- Comment on seems to have banned the largest piracy community on Lemmy. 11 months ago:
Isnt the federations key idea to avoid collapse if any single instance it failing? This sounds like the system has become too centralized around
- Comment on Round 2 🚢 11 months ago:
You fill a barrel full of Ammonium-Nitrate fertilizer and put a 30-120 seconds delay fuze depending on expected depth. You start the fuze and drop it into the water. Voila Depth-Charge.
- Comment on Round 2 🚢 11 months ago:
For non military or explorative purposes there is absolutely no reason to go that deep. The “submarine experience” at 50m is the same as at 250m. And it smells terribly, because recycling sweaty air only goes that far.
- Comment on Scallops 11 months ago:
Then why are Christian depictions of Angels strongly different from the biblical and quranic descriptions? E.g. looking at the pa
Also then the prophet Mohammed would have needed some sort of elusive Jewish or Christian mentor, that somehow was close to him all the time over two decades, reading the Torah or bible to him. But no such figure is mentioned, despite the life of Mohammed to be about the best reported on life of a historical figure. There is countless of eyewitness reports about his life and work, yet there is no mention of such a person. The Quran strictly rejects the concept of trinity or Jesus being the literal son of god, but confirms the virgin pregnancy of Mary. So it seems extremely implausible for their to be a Christian who would have told all these things to Mohammed.
The reason why i am so pedantic about it, is because the statements made by Mohammed are not just some general “there is angels with wings and stuff” or “there was this Moses guy” statements, but sharing details with the Torah descriptions in Hebrew, but also distinctly differing on some aspects with the Torah in a consistent way. For instance the differences in the story of Moses or Abraham
- Comment on Scallops 11 months ago:
So an Arab who lived in a city where Pagan believes dominated and neither read nor write was read the Torah in hebrew that he didn’t understand? And that is how he made statementes consistent with the descriptions in hebrew, which again he didn’t understand?
- Comment on Scallops 11 months ago:
And those stories didn’t change over 3.000 years?
- Comment on Scallops 11 months ago:
The accounts are consistent over a timeframe of about three thousand years, counting from Abraham to Mohammed (s.a.s). Note that Mohammed was an arab who could neither read nor write, leave alone hebrew.
If it was just some birds brought in by merchants that would be an extraordinarily long time to not realise that.
- Comment on Scallops 11 months ago:
If humans are bound to a three dimensional realm it only makes sense that god created angels as higher dimensional beings to intercede between the limited humans and the infinity of god.
- Comment on carpet 11 months ago:
If you water your carpet and do this for like a few hundred years or so, a nice layer of top soil should form on it.
God i miss my little anarchists.
- Comment on I've noticed my boomer parents using Instagram and tik tok. I can't tell you how excited I am for them to kill those platforms like they did facebook. 11 months ago:
But would anybody be bothered by it, if there’s no interaction there? Boomers destroyed Facebook for younger audiences, as all of a sudden parents would join in on conversations with your friends in the comments under a photo. You would link an article about a political issue and your reactionary uncle would proceed to call everyone who reads it a damn commy that needs to go to the army to learn some real life.
- Comment on xkcd #2904: Physics vs. Magic 11 months ago:
There is also the whole formula set that adequately describes the phenomenon. It is a three dimensional set of differential equations, where you can only ever know five out of six starting conditions, so you need to iteratively adjust the sixth one until your error term is small enough. The formula set was developed 80 years after Johnsons proposal, using the advancements in computing technology, but the results are not better than what we get with the Bill Factor
So we thank Bill Johnson every day we use his Factor.
- Comment on xkcd #2904: Physics vs. Magic 11 months ago:
Whenever dealing with exponential stuff i try to just focus on the formula of what is happening in the exponent. logarithms are taking that down to “normal space”. E.g. exponential functions are like in a warp drive, but you still have ships that can warp faster than others.
- Comment on xkcd #2904: Physics vs. Magic 11 months ago:
aredark magic and there is no way to teach it in any simpler terms that make it plausible without dark magic. - Comment on Solar Panels Spread Across America's Heartland as Farmers Chase Stable Returns 11 months ago:
Moving your installation will probably not be worth it simply for the labor effort. However there is also benefits by combining them with traditional crops, as they help to protect the crops from cold winds and the hot sun in summer.
- Comment on I hear phrases like "half-past", "quarter til", and "quarter after" way less often since digital clocks have became more commonplace. 11 months ago:
In a way it is a bit sad though. It gives a more rigid feeling to things. “about quarter past” would usually be something between :10 and :20. There is room for interpretation and time feels more available with less demanded precision.
- Comment on If frozen embryos are considered as children, then it must be acceptable to freeze children. 11 months ago:
It is not a new story though. A family member argued about a traffic accident, that the description provided by the other side is physically impossible. The judge replied, that physics would not count for humans.
A lot of people who study law do so, because they are terrible at sciences.
- Comment on FBI identified suspect in California acorn attack 1 year ago:
You are right. I changed the title
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 9 comments
- Comment on Christians think gay people are trying to convert them to being gay *because Christians try to convert people to being Christian*. 1 year ago:
The problem with all of the New Testament and much of the Old Testament is that it has been altered over time again and again. While for some texts in the old bible there is good reason to assume them to be reliable, a lot is not.
