- Comment on Self-hosting minecraft 2 days ago:
Main reason for me is Realms limits the view distance to 16 rather than 32 on Java
- Are there other notable assassinations in recent or not-so-recent history that brought out overwhelming public support, such as, perhaps, when Gavrilo Princip shot the Archduke Franz Ferdinand? ↗Submitted 2 months ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on vines of the animal kingdom 3 months ago:
I can see why Techbros would want such gorgeous invertebrates as pets but as long as they have enough enrichment in their enclosure but I would hardly call keeping these primitive worms slavery. Any kind of exotic pet always raises questions of ethicality so I understand why you’d be concerned. Do you personally know some people in the tech industry that keep these? How big a terrarium do they need and what kinds of plants and substrate do they prefer?
- Comment on pizza pizza 3 months ago:
Oooh, new hypochondria unlocked. Thanks, stranger!
- Comment on You know what, fuck you [un-Jags uar icon] 3 months ago:
That’s what it is, isn’t it. Retirement in their design department, new hires and this is a Millenial message marketing to Gen Zers (and Alphas too, automotive preference starts early)
- Comment on You know what, fuck you [un-Jags uar icon] 3 months ago:
I think they want people to focus on the “agua” and the j and r are just little accents on it like its word art rather than a logo. Like, I literally picture the marketing weirdos at the meeting going off like this.
- Comment on It's pretty cruel, particularly for non-native English speakers, that 'lose' and 'loose' seemingly switched spellings, meanings and pronunciations with each other when no one was looking 3 months ago:
I’m in the US and I pronounce it, I think a lot of people do? Maybe I just know a lot of snobs and “regular” Americans mush the word together but I don’t think so
- Comment on Corn? I DAUHN REMEMBAH EATING ANY CORN! 3 months ago:
Galilean satellite Io mention
- Comment on No excuse 4 months ago:
If you’re always reparking your car you run a risk of a collision with a distracted driver. If someone sees a car going into a spot its not unreasonable to think they’d assume the car is out of play and can be ignored. When you back out to adjust back between the lines eventually one of those times someone won’t be paying attention to you.]
- Comment on The FTC is finally making it easier to cancel your gym membership 4 months ago:
A less crowded gym because more people cancelled their memberships? Nice!
- Comment on Academic publishing - pfft 4 months ago:
Googled it and:
Gut microbiota: PAs can improve the diversity of gut microbes, and can increase the abundance of beneficial bacteria while decreasing the abundance of harmful bacteria.
Fecal odor: PAs can reduce the level of putrefactive substances in the feces, which can reduce fecal odor.
Fecal pH: PAs can decrease fecal pH.
Antimicrobial activity: PAs can have an antimicrobial effect on potentially pathogenic bacteria.
Prebiotic effect: PAs can have a prebiotic effect on beneficial bacteria.
Looks like I’m buying some seeded grapes for science!
- Comment on Octopus 5 months ago:
That’s one well-trained octopus!
- Comment on Has anyone let David Icke know about this? 5 months ago:
Well I’m convinced. Checkmate atheists!
- Comment on Trump rallies plummeting! Sell! Sell! Sell! 5 months ago:
He’s saving his energy for what he expects will be a win, he’s got a lot of powerful supporters and they’ll be using every trick in the book in the coming weeks. I’m to the point where any good news about Harris or mockery of Trump is infuriating as it puts Harris voters in a more confident position and will lead to lower turnout as they think she’s got a better than 50-50 chance, at best. Her campaign and her supporters need to be pulling out all the stops and pushing as hard as possible to the finish line rather than basking in their illusory lead.
- Comment on "It was one of those perfect summer days which, in a world where everything was on track and on the beam, you would never forget." 5 months ago:
It’s definitely worth your time, not like Kings other books, more dark fantasy adventure than horror. I enjoyed the first few books in high school and finished the series as they came out in the following decade. Quite a trip and very original and deep worldbuilding.
- "It was one of those perfect summer days which, in a world where everything was on track and on the beam, you would never forget." ↗Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 6 comments
- Comment on Why are doctors so hands off and unhelpful in the USA? 5 months ago:
Non-compliant patients who “do their own research” on the internet.
In the US they advertise drugs directly to us, we’re expected to do our own marketing-guided research to speed along the transaction.
- Comment on Why do boomers hate squirrels so much? 6 months ago:
Not a boomer but the little bastards chewed through the propane line on my grill so now I throw rocks at em when I see them. They’re formally vermin in my eyes.
- Comment on Regarding this picture, where do you think quantum computers lie and why? 6 months ago:
Good points, I’m reevaluating my perspective on quantum computing.
