- Comment on FBI identified suspect in California acorn attack 1 year ago:
Suspect last seen aligned with head of already in custody black collateral damage handcuffed in back of cruiser.
- Comment on Mozilla lays off 60 people, wants to build AI into Firefox 1 year ago:
Librewolf is built on Gecko.
Tor Browser seems cool, it’s what I use on my phone whenever I have spare time to let it load before searching things which don’t require a lot of bandwidth.
Mullvad? Is that some kind of slur? I’ve never heard of that but searches say it’s a VPN client. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on So glad I'm ditching these fucking idiots 1 year ago:
I was gonna say, I don’t use them professionally and it’s been a few years since I tried some alternatives, but being able to use F360 free version and export to usable filetypes, plus the ability to make designs editable and read-only as needed to bypass the document limit, are absolutely amazing.
- Comment on remember, if your gf isn't open source and running locally, you don't own her 1 year ago:
They forgot to put in the quit when they built this one. You should be in the porn industry.
- Comment on remember, if your gf isn't open source and running locally, you don't own her 1 year ago:
Oh thanks, I really wanted to read another defence of an unethical product by some fanboy with no life. I love it. You chose a great conversation to start here.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Entry level average salary for Game Designers is around 50K USD, or $24 Per Hour equivalent, veteran positions make over 100k USD. For artists that number is even higher, from 60k to 120k.
In the last 3 years alone Indie games have gone from about 10% of the market to 20%. There has never been a better time to abandon the corporate overlords and make your own games with small teams and studios.
- Comment on remember, if your gf isn't open source and running locally, you don't own her 1 year ago:
Sometimes it generates its own fake documentation when called out on a lie.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
That might be nice, it would be cool to have coherent independent stories instead of: “There is literally only one path and this random person who means nothing to you or your mission personally is in your way, kill them! (reading their pocket journal is optional)”
I do feel like the second chapter was better than the first in that regard, though.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
often requires biting the bullet and doing something like working for a big soulless company
No, it really doesn’t. People who chose that path in the last few years made a very clear mistake. A decent enough artist to get hired by Triple A can absolutely get plenty of work elsewhere, and it’s getting easier every day.
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
Some people get paid to live there and clean the place, but it’s becoming a thing of the past as the individual tasks get compartmentalized by specialist jobs. Why hire a full time custodian, landscaper, heavy equipment operator, and records keeper extraordinaire when you could just hire part timers for each as needed?
- Comment on Mozilla lays off 60 people, wants to build AI into Firefox 1 year ago:
That sounds nice, I’ll check it out.
- Comment on remember, if your gf isn't open source and running locally, you don't own her 1 year ago:
HaVE yOu trIED iT bEfOrE? fOr SIMplE tAskS it SaVEs Me A lOt oF timE AT wOrK
JFC a skipping record plays right on queue whenever somebody speaks ill of the GPTs and LLMs.
- Comment on Mozilla lays off 60 people, wants to build AI into Firefox 1 year ago:
So to recap, your choices are
One of 70 flavors of Chromium including the “privacy centric” Opera who run Chinese loan shark gangs for some reason, Edge which is Microsoft Chromium and aside from hardware acceleration capabilities is pretty meh, and Brave which despite operating their own separate search engine index are one of the most likely to sell your data and/or kidneys
Rapidly Enshitifying Firefox
Safari - no comment
Whatever the fuck Gecko is…
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
The base game can be done in like 5-8 hours on a leisurely pace, the current speedrun WR is 57minutes but there are only 6 runners who’ve submitted to it so feasibly you could get a lot better times than that.
I’ve actually got a video on YT where I perform the “I Was Not Expecting You, Human” achievement to Slay Warden Krieg in Veteran Mode with a character under level 11, and it was an hour and thirteen minutes from character creation to finish. The last 10 minutes are just the Krieg fight itself. This could be done much faster without the level requirement, though, because you could get more damage and better items.
The major problem with it is the enemy scaling. Every area has a minimum level and a maximum level, and as the character levels up so do the enemies. That means if you keep leveling in an area until you dwarf the enemies, it just keeps making it harder in the next area, so you’re incentivized to stay at the minimum level for that area and ignore the vast majority of enemies. Even farming for good loot comes at the added cost of making the mobs harder. I used to use a site that shows the level range for areas but I can’t find it anymore, sadly.
- Comment on remember, if your gf isn't open source and running locally, you don't own her 1 year ago:
Nah, bullshit, so far these LLM’s are as likely to insult or radicalize you as comfort you. That won’t ever be solved until AGI becomes commonplace, which won’t be for a long ass time. These products are failures at launch.
- Comment on remember, if your gf isn't open source and running locally, you don't own her 1 year ago:
It’s a very nuanced situation, but the people being sold these products and buying them are expecting a sentient robot lover. They’re getting another shitty chatbot that inevitably fails to meet bare minimum companionship standards such as not berating you.
There currently exists no ethical use of LLM AI. Your comment can be construed as defence of malicious people and actions.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
Slower? I tried to speedrun it once and because of a build mistake in Chapter 2 Act 3 it took me 14 hours to beat the base game before maps.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
The original Divinity was Divine Divinity 2002 and it was extremely Diablo-esque, over the decades they diversified a bit.
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
It was unthinkable to millions of people that an attack on the USA could reach so far in as to hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in a single morning. We were the strongest military on earth and had fully operational radar, but failed to keep planes from absolutely demolishing the towers. A lot of people just can’t understand the complicated stuff like that.
The government has done a lot worse.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
All of the promotional footage I’ve seen for it looked indiscernible from PoE 1 graphics but maybe that’s due to ongoing development.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
You might like the Divinity series.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
For me it was a very short experience, but it’s got online coop.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
PoE 2 announced a couple years ago and should be launching soon, pretty much the same stuff on a new engine.
- Comment on remember, if your gf isn't open source and running locally, you don't own her 1 year ago:
I’ve seen like 5 posts about “AI BF/GF” today and it never ceases to surprise me how fucking easy it is to dupe people with these products, like holy shit humanity is fucked.
- Comment on Pornstars: "we agree" 1 year ago:
There are some minidocumentaries and interviews on the subject. On top of surgery and drug use being basically required, it’s not a career you can work in for more than a few years for most and comes with various health complications. Plus, once it’s out there on the internet it’s harder to pursue any other career with a public image.
- Comment on Audacity adds AI audio editing capabilities thanks to free Intel OpenVINO plugins 1 year ago:
Pot says the Kettle exagerates.
- Comment on Audacity adds AI audio editing capabilities thanks to free Intel OpenVINO plugins 1 year ago:
If it was truly opt in, then why did the community feel the need to create forks removing the telemetry? Plus, a lot of FOSS don’t need telemetry to start with. They get tons of voluntary high quality feedback without automated collection.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
It’s hard to feel pity for the creatives who sign on to work for the huge evil megacorps.
- Comment on Audacity adds AI audio editing capabilities thanks to free Intel OpenVINO plugins 1 year ago:
And thats fair, you should always do your own research and make your own informed decisions.
- Comment on Audacity adds AI audio editing capabilities thanks to free Intel OpenVINO plugins 1 year ago:
They got acquired in 2021 so a lot of people have been very skeptical about it lately.