- Comment on Jeff Bezos is scared to have an open debate on economics 6 days ago:
Adam Smith, the father of modern capitalism, was very clear that free markets had to be well regulated by definition otherwise they would tend towards monopolies and non productive rent seeking behaviors. Only a well regulated free market can remain stable and competitive in the long run.
The capitalists aren’t even playing by their own playbook anymore they just want all the money and everyone else to die I guess.
- Comment on It's just a Planck bro 4 weeks ago:
Max Planck: I just discovered the shortest amount of time something can last any ideas what I should name it? Marie Planck: Planck time Max Planck: :'(
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 3 months ago:
No child calls the ‘wrong’ person dad. Dad is an earned title between a parent and child. Ejaculating doesn’t make you a dad, just a sperm donor.
Same goes for Mom by the way unless you think adopted parents are also illegitimate.
- Comment on Ban on Chinese tech so broad, US-made cars would be blocked, Polestar says 4 months ago:
US government gutted manufacturing? Last I checked companies chasing endless profit did that. Then when the government tried to stop them they used their money and power to elect a government that let them outsource US jobs to China. They’ve been rolling in money ever since.
- Comment on Fired Employee Allegedly Hacked Disney World's Menu System to Alter Peanut Allergy Information. 4 months ago:
This is exactly what Disney is trying to do by throwing an ex employee under the bus.
If people’s lives depend on your systems, and your systems can be undermined by a single person and not caught for years, then you’re playing with people’s lives.
Secondly, even if this was the case, how could they possibly justify trying to get out of being accountable by saying she signed away her rights by using a free month of Disney+?
This is just Disney moving on to their next bullshit excuse to not pay after the first one didn’t work.
- Comment on Norwegian government to set 15-year age limit for using social media 4 months ago:
This is in comparison to private corporations who have a profit incentive to monetize your data in every disgusting abusive way possible. Companies with a fiduciary duty to exploit every possible potential for profit or they can be sued by shareholders? