In Finland we steal dynamite from construction sites and do some sudden nightly dismantling. No crackheads needed.
Get to work, crackheads
Submitted 1 year ago by to [deleted]
Comments 1 year ago 1 year ago
It does amaze me how many people I’ve met who have a vicious hatred towards speed cameras. Especially interesting where people have so much respect for the police. 1 year ago
We don’t like the idea a private company is enforcing laws not for safety but for profit. Especially when things like shortening of yellow light time and cameras that don’t properly report speed. It’s horseshit. 1 year ago
Wait we have respect for the police in Finland? 1 year ago
Dey took 'r jobs 1 year ago
What about vodka, is that needed? 1 year ago
Not always needed but always appreciated. 1 year ago
Gotta enforce speed limits.
And these things don’t shoot you if you look at them wrong – or are black. 1 year ago
And they fucking work!…/annoying-thing-speed-cameras-ottawa-they…
I can’t believe that people don’t want to see them installed in every school zones at least, if there’s one place where you don’t want people speeding it’s there!
“It’s a road design issue!” Yeah? What’s cheaper and can be done quicker, changing the road design or installing speed cameras? 1 year ago
Where I live they are mostly used in school zones and residential areas, and they only trigger when going 12+ miles over the limit. Seems pretty reasonable. 1 year ago
Yeah people not respecting speed zones around schools is a real problem. I can’t believe how people drive, and I’ve always got some Dodge Ram or Ford F150 riding my ass because I’m driving the proper speed.
Even if there was no posted speed limit, there are children everywhere and children are unpredictable. 1 year ago
They also can’t testify in court, depriving accused speeders of their constitutional right to due process.
But back to your first claim: “gotta enforce speed limits.”
No, we do not. Speeding is a symptom of a street that was designed wrong to begin with. The correct solution is to fix the design, not install a speed camera as some sort of big brother band-aid. 1 year ago
Sorry, but that is a gross misinterpretation. Drivers are not victims of an intrinsic speed devil that they cannot escape. They still choose to violate the speed limit in most cases.
What was done in these countries is to acknowledge, that physical design is more effective as enforcement, than the cop with a speed-meter.
Still the explicit intent is to enforce speed-limits, knowing that people would violate them if they could, but they can’t because they would wreck their car. Still those people choose to violate and are responsible for their actions. 1 year ago
Sorry but it’s a black and white thing in this case, r either you’re under the speed limit and not breaking the law or you’re over the speed limit and breaking the law.
Also, tons of people object to speed camera tickets and win, the only difference is that there’s no officer there when the event happened to tell them “Say that to the judge if you’re not happy.”, the end result is the same. 1 year ago
street that was designed wrong
Not Just Bikes?
*checks link*
yep, Not Just Bikes.Yeah, speeding is a symptom of poor infrastructure design. It means one of a few possibilities:
- You don’t care and get speeding tickets
- You do care and piss off everyone else on the road 1 year ago
I'm sure it varies by area.
Where I live they install speed cameras in residential areas, school zones, and bus routes. They also only trigger when you are going 12 or more over the limit, and the highest speed limit I've seen with one these was 45mph, 35mph during school times. They also have an officer review and sign the citation, it is a flat fee, and no points. If needed, the officer who reviews will testify in court.
If someone is going 12+ over on school zones, school bus routes, and residential neighborhoods, then they deserve their fine. 1 year ago
why do y’all apparently hate the idea of improving street design? As a former traffic engineer,
I think people are intuitively understanding that it’s not really a possibility in a country as large as America. There are only 139,000 km of public roads in the Netherlands, compared to 6,743,151 km of roads in America. We also have different types of traffic compared to the Netherlands, more large vehicles and people without access to public transportation for daily commutes. Compounding all this with the fact that the federal government has no control of how most of these roads are built… It’s understandable why people don’t see this as realistic option. 1 year ago
I’m a big fan of NJB (shout out to !, but I’m not going to argue against speed cameras. That’s ridiculous. Yes, if I have to choose one or the other I’ll take the better road design. But even with good road design, some people will choose to be dicks because they can, or they see it as a challenge or some shit. And speed cameras can be implemented right now, whereas better road design waits (even in the Netherlands!) until that street is next due for repaving. 1 year ago
I don’t find improving road safety through intelligent engineering controversial, I think blaming the street design instead of the idiot deciding to speed through it is controversial. In the end it is the driver who accelerated, not the road engineer.
