Mostly a lurker. Abandoned Reddit before it was cool
- Comment on Recognize the mother of Wifi 10 months ago:
So well thought out, you truly must’ve spent a long time sitting on that one.
- Comment on Recognize the mother of Wifi 10 months ago:
That’s an incredibly sensationalistic way to put it. By that logic, the ancient greeks are the forefathers of WiFi, because they figured how to create static electricity using cotton and ambar.
You can (and should) give credit without overstating their achievement.
- Comment on YouTube Tests Showing Ads When You Pause a Video, Calls it ''Pause Ads'' 10 months ago:
It’s complicated. Essentially, YT spends 24 hours a day trying to dodge the fallout of stupid decisions taken during the previous 24 hours, ad infinitum. They were bashed for certain decisions related to 4k video (which used to be called 4k, then changed to 2160p, then back to 4k, then back to 2160p), leading to the current name scheme.
- Comment on YouTube Tests Showing Ads When You Pause a Video, Calls it ''Pause Ads'' 10 months ago:
4k and high bitrate 1080p are actually the same thing.
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on ByteDance prefers TikTok shutdown in US if legal options fail, sources say 10 months ago:
No, I’m not a point. Oh, you mean your point. Funny how you don’t know that, as an American.
- Comment on YouTube Tests Showing Ads When You Pause a Video, Calls it ''Pause Ads'' 10 months ago:
For starters, cull the immense amount of duplicated content. Look for some random common word and sort by recent, you’ll see thousands of channels from India, Pakistan and similar nations reposting the exact same videos. There’s also an ungodly amount of spam. These two things alone would, I’d guess, cut down a good chunk of server costs. Another thing is optimizing bitrate, I often get served “1080p” content featuring little more than a static image while browsing in my 6" phone.
- Comment on ByteDance prefers TikTok shutdown in US if legal options fail, sources say 10 months ago:
LMAO, apt name. You do know that facebook, a known disinformation company, is american, right?
- Comment on Chinese battery developer unveils new tech with 1,300-mile range that could revolutionize EVs: 'An important piece of the puzzle' 10 months ago:
Bushido is Japanese, this joke doesn’t work.
- Comment on If people from the US love the imperial system so much, why are their musicians using metronomes instead of footonomes? 10 months ago:
Because “metronome” means regular measure, not regular metre.
- Comment on geoengineering 10 months ago:
Are you a parody account or just a total moron?
- Comment on Windows 10 will start pushing users to use Microsoft accounts. How to turn it off. 10 months ago:
AFAIK, cards older than GFX1030 require manual setup, including building parts of ROCM with modified flags, since v5.1
- Comment on fossil fuels 10 months ago:
Unfair comparison – Isildur was a great leader, defeated Sauron and resisted the dark pull of the One Ring for decades. Corporativist scum, on the other hand, brings no benefit to anyone.
- Comment on Windows 10 will start pushing users to use Microsoft accounts. How to turn it off. 10 months ago:
If only AMD could get their asses to release a stable and functional ROCM implementation, I could migrate 100% to Linux.
- Comment on The Way Forward, an update from the team behind Cities: Skylines 10 months ago:
Meanwhile, Indie games: Yeah, we fixed the wonky balancing with that super niche strategy and we’re working on 3 new DLCs (all free, btw)
- Comment on The Way Forward, an update from the team behind Cities: Skylines 10 months ago:
The Elder Scrolls fans: First time?
- Comment on ‘Meta is out of options’: EU regulators reject its privacy fee for Facebook and Instagram 10 months ago:
Are you blind, deaf and dumb, or just living under a rock? The EU has been slapping fine after fine on scummy American companies.
- Comment on ‘Meta is out of options’: EU regulators reject its privacy fee for Facebook and Instagram 10 months ago:
Step 1: Be born not in 'murica
Step 2: Get higher education
Step 3: ???
Step 4: profit - Comment on ‘Meta is out of options’: EU regulators reject its privacy fee for Facebook and Instagram 10 months ago:
“Just following orders” didn’t stick in 1945, it sure as hell doesn’t stick today.
- Comment on No Tech for Apartheid: Google Workers Arrested for Protesting Company’s $1.2B Contract with Israel 10 months ago:
I am morally obligated to punch all conservative scum until they lose a few teeth :)
- Comment on But how would they be able to live on that? 10 months ago:
Your proposed billionaire tax would still leave them ahead. My proposed tex would leave them a head.
- Comment on Slay the Spire devs followed through on abandoning Unity 10 months ago:
What I love most about Godot is that it doesn’t give a fuck whether you want to use python-like code or write your own libraries in C#/C++. 10 minutes and you’ve got something working.
- Comment on Slay the Spire devs followed through on abandoning Unity 10 months ago:
Of course they did. Godot is a freaking dream for most game genres.
- Comment on New Yawkers Be Like "But It's True Doh! You haven't LIVED Until you HAD DAT PIZZA..." 10 months ago:
New York pizza surely looks better than the sad cardboard that passes as food throughout most of the US. Now, if you want the best pizza in the entire world, come to São Paulo - even traditional, grandma-made Italian pizza can’t compete.
- Comment on Former Blizzard president wants to be able to leave a "tip" after completing $70 games: "I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20" 10 months ago:
If anything, this fucker is the one that should be giving money to players.
- Comment on Yellow to yellow, red to red 10 months ago:
My mind to your mind
- Comment on Tell Borts I said "Hi" 10 months ago:
Borts Impson
- Comment on Tell Borts I said "Hi" 10 months ago:
Chunus is friend-coded. Well, more-so canadian woodcutter coded, but he looks friendly.
- Comment on 12TB for $80 - 10 months ago:
They do, but not so much that your average home user would notice without having more than enough time to fix the problem.
- Comment on 12TB for $80 - 10 months ago:
Read it as 120TB at first and my eyes nearly jumped out of their sockets.