you much for this! I really appreciate that you took the time write all of that out
I do have an old laptop I can use for learning on, don’t know why it didn’t occur to me to try linux on that first, but I’ll definitely do that, follow your instructions and see how it goes.
I genuinely want to switch, just didn’t have the confidence to actually try. Thank you again for the great advice! I gotta go dig out that old laptop.