In fact I actually like how much attention has been brought over the past years to road design. I’ve always been scared of cars. 1 year ago
I mean, I agree people hating speed cameras is nonsense, just drive the speed limit! However, traffic calming is legit and makes the road a much safer place for pedestrians, and usually it’s by narrowing the road, not widening it. 1 year ago
Im not a fan of them because they have been known to cause accidents in the past from people trying to slow down and not get ticketed. That and it only slows people down in that specific area. You slow down, drive past it, then just speed back up.
I think Europe uses a better system, where you post two cameras on either end of the road you want to regulate the speed of. You take pictures of the license plates and time how long they were in the road for, then divide the distance by time to determine average speed. If that speed is above the legal limit, you look up the plate and they get a ticket in the mail. It’s lower tech because it doesn’t need LiDar, it’s harder to ‘cheat’, and it can be pretty cheap for regulating long stretches of road without exits. 1 year ago
While the system you describe does exist a lot in Europe the single cameras are much lower tech. They don’t have to read the license plate (twice!) correctly – they just take a picture. And while the mobile ones (non-descript grey van with blacked out rear windows parked at the side of the road) do use LIDAR, the static ones use just induction coils that are put into the road surface about 2m apart, rivht where the camera is looking. In Germany they’ll often put these coils in both directions of the road and just randomly turn the camera around, though newer ones just work in both directions all the time. 1 year ago
“They have been known to cause accidents”
No source, but there’s sources that show they reduce the number of people speeding this making the roads safer for non driver users by reducing the number of accidents. 1 year ago
What’s the copper to crack exchange rate currently? 1 year ago
5.5lbs of copper is apparently about 20$ worth 1 year ago
But that doesn’t mean that you’d get the full $20 if you take it to a scrapyard. Still pretty good though. A relative of mine searches dumpsters for metal stuff and gets good money selling it to scrapyards. They have a job and good money. I think they just do it as a sidehustle and for fun 1 year ago
Wait I can buy 5 lbs of copper for 20 dollars? Making ingots sounds like a blast. Or coinage! 1 year ago
That can’t be true, that seems incredibly cheap. 1 year ago
This one is in a school zone. People really shouldn’t be speeding through them unless they’re a “fuck them kids” kinda person, and if you are you’re a piece of shit. 1 year ago
sir this is a shitpost 1 year ago
Yeah, but how many people are seeing this post thinking “obviously it’s a shitpost, but also based?”
I for one was until someone said it was a school zone 1 year ago
Even better solution though: the street at a school zone that no driver more sane than the most insane Florida Man would not fathom driving any faster than 20 km/h, no speed cameras required. 1 year ago
Even better solution though: the street at a school zone that no driver more sane than the most insane Florida Man would not fathom driving any faster than 20 km/h, no speed cameras required.
What? 1 year ago
“Take this road that’s in good condition and spend public money rebuilding it over months instead of installing a camera today to push drivers to be responsible.” 1 year ago
Don’t know how there would be that much copper in there. 1 year ago
Perhaps you’re not the intended target audience, then. 1 year ago
Yes, the intended target audience is desperate addicts who can be tricked into committing a crime that doesn’t actually benefit them at all. 1 year ago
are you sure? There’s only 1 way to find out 1 year ago
Hey it me, ur mayor. I give u permission do it do it 1 year ago
That doesn’t sound quite right, but I’m sure there’s some platinum in there to make up for it. 1 year ago
dig hard enough under a mountain and you might find an emerald 1 year ago
Or a Balrog. 1 year ago
And what would it be doing in there? 1 year ago
Every trap needs bait.
