- Comment on ‘I was a multimillionaire, I had a beautiful girlfriend, I was unhappy’: the ups and downs of a supertrader 5 weeks ago:
I agree tbf
- Comment on ‘I was a multimillionaire, I had a beautiful girlfriend, I was unhappy’: the ups and downs of a supertrader 5 weeks ago:
If he stopped doing all that we’d still have an economy where the rich exploit the poor. The only solution is system change to make a fairer economy - which he advocates for through measures like taxing the rich. The question is has his actions undermined your trust in him to the point that he should be ignored, or do you think he really is advocating measures that would work?
- Comment on Cyclists are dying on our roads at an alarming rate - why don't we care? 7 months ago:
Same cause as a lot of problems: the UK has an incredibly right-wing press (mostly owned by a few billionaires) that pumps out propaganda all the time
- Comment on Ball's in your court, Mikey. 9 months ago:
Are those ceramic coasters? Terrible
- Comment on Honestly, this is probably how I will end up dieing 9 months ago:
Cause of death: (guts) ripped apart by (catastrophic diarrhea caused by eating too many gummy) bears
- Comment on As a leftist when I saw this post in twitter I had to be rushed to the hospital. My blood pressure read 2567 over 1547 9 months ago:
Big brain leftist: I am going to repost one of Paul Joseph Watson posts
- Comment on unsure why we are surprised lol 10 months ago:
Oh my god who cares, shut the fuck up
- Comment on Minimum wage is UK’s ‘most successful economic policy in a generation’ 11 months ago:
Worth remembering that it wasn’t always a free-for-all before minimum wage was introduced. I think there was a mechanism to set minimum wages by industry, which got dismantled by thatcher (not sure on specifics but pretty sure there was some mechanism to set minimum wages).
- Comment on Channel 4 presenter among more than 250 UK stars victimised by deepfake porn 11 months ago:
Does everyone know they’re not real?
- Comment on I love popcorn 11 months ago:
What if you’re a woman
- Comment on No compelling examples of what levelling up has delivered, watchdog finds 11 months ago:
The headline frames this as if levelling up is useless, rather than it was a slogan that the Tories stole and then did absolutely nothing to fulfill
- Comment on Delicious. 11 months ago:
This is how you poison children. I do it the old-fashioned way: painting my nursery with lead-based paint
- Comment on Expertise 11 months ago:
Sometimes it is bullshit…/scientists-aghast-at-bizarre-ai…
- Comment on Just doing my part 🤡 1 year ago:
Not just incomplete. You probably need to start with inequality. 25% of global emissions are created by the richest 1%. 50% by the richest 10%
- Comment on Data contamination expert 👌 1 year ago:
I mean the people using the forum who have to navigate around your spam
- Comment on Data contamination expert 👌 1 year ago:
So you’ve contaminated the training data for an LLM by spamming a public forum? Seems like everyone loses
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
4000 parents is still basically nothing
- Comment on Faith school banning parts of geography lessons, Ofsted finds 1 year ago:
Ban all religious schools tbh
- Comment on UK economy in recession as households cut spending 1 year ago:
This is what the Bank of England intended when it raised the interest rate right?
- Comment on Relationship advice? 1 year ago:
If this tweet is real then I would 100% expect something like this from this guy
- Comment on Taylor Swift on her way to her plane 1 year ago:
Kill all billionaires. Swift, Musk, Zuckerberg, Gates, the ones you’ve never heard of, etc, etc
- Comment on amazon prince 1 year ago:
I do not like these, they never fit for me. I got some custom ones made last year and they rock
- Comment on Councils call for pavement parking to be banned across England 1 year ago:
Councils need to provide public transport, and support walking and cycling
- Comment on Got a Ring doorbell? Expect a 43% increase in annual subscription 1 year ago:
And a peephole
- Comment on Kool-Aid 1 year ago:
Is the Kool-Aid Man one of a species? Are there multiple of this MF running around?
- Comment on Put it in your body, right fucking now 1 year ago:
I’m onboard with the methamphetamines but I have questions about the rhino penis (poaching isn’t cool) and poison
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
What in the watermarked reddit screenshot is this?
- Comment on Will someone work on a new duck update! I want giant ducks man 1 year ago:
The duck is not bigger it’s just closer.
- Comment on Bait your mind 1 year ago:
This mf said eyaculate
- Comment on Get to work, crackheads 1 year ago:
Even better solution though: the street at a school zone that no driver more sane than the most insane Florida Man would not fathom driving any faster than 20 km/h, no speed cameras required.