- Comment on From moms pov 3 months ago:
Back in my day we used to make “tfw” (that feel when) or “mfw” (my face when) posts that rarely if ever contained a face or a feeling
- Comment on Apple keeps flogging 8GB of RAM for its Mac computers but it's still a dead horse 10 months ago:
The 8gb ram MacBook works great for […] writing resumes…
Um I’m not sure where you heard that but ChatGPT requires a shit ton of memory
(Sorry, I’ll show myself out)
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
I still get block messages in Vivaldi, but not Firefox.
- Comment on High quality channel 10 months ago:
Chicagoan here, chiming in: I saw this guy like 4 times on my way to work this morning.
- Comment on US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of TikTok despite angry calls from users 11 months ago:
I mean, it’s not one or the other. No interference from Congress means we get surveilled by China and the US. Congress can cut that number in half.
- Comment on Should a toggle button show its current state or the state to which it will change? 1 year ago:
That’s true, you can’t really miss what’s happening with a dark mode switch – it’s not like it’s a “charge me $50 extra for insurance on my shredded wheat” button.
The theme selector tho – while rare – IDK, that doesn’t have have text – it probably should, for the same if a11y, but you can indicate the theme with an image; the one I made for a project recently uses the image itself on the button.
- Comment on Should a toggle button show its current state or the state to which it will change? 1 year ago:
The case that undermines your point is icon toggles, since they don’t need a label, but a checkbox does. For example, dark mode icon buttons: They usually show sun or moon icons, which hits OP’s point: if your in dark mode, and the button shows a moon, that would make sense – except the button doesn’t put you into dark mode, at that point it puts you into light mode, so, shouldn’t it show the sun?
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
I’ve been loving Source Hut, but they’re not ready to handle GitHub-level usage
- Comment on Mozilla CEO quits, org pivots, but what about Firefox? 1 year ago:
Great post but I just want able to let this go:
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
Microsoft is going to continue to increase their monetization of GitHub. It’s going to get worse, not better.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
I’m not sure I understand the problem. Is the problem that they’re not using matrix? Or do you prefer that or was still ask on IRC? I don’t hate IRC but it’s definitely way less user friendly.
- Comment on AI lobbying spikes 185% as calls for regulation surge 1 year ago:
You’re not wrong but I don’t love the implication that people who use wheelchairs aren’t healthy
Adding to your point: the freedom to petition the government for the redress of grievances is not just in the Bill of Rights, it’s also in the Magna Carta.
- Comment on New Glibc Flaw Grants Attackers Root Access on Major Linux Distros 1 year ago:
Noob question: that’s a really old library, right? Has this issue been there for decades before someone found it, or is this vulnerability part of some newer addition to it?
- Comment on Get to work, crackheads 1 year ago:
You’ll never find out just sitting here talking about it. Whatever it is, it’s gotta be exciting!
- Comment on Get to work, crackheads 1 year ago:
That’s honestly a really great approach. I’m going to do that next time I fuck up at work. Boss: “The production server is down and the database is hosed!”
Me: Omg I’m so sorry! I’m drunk on a cruise!
- Comment on Instance admin updates + Blahaj 1 year ago:
It’s not just the trivial things themselves – it’s also the idea that admins will have to police their users for trivial missteps, under threat of defederation, so no one will want to run a server.
- Comment on Instance admin updates + Blahaj 1 year ago:
Ex-list and inc-list are a lot more intuitive too.
- Comment on Instance admin updates + Blahaj 1 year ago:
Just to make we fully exhume the original argument – I hang out with a lot of trans and nb people and I’ve noticed people just saying “they” to everyone, and I kinda love it. If everyone’s just they then no one needs pronouns. The first part of the long term mission, to destabilize gender completely, starts with shit like that - taking all gender out of language.
- Comment on Embrace, Extend, Enforce (ƎƎƎ): A practical Strategy against potentially abusive Instances like Meta’s Threads 1 year ago:
This is digging into pretty legal territory and copyright law is (arguably unnecessarily) complex – but licenses are things that you use to let people use your patents. I think that’s what they were initially and mainly; but then software and the copyleft movements kind of detached the concepts of licenses and patents.
The fediverse protocols could definitely be patented and licensed, but, like you said (or implied, really), that’s… sketchy af. Like, anyone we could trust to patent it would probably refuse to do it – Linux Torvalds would probably curse me out for even suggesting it, and the lecture rms gave me would probably never end.