Especially the New Testament is clearly a product of trying to mix abrahamic faith with pagan beliefs. You can see this in the concept of trinity and Jesus being the literal son of god. This directly contradicts the commandments given to Moses and Allah has rejected it again in the Quran. Also these concepts were not of the time of Jesus, but developed some hundreds year after. It is also contradictory to much the New Testament says about the life of Jesus, as he was explicit not to speak in his name, but in the name of God.
This is very different to the Quran, where already at the time of revelation much effort was made for preservation in the original form, as well as the life of the prophert Mohammed being documented too.
- Comment on Diablo 4's new mount costs more than the actual game 1 year ago:
TF2 fancy hats are relevant to the game. They provide an entire economy and allow for style, when finding ever new or enjoying old ways of hilarious frags.
They are not an after thought, but a solid part of the games progressed development. However they are not providing an advantage in the core play, so everyone can still enjoy the game.
- Comment on Taylor Swift getting to the trade center. 1 year ago:
Is that her perfomance of wrecking plane with miley cyrus?
- Comment on "Cheaters never prosper" is a lie that a cheater probably came up with 1 year ago:
Maybe include the second part of that paragraph i wrote:
That is why you should refrain from judgement over a human in his entirety. You can and sometimes should judge individual acts that you have witnessed or are proven.
But given the example of Hitler. Why is it important to consider the person in his entirety as evil? Aren’t the intention and act of genocide by themselves an evil that needs to be condemmend and prevented?
I find Hitler and Fascism are great examples, because the story of the fascists being evil people is a form of “othering”. They are the evil people, but we are not the evil people. This can all to easily lead to ignorance to how easily Fascism can spread and infect any people. And we see it in the way Germans wiggled themselves out of responsibility for their crimes after WW2.
To quote the Ausschwitz survivor Karl Stojka:
„Und das haben Menschen gemacht, so wie du, du und ich. Diese Leute kamen nicht von einem anderen Planeten. […] Es waren Menschen, so wie wir. Und nicht Hitler hat mich verhaftet, nicht Göring, nicht Goebbels. Der Greißler, der Hausmeister, der Schneider, der Schuster, der Bäckermeister, die haben auf einmal eine Uniform gekriegt, eine Hakenkreuzbinde, und da waren sie die Herrenrasse…“
And this was done by people like you and me. These people were not froma different planet. it was people like us. Not Hitler inprisoned me, not Goering, not Goebbels. [It was] the storekeeper, the house caretaker, the tailor, the cobbler, the baker. They suddenly received an uniform, a swastika armband and there they were the master race…
Or to say it with a caricature In Nuremberg and other places - “but he had ordered me to it”:
- Comment on “Wherever you get your podcasts” is a radical statement - Anil Dash 1 year ago:
The IP helped the Internet to establish. But once established we see trends to try to limit the very technology into propriety. Think of the Facebook internet access schemes that tried to make everything go through facebook. Think of the attempts to make priviledged and throttled websites based on what the ISP likes…
When Podcasts were new, the open standard was embraced, but now we see attempts to make them exclusive too. Just that they didn’t prevail yet.
- Comment on "Cheaters never prosper" is a lie that a cheater probably came up with 1 year ago:
The argument is that you cannot really know. You don’t know everything a person did. You don’t know the motivations with which they act. You cannot look into their heart.
That is why you should refrain from judgement over a human in his entirety. You can and sometimes should judge individual acts that you have witnessed or are proven.This is explicit the Bible i.e. Matthew 7:1 and the Qur’an 1:4. I don’t know how it is written in the Torah, but generally in the abrahamic religions the final judgement is reserved to Allah, as He is the only one to truly know a human.
But also outside religion, why is it that anyone should rise to judgement of whether someone is “good” or “bad” in face of serious illness or injury? Saying someone is good so he doesn’t deserve cancer implies that there is people who deserve cancer.
I know the statement is usally meant to signal compassion. The compassion should be unconditional though, as it is a fellow human that is suffering. - Comment on It was in self-defence 🙃 1 year ago:
Please see a mental health professional, or seek assistance if you are in acute crisis. If you google “mental health hotline” or “crisis hotline” you’ll find a number for your country you can reach out to.
I hope you are getting better soon.
- Comment on It was in self-defence 🙃 1 year ago:
Until the information is verified by neutral third parties, this gives me some WMDs in Iraq vibes.
Both Israel and the US have a history of lying to justify war crimes and crimes against humanity.
- Comment on It was in self-defence 🙃 1 year ago:
Israel is not fighting against Hamas. Israel is fighting against all Palestinians, of which only a tiny fraction is Hamas. Well or rather they are fightinf against Hamas, but they are slaughtering the other Palestinians.
Israel is past the need to defend itself. Now they are taking the opportunity to commit genocide and displace the Palestinians from Gaza.
- Comment on Fact 1 year ago:
No no, they work for each other in exchange for money, which they use to buy goods…
- Comment on New study 1 year ago:
They can only perform under pressure.
- Comment on Does Harry Potter only know fifth grade math? 1 year ago:
can you add fractions?