- Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 1 day ago:
It’s not all Americans, but there is a certain type that when you see them, you know it.
I’m talking the type in baggy cargo shorts who 20 seconds after meeting them brags about having great weed and how many women they’ve fucked.
I had one of those come work with us in Mexico some 6 years back. We had an integrated karate dojo where all employees could train and at the first (and last) training he joined he immediately grabbed two women by their breasts because USA! USA! USA!
Since I ran that dojo he was banned right there and then, but the company owner did not wanted to fire him. Owner was Russian so take from that what you will
- Comment on Sergey Brin says AGI is within reach if Googlers work 60-hour weeks 2 days ago:
Or you could hire 50% more employees for the holy grail of having more wealth than any other company ever after this program.
But even for something this big (that, incidentally will end humanity) they are too scrooge to even pay their employees a normal wage for normal hours
Fuck these assholes, burn in hell
- Comment on Firefox deletes promise to never sell personal data, asks users not to panic 3 days ago:
Mind you, this is just step one and other steps WILL follow. Mozilla looked at other enshittified products from large companies that make a lot of money and thought “we could have that too!”
It’s a pattern I keep seeing, over and over. This is the end of Firefox as we knew it. I’m sure a good fork, run by a non profit foundation will sprout soon enough, but the name for a privacy browser won’t be Firefox no more
- Comment on New Terms for Firefox from Mozilla 4 days ago:
So wtf happened at Mozilla for this 180 degree course change? This literally goed against everything it was supposed to stand for
- Comment on New Terms for Firefox from Mozilla 4 days ago:
Dat want seem like it, it IS
- Comment on Meta admits Instagram error flooded Reels with violent and pornographic content 4 days ago:
You mean the US went pearl clutching whilst the rest of the world went “oh… okay, and?”
- Comment on GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser 4 days ago:
If khtml had been GPL, it simply never would have been used for chrome or safari, some other engine would have been picked.
Anything but real open source for these types of companies
- Comment on How to secure your phone before attending a protest 6 days ago:
Buy a burner, keep the battery out until you arrive at the protest, remove the battery when you leave the protest. Don’t store any phone numbers in that phone.
Not that protesting will do anything anymore, that time has come and gone
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 6 days ago:
Just saw the first 30 seconds but i love her naivete on this. She thinks they’re just coming for people’s rights. Aaawww, cute.
Trump just beheaded the army, making sure trump loyalists are all that’s left.
What do you think will happen when a bunch of death cult christofascists who want the apocalypse to bring Christ back get access to nukes?
What so you think will happen when a mob boss who doesn’t care millions of deaths, who wants to play land grab and steal canada, Greenland, latín America etc gets access to nukes with nobody to control his impulses?
So far things are escalating rapidly and “muh rights” is just the next rung on the ladder. I’m looking three to four rungs ahead and I’m very fucking worried as these shits have shown to give nothing about who dies, as long as they get better off. They also have shown to have no concept of consequences and again, they have access to nukes and now fill control of a military who now will say no to nothing.
And you’re complaining about rights. You think protests will do anything? Not that anyone wants to protest, recent “well stop the city” protests got sometimes even hundreds of people out, ooohh, craaazaaayy! Call me again once you have 100 million people in the streets, those hundreds do less than shit.
I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be a dixk, not to you, o don’t know you and I know the YouTuber and I know what she’s saying but I think we’re already way, WAY past all that.
Trump is speed running solidifying his position and once he has full control of all the branches that can stop or slow him, the gloves will come off.
Think it’s bad now? Wait a year. Think you can do anything to stop him? You can’t. Even if you could get millions of protesters in total, even if you could get tens of millions of protesters, its already too late for that, you’ll just look funny walking and screaming in the streets, they won’t give a fuck. You want tos strike? Paralyze the country? Wait until police starts killing protesters and see how long it takes for everyone to stop and go home to cry in a hole.
Stopping trump now requires someone extraordinary to do something extraordinary. I’m not implying anything, I’m simply saying that us plebs are already out of the game.