Worms for fish. Meat for bears. Copper for meth heads. 1 year ago
Conducting electricity would be my guess? 1 year ago
It’s a camera in a box, pretty sure it doesn’t use that amount of power 1 year ago
You’ll never find out just sitting here talking about it. Whatever it is, it’s gotta be exciting! 1 year ago
Guys, guys. Hear me out. What if (tokes) yeah…what if like if we like yeah. Oh? Sorry. What if we train pigeons to shit on traffic camera lens. It could be done. The military had trained pigeons to guide bombs against warships. Let’s train and breed pigeons to do this and release them in the wild. 1 year ago
Birds aren’t real 1 year ago
So we are replacing pigeons with crackhead? 1 year ago
Some of them used to contain bog standard DSLRs, so they were worth stealing. 1 year ago
Someone actually stole a bunch of cameras but couldn’t offload it and ended up getting caught when he tried to sell it on craigslist. Lol. Apparently the camera units are proprietary in the office shelf. 1 year ago
Semi-related: Only small amounts of copper are typically stored in the human body, and the average adult has a total body content of 50–120 mg copper. Most copper is excreted in bile, and a small amount is excreted in urine. 1 year ago
More if you have Wilson’s Disease 1 year ago
Get to work, crackheads 1 year ago
Water: 35 liters, Carbon: 20 kg, Ammonia: 4 liters, Lime:1.5 kg, Phosphrus: 800 g, salt: 250g, saltpeter:100g, Sulfer: 80g, Fluorine: 7.5 g, iron: 5.6 g, Silicon: 3g, and 15 other elements in small quantities… thats the total chemical makeup of the average adult body. Modern science knows all of this, but there has never been a single example of succesful human trasmutation. 1 year ago
These are the Things that Make a Man Iron enough to make a nail, Lime enough to paint a wall, Water enough to drown a dog, Sulphur enough to stop the fleas, Potash enough to wash a shirt, Gold enough to buy a bean, Silver enough to coat a pin, Lead enough to ballast a bird, Phosphor enough to light the town, Poison enough to kill a cow, Strength enough to build a home, Time enough to hold a child, Love enough to break a heart.
Terry Pratchett, Wintersmith 1 year ago
So we can make explosives out of humans? Oh boy. 1 year ago
Damn why is there so much copper in food 1 year ago
OP sais this " … steal or vandalize speed enforcement cameras …" 1 year ago
“Specifically this one outside of an elementary school” 1 year ago
They didn’t say that, but they definitely implied it. If OP said that, they would be getting a little visit from the police or FBI. 1 year ago
I’m sure that the US navy seals has already infiltrated OP’s house and neutralized the threat. Merely joking about destroying traffic cams definitely warrants this type of action. /s 1 year ago
Using vehicle velocity as risk assessment method is fucking dumb. Might as well put that copper to better use. 1 year ago
No it’s not. Speed is a very significant element of road safety. At lower speeds, you can stop in a much shorter distance, and if you hit someone their chance of death or serious injury goes way down. Braking distance is proportional to the square of velocity, and reaction distance is directly proportional. If hit at 50 km/h, a pedestrian has a 90% chance of death. At 30 km/h, they have a 90% chance of survival.
At lower speeds, you’re also far more likely to notice something that might require you to stop or slow. Your cone of vision at 60 km/h is 40°. At 80 it’s 30°, and at 100 km/h it’s 20°. A different source I found says under 50 km/h it’s 104° and at 65 it’s 70°. Whatever the specifics, lower speeds are much safer.
This isn’t to say that speed cameras are the best or should be the only method used to ensure road safety. Narrowing roads, adding furniture by the roadside, and increasing the complexity of the route, are all good ways to reinforce a lower speed limit by reducing how safe drivers feel driving at high speed. But speed cameras are a useful supplement to that, for those drivers determined to be irresponsible. 1 year ago
Both risk of collision as well as risk of injury / death if a collision occurs correlate heavily with speed. Of course it’s not the only factor, that’s why we have safety and license requirements for vehicles and drivers as well but there’s literally no better factor than speed to consider. 1 year ago
So, I’m assuming then that people here think speed limits are bad, and drivers should be able to drive as fast as they like?
Otherwise, we wouldn’t be supporting vandalising equipment designed to reduce speeding, right?
Just so we’re on the same page is all. Safety bad, going fast good. Right? 1 year ago
Speeding cameras are revenue generating equipment, not safety equipment.
Roads are engineered to be comfortably driven at a certain speed. When legislators put a lower speed limit on these roads it creates a safety hazard and a moral hazard. If you want people to drive slower, you have to modify the road to lower it’s design speed. These modifications (lane narrowing, for example) are a safety tool, not the speeding camera.
I’ve never met anyone who thought these cameras were safety equipment! 1 year ago
If these things were actually used to increase public safety I’d be all for them. Unfortunately our current system rewards corruption, so that’s not the case. Speed and red light cams are never actually used for safety, they’re used to extract money from the populace.…/red-light-camera-controversy/
This article is about red light cameras rather than speed cameras, but corporations and municipalities (corrupt or just naive) can be trusted to find ways to fuck over the public for profit using the speed cameras too. 1 year ago
I would be more inclined to trust this stuff if local governments weren’t able to make money off of it. If all traffic court fines went to say the state level government then the only motivation for enforcing the law was because the law was good. We don’t expect homicide units to be a revenue stream because we have collectively decided that murder is not a good thing to have around. 1 year ago
Right. 1 year ago
Roughly 2.5 kg. 1 year ago
Normally I’d be on board with this, but the picture is literally in front of an elementary school! If there’s any place that I’m ok having speed cameras, it’s in a school zone.
But yeah, if it’s a speed camera on a major highway raking in cash for everyone going 10 over? Fuuuuuuuck that. 1 year ago
So much wrong in this picture.
- Hey, want to commit a crime?
- photo enforcement sucks and doesn’t really work and is just used as tax revenue for cities
- meanwhile speeding continues as normal with all the casualties that come with it
- Cities, however, do need this revenue to not go bankrupt because they’re all designed wrong and can barely get any tax revenued while still affording details like infrastructure maintenance
- Cities should redesign their rod infrastructure instead. Where you still need car roads, design the roads for the speed you want. If you put a highway in front of a school, people will drive a 100 miles per hour because that is what the road was dest for.
- Cities should start changing laws to push for livable designs focused on humans beings instead of cars everywhere. You’ll need less cars, have less accidents, get more tax revenue from more local businesses 1 year ago
let the intrusive thoughts win 1 year ago
Buy chilean copper instead. 1 year ago
What’s a “photo enforcement camera”? Speed camera? CCTV? Detects you then just drops on your head? 1 year ago
coomer elementary school? 1 year ago
I just passed my this meme a few times today but only just now noticed the fucking elementary school sign, how about you just slow the fuck down or lose your license, asshole? 1 year ago
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but people who don’t follow vehicle operation laws and safety deserve to be punished severely. 1 year ago
Hooooly shit this people arguing over government issues bellow a shitpost thats logical … 1 year ago
Creeper shot of a school? Stay classy 1 year ago 1 year ago
Literally 1 year ago
Or maybe some people just need more coffee 🤷🏻♂️ 1 year ago
People get too embarrassed about publicly being wrong. I went in on someone recently in a comment thread, typed up like a whole paragraph tearing down what I thought was an indefensible point.
Homeboy replied like “hey you misread my comment”
Rather than edit everything away to hide my shame, I just replied with “you’re right, I’m drunk on a cruise!” and it was honestly a highlight of the voyage. Maybe some randys can get the same enjoyment out of rereading the interaction, and that’s way more than anyone would get out of “edit: whoops”