- Comment on For those thinking of going back to reddit. Gaze upon this comment section and reconsider. 1 year ago:
Once lemmy got popular, I just decided next time I get banned I won’t make a new reddit account. Sure enough, I got banned without breaking any rules. Goof riddance.
- Comment on Wyze says camera breach let 13,000 customers briefly see into other people’s homes 1 year ago:
When it fucks up, good luck fixing it without an os reinstall. That’s the price. Other than that it is damn good.
- Comment on Wyze says camera breach let 13,000 customers briefly see into other people’s homes 1 year ago:
Because zoneminder sucks and the other ones are kind of corporate and crappy?
- Comment on Microsoft says it caught hackers from China, Russia and Iran using its AI tools 1 year ago:
They must not be very good hackers if they have to use a third party service instead of making their own local ai for their shenanigans 🤷
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed so in the grand scheme of things, everything is 100% energy efficient one way or another.
- Comment on efficiency 1 year ago:
Optimization? Pffffft. Nvidia probably pays game developers to make unoptimized games just to boost gpu sales.
- Comment on Skull and Bones - Skill Up Review 1 year ago:
Quadruple A? How do they determine how many A’s a game gets? How to we know they actually mixed all 4 A’s in with the recipe and not 3.5 of them?
- Comment on Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. 1 year ago:
They already replaced the default start menu with a bullshittier one.
- Comment on It's time we add friction to digital experiences and slow them down. Decades of obsessing about always going faster have left us in constant danger. 1 year ago:
I can see the headlines now. “GOP lawmakers pass bill banning civilian ownership of anything better than a Pentium III.”
- Comment on Cable can't compete with 5G home internet, so it's cheating 1 year ago:
How the fuck can they not compete with 5G? Is using the advantages of wired infrastructure to just provide customer with the same service as always just without the bandwidth caps really rocket science?
- Comment on Scientists develop game-changing 'glass brick' that could revolutionize construction: 'The highest insulating performance' 1 year ago:
Wow wtf my comment didn’t go to the post I intended. Huh.
- Comment on HP CEO pay for 2023 = 270,315 printer cartridges 1 year ago:
That’s exactly 12 gazillion dollars
- Comment on Scientists develop game-changing 'glass brick' that could revolutionize construction: 'The highest insulating performance' 1 year ago:
So if you could theoretically let out a big enough fart, it will become visible on Google Maps.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
If you get just the right gguf model (read the description when you download them to get the right K-optimization or whatever it’s called) and actually use multithreading (llamacpp supports multithreading so in theory gpt4all should too), then it’s reasonably fast. I’ve achieved roughly half the speed of ChatGPT just on an overclocked 8 core amd fx.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
This probably isn’t very helpful but the best way I’ve found to make an ai write an entire book is still a lot of work. You have to make it write it in sections, pay attention to the prompts and spend a lot of time copy pasting the good sentences into a better quality section and then use those blocks of text to create chapters. You’re basically plagiarizing a document using ai written documents rather than making the ai shit it out in 1 continuous stream.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
People spent lots of effort on Xbox 360 hacking just because microsoft spent so much effort making it as unhackable as possible. Fortunately, console gaming is so much less relevant today that it’s not even worth remember what the latest consoles even are.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I thought I never used it until my right shift key stopped working. I then found out that I use that thing a lot actually.
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator x Dune - Official Launch Trailer 1 year ago:
They’re making another one? Fuck. My pc can’t even rub the current one. Give people time to catch up ffs.
- Comment on Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI: Read the memo | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
Welp, using the internet was fun while it lasted. I’ll still use Firefox for all my browsing until I can’t anymore and after that, things are declining rapidly enough we’ll be growing our own food like it’s the 17th century anyway.
- Comment on Windows 11 24H2 goes from “unsupported” to “unbootable” on some older PCs 1 year ago:
I finally upgraded from a 3rd gen i7 to a 6th gen i7. No performance difference, I just did it because the motherboard wasn’t as shit. I’m sure the difference between a 6th gen i7 and an 8th gen i7 is equally unnoticeable. I didn’t want to ever boot Windows again anyway.
- Comment on No one will ever know about your dumps 1 year ago:
I know a guy who had someone randomly place a dumpster on his property at night and leave it there. The police are completely stumped.
- Comment on A Natural Threat 1 year ago:
I think it’s a 4 barrel shotgun with a grenade launcher
- Comment on This is a shitpost 1 year ago:
This is some quality content
- Comment on Data Brokers Help Spam Chemo Patient With Cremation Services Because That’s How Things Work Now 1 year ago:
Sometimes I say [brand name] over and over just to see if my phone serves me relevant ads afterwards. If it doesnt give me [brand name] ads, that means my privacy module settings are tuned correctly.
- Comment on Microsoft's Bitlocker & TPM encryption combo defeated with a $10 Raspberry Pi 1 year ago:
When the government comes to take away my unlocked bootloader phone, I will be switching to ham radio instead getting a locked down phone. Fuck the system.
- Comment on Microsoft's Bitlocker & TPM encryption combo defeated with a $10 Raspberry Pi 1 year ago:
There probably will someday be a push to prevent common normal people from having access to computer systems that offer the user root or superuser access.
- Comment on Who makes money when AI reads the internet for us? 1 year ago:
Definitely not the people keeping thr ai servers running, that’s for sure.
- Comment on ‘Enshittification’ is coming for absolutely everything 1 year ago:
Security camera stuff is really lacking. The only good one is zoneminder and it barely works.
- Comment on ‘Enshittification’ is coming for absolutely everything 1 year ago:
The tech world is going downhill fast. Whatever you can’t get in a fully gnu way is going to be taken away from the comment person eventually.
- Comment on those were the days 1 year ago:
It’s all fun and games until someone brings their mom’s tentacle dildo to school.