From the article you posted, it says that “certain chemistry, quantum materials, and materials science applications” are suitable for quantum computing but that “accelerating incompressible computational fluid dynamics” aren’t suitable with current understanding of how the algorithms could work.
My takeaway as someone with a couple years of CS education from years ago is that the qcomputers are good at gradient descent/simulated annealing or something like that but that advantage disappears with more complex problems. Also that we’ll need a few more orders of magnitude qubits to make the output “interesting.” Still though, helpful to see that something worthwhile is stirring under all that research , I appreciate the insight!
- Comment on Regarding this picture, where do you think quantum computers lie and why? 6 months ago:
I saw on a website dedicated to the Wright brothers, that but I was curious if there was something recognizable as a stock price listing as a publicly traded company. Larger investors like that might jump in before smaller investors started approaching it.
I posted a question about it on the largest stocks related communities I could find on Lemmy, maybe someone has expertise in that kind of thing. I’ll turn it over to AskLemmy if nobody shows up on the smaller forum.
- Comment on Regarding this picture, where do you think quantum computers lie and why? 6 months ago:
Okay, I was being somewhat flippant. I don’t discount there seems to be progress in some areas but slow and in low-visibility ways. I could even believe much more powerful quantum computers exist in state facilities around the world. Have they been shown to be useful though or there some bottleneck that prevents them from outcompeting digital computers?
An additional concern of mine is what they are useful for is in rapidly breaking vital digital algorithms like elliptical curve cryptography, and can’t be allowed in public hands for that reason. Someone elsewhere said there were computers with 1100 qubits, why is it taking so long to exploit these machines to do useful work? Or am I mistaken and there is evidence, I would love to see it.
Would a savvy investor put their money in quantum computing now, was the Wright Company a good buy when it first started? This actually has me on a deep dive about historical stock market graphs…
- Comment on Regarding this picture, where do you think quantum computers lie and why? 6 months ago:
From your article,
What everyone should know, however, is that quantum computing is not yet a practical reality. No company has developed a device that can beat classical supercomputers at anything more than obscure research problems that have no real use.
Until quantum computing has its Alan Turing moment it will remain a curiosity. The power of qubits needs to be yoked as a beast of burden for computation and actual useful problem solving the way that digital computing was with the Turing machine. It’s not a certainty that this will ever happen.
Sometimes I think that believers in quantum computing’s superiority to digital computing are as silly as those who think we’ve almost proven P=NP. But who knows, both might be valid.
- Comment on Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous? 6 months ago:
If votes became truly public, what would stop a malicious user from automating crawling the fediverse to get a list of every up and down vote a targeted user has ever made? Admins can currently do this, I assume given enough time and intent? Yuck.
I really hope a solution is found and if Lemmy goes the way of truly public votes, it would probably turn this into a nonparticipatory medium for me, I’d still read posts but not vote or comment.
- Comment on Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous? 6 months ago:
I think most users assume votes are private and most will have a similar reaction to learning about this unintuitive negative feature of anything built on ActivityPub, including Lemmy.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
Baked in visibility of votes and blocking that only works one way makes Lemmy (and anything based on ActivityPub) less functional from an end user standpoint. Wish I knew a decent, somewhat popular alternative that implemented these features
- Comment on Corn 🌽 6 months ago:
Thanks, Monsanto
- Comment on is it possible to be married and still feel lonely? 6 months ago:
Could be his loneliness leads him to seek out that kind of political thought, cause and effect aren’t clearly established here. Isolation and other stressors have been known to drive people toward more reactionary conservative ideas.
But like others have said it could be his worldview leading to him feeling lonely and isolated, maybe threatened by changes in the world. It’s not your responsibility to help him but I occasionally see people become less reactionary when I try to include them more, not directly contradict them but steer him in kind of an anti-corporations and wealth-inequality kind of way (or something like that) when they act like this. He might be trying to bond over a what he perceives as a shared patriotic struggle and become your friend?
Even if you don’t agree 100% it’ll probably be a small relief if he knows someone he trusts has concerns about the percieved injustices of the world, and letting him vent probably helps too. Traditional Christian masculinity can be kind of claustrophobic and I could see him talking with OP as trying to broaden his horizons, as paradoxical as that might seem.
Either way good luck to OP and I hope the coworker’s outlook improves.
- Comment on jd vance 7 months ago:
I was going to say, that looks disgusting!
- Comment on Real Facebook ad that doubles as a god-tier shitpost 7 months ago:
I actually bought a bag of their beans after they publically distanced themselves from him. It wasn’t bad I guess, nothing spectacular. Although I’m giving up coffee slowly, probably wont buy another bag.
- Comment on Nope 7 months ago:
Just use up one of those gift cards you can use in any store and use that number for free trial signups. Then they can’t charge you when the trial period expires.