Maybe maybe maybe if all Republicans cut themselves off and just all Democrats,.maybe they could do something? Them again, too many Democrats are already saying to just support trump and work with him so yeah, forget about all that too.
I don’t know what can be done at this point. I can just only say “fuckyou Americans, all of you, for letting this happen, for unleashing this hell over the world”
If tomorrow Yellowstone would erupt and destroy the entirety of the US, I would just be relieved
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 6 days ago:
Nothing of consequence, nobody is.
Yeah, here and there some may say that ooohh, trump bad!
He just beheaded the military which is literally the pre-last step needed. All he needs to do now is put trump loyalists in those positions, have them purge the rest of the top to ensure all are pro trump and them what’s going to stop him?
AOC? She’ll mysteriously disappear, next question.
Who is going to stop these fuckwads?
Next up, Canada will become the 51st state. Don’t wanna? Nuke Vancouver, who is going to stop him? What, Europe? They can get a few nukes too if they don’t like it, he has enough.
Next up, Panama becomes a US state. Don’t like it? See a pattern?
Next up, Greenland, and so on.
NOBODY HAS DONE ANYTHING. The US is always ALWAYS boasting about self sacrifice and the one hero who saves all, or maybe a group that bands together and goes against all odds and die in the process and and and… Nothing. So far the biggest actions I’ve seen were people resigning in protest, making even easier for trump WTF.
Ooohh, ther ehave been protests! Some cities had dozens of people, some even had hundreds!! Whooooo, Cheeto must be shitting bricks now!!
Nobody has done anything.
These are people whondobt care about laws
These are people that don’t care about consequences, nor do they have the ability to think about consequences
These are people who don’t care if you, or millions like you will die. Fuck you, die already, give us what we want.
In part, these are people who are working diligently to bring about the apocalypse so that jeebus christ will return or some delusional shit like that, and now they have access to nukes. Great going assholes (yes, if you’re American, that means you) YOU DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO FUCKING STOP ANY OF THIS.
Oh, what? You think that you did your job by voting? Well that sure wasn’t enough. These fuckers will fuck the world, when is someone going to do something to actually stop all of this shit?
Honestly, I don’t think anyone can do anything anymore anyway. Something could have been done by Biden. He had the extraordinary presidential powers, he could have simply stopped trump by pulling a trump. He refused, needed to do “the right thing” and fuck the world over in the process. Well done, asshole, hope you feel good about yourself.
I think we’re all fucked. I used to worry about climate change as I have a reasonable understanding of what it takes to stop it, let alone start to reverse it. It will take a huge effort and sacrifice from everyone in the world and we’ve done shit all and don’t care. Don’t worry if you live through trump (there is a good non zero chance that you won’t), climate change will end you.
Now I’m just worried about the world being destroyed beyond repair by trump already because again, nobody cares to actually stop all of them.
I’m kind of in the zone where I kust let it happen , once they come for me, I’ll be happy with my wife, we had an awesome run together, when we die, we will be happy in eachothers arms.
- Comment on Microsoft tests ad-supported Office apps for Windows users 6 days ago:
you don’t even have to
Yes you do, that’s the point. Dump all Microsoft crap, dump Google, dump apple
- Comment on Google launches a free AI coding assistant with very high usage caps 1 week ago:
This right here is the best description of their behavior I’ve seen so far
- Comment on Crypto exchange Bybit says a hacker took control of one of its cold Ethereum wallets, resulting in what analysts estimate was the loss of ~$1.5B worth of tokens 1 week ago:
Seriously, who calls their online banking type site bye bit?
Having said that, I’ll just go ahead and assume their security was barely existent, as per usual. I wonder if their CTO was actually s music teacher too.
- Comment on Why would America declaring cartels terrorist organizations be a problem for Mexico? 1 week ago:
Cheeto doesn’t want to start eats but it’s not his fault, as these terrorist organizations wanted to overthrow the US government or something like that so you see, they have no option but to invade Mexico. Since these cartels also operate in Canada, yeah, no option, they just gave to go in and take over. They’re doing the right thing, really!