- Comment on Apple And Google Are Sending Your Push Notifications to The Government 1 year ago:
None of the rules and restrictions that they impose on us will ever impact them or anyone in their families, political power is just about maintaining and increasing political power. If we ever get any protections or services it’s just because doing so will enable them to get reelected.
I don’t think most people understand how politicians live - every room they go into, everyone in the room is suddenly their servant; they live every moment surrounded by sycophants who are making a career out of preventing access to you. There are a handful of people that have more power than you, but you hardly ever encounter them. A few months of that would change anyone - imagine living years like that?
One day, someone taps you on the shoulder; it’s some dirty 20 something who doesn’t even know what wagu steak is, much less why you shouldn’t be interrupted while it’s still hot.
What the fuck do you want, kid?
I’m up to my ears in medical bills, is there anything you can do about socializing our healthcare?
You look around the table apologetically at the people you’re eating with, three of whom work for health care companies. They don’t say, “that would destroy our line-goes-up” or “any normal job will get this kid health insurance, he just doesn’t want to work.” They don’t say anything. They just roll their eyes and flash a sheepish, such an embarrassment kind of look.
Now’s not a great time, ok? But call my office and we’ll set something up.
But there never really is a good time, is there? You turn back to your plate, your beef is still mostly hot, and don’t bother giving the kid your number. You forget the kid a moment later and don’t think of him again until years later. What ever happened to that kid? I hope he figured out his debt problem.
- Comment on Advent of code starts in less than 12 hours! 1 year ago:
Ok cool, thank you! I’ll see how it goes.
- Comment on Advent of code starts in less than 12 hours! 1 year ago:
How hard are the puzzles? I’ve been coding for a while but I’m self taught and I have no idea whether I’m any good or not. I’d love to give them a shot but I have no idea whether they’re totally out of reach or doable. What level of developer are they intended for?
- Comment on Is there a place where you can request code reviews on opensource software? 1 year ago:
That’s Wikipedia’s approach, arguably one of the most successful “open source” projects in history - certainly not without its problems, but overall it’s pretty great
- Comment on YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users 1 year ago:
I was under the impression Chrome doesn’t let you use ad blockers anymore? idk I use
archfirefox btw - Comment on The only thing that matters 1 year ago:
There was that Big News Derailment a while back - but what they didn’t bother telling us at the time was that there are derailments on like a daily basis. It’s incredibly common. They’re not always hugely toxic, but is that required for us to care?
- Comment on Mozilla Senior Director of Content explained why Mozilla has taken an interest in the fediverse and Mastodon 1 year ago:
I’m not sure if this is what that person meant, but, usually it’s on the original development team to handle outreach and building the identity of the software - in Lemmy’s case, they have a bit of a not-great reputation… Even if they had the reach, that reputation hurts.
Having Mozilla - or any top tier foss-friendly company - kinda take the reins a bit would probably be good.
- Comment on AI will change the way we do everything. All jobs will be replaced. 1 year ago:
It’s like arguing with a MAGA
- Comment on YouTube isn't happy you're using ad blockers — and it's doing something about it 1 year ago:
I think that just means you weren’t part of the test group.
I was part of it. It’s not that ad blockers don’t work - they still work fine. YouTube just doesn’t load the content; it’s a full screen modal telling you to disable it.
When it happened to me, I was able to just open the link in a private window and it loaded fine - ive_never_seen_this_man_before_in_my_life.jpg - but that may have just been because it was a year; if they roll this out to everyone everywhere I’m guessing that wouldn’t work.
The other thing that worked was yt-dlp … Hopefully that won’t be impacted by the adblock prohibition… That also gets around workplace filters (at my work anyway).
- Comment on [Lemmy active users] 28th of September was the only day with more monthly active Lemmy users than the previous one, probably thanks to the release of Boost for Lemmy 1 year ago:
I feel like you’re implying that there are categories of content that don’t belong to one of those two groups and tbh I can’t think of any
- Comment on Dotfiles matter 1 year ago:
You’re right that that’s extremely unambiguous, but I still don’t love the idea that users don’t get to decide what’s in $HOME, like, maybe we could call it “$STORAGE_FOR_RANDOM_BULLSHIT” instead?
If anything in computing conventions implies “user space” it’s a global variable named HOME. And it makes sense that there should be a $STORAGE_FOR_RANDOM_BULLSHIT location too - but maybe not the same place? Then users could symlink the dotfiles they personally find relevant.
I know you’re not Linus, but, I just had to express that.