- Comment on Mexican President Threatens to Sue Google Over 'Gulf of America' Label on Maps. 1 week ago:
This is absolutely possible, and how? Depends on lawyers, but technically its absolutely possible
- Comment on Swastikcar showing a roman rust pattern in Lower Manhattan 1 week ago:
Elmo musk always was a scammer and a liar, way before model 3. That nobody wanted to see that is a different thing that still is ongoing
- Comment on US threatens to shut off Starlink if Ukraine won't sign minerals deal, sources tell Reuters 1 week ago:
And if that doesn’t work, invade. Mark my words
- Comment on Fuckers are like roaches - it seems they always spawn when the environment is bad enough 1 week ago:
At least the previous hats had some style to them.
The red one is just cheap trash
- Comment on Swastikcar showing a roman rust pattern in Lower Manhattan 1 week ago:
If you drive a Tesla now, you support Elmo, double so if you drive that monstrosity
- Comment on Meta Says it Made Sure Not to Seed Any Pirated Books 1 week ago:
So you broke the law AND made sure to be a dick
- Comment on Italy to require VPN and DNS providers to block pirated content 1 week ago:
So Italy is going to block all VPNs, then?
- Comment on Hope you weren’t planning to play PhysX games on Nvidia’s new 50-series GPUs 1 week ago:
I’m so sorry you needed eggs
- Comment on Digital Fingerprinting: Google launched a new era of tracking worse than cookie banners | Tuta 1 week ago:
Yeah, I have an anti fingerprint extension installed in Firefox, and immediately no Google site will work anymore, all google sessions break with it while most other sites just continue to work.
I’m working to rid myself completely from Google, my target being that I will completely DNS block all google (and Microsoft and Facebook) domains within a year or so. Wish I could do it faster but I only have a few hours per weekend for this
- Comment on New Junior Developers Can’t Actually Code. 2 weeks ago:
To be fair, most never could. I’ve been hiring junior devs for decades now, and all the ones straight out of university barely had any coding skills .
Its why I stopped looking at where they studied, I always first check their hobbies. if one of the hobbies is something nerdy and useless, tinkering with a raspberry or something, that indicates to me it’s someone who loves coding and probably is already reasonably good at it
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
I have 64 and am about to upgrade to 128GB
I run windows in a VM. Nothing heavy, just to test some things on the shitty windows systems
I run multiple databases, MySQL, PostgreSQL, redis, MongoDB, memcached, all with extra memory available, for development
I run a large array of services directly and in docker containers. Transmission web, the ARR suite, jellyfin, next cloud, immich, onlyofffice, various PHP apps, the list goes on.
8GB is the bare minimum if you only browse 16GB Is the bare minimum if you also run other apps 32GB Is a good amount to work with 64GB is a requirement if you do development or have a lot of services 128GB is a normal amount for a developer
- Comment on Why are there so many graybeards in FOSS? 2 weeks ago:
And what is the problem with that?
I mean, it sounds as if that is a bad thing that people are dedicating their free time at the betterment of something that can be used freely by everyone, including you
If you want others (different color, sex, gender, race, abilities, sexual preferences) to have a bigger part of that pie, then have more of them jump in.
I am guessing that most of the greybeards are here doing this because they can, abs like it. Help others to he able to help out
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
Elin musk is a (criminal) scammer, he always has been.
He was fired for incompetence from his own company
Pretty much everything he’s promised for every company he has headed had been a lie. Tesla full self driving? Lie. Hyperloop? All lies to successful kill high speed rail and start a movement that wasted billions of dollars including tax payer money. Even SpaceX, the least shit of all, is shit. Once you really look at it, its all promises with no results and lots of cheering when millions of tax payer dollars -yet again- blow up in the sky.
The guy has one quality: convincing people that he’s smart even though he literally doesn’t know shit
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 2 weeks ago:
I left 2 years ago from my 13yo account, deleted everything as well
Obligatory Fuck You spez
No regrets, I love Lemmy
- Comment on Google is on the Wrong Side of History. 2 weeks ago:
And has been so for over a decade at least, probably two
- Comment on Apple is once again advertising on X after more than a year 2 weeks ago:
Apple never was, and never will be not an evil company so why the surprise? Of course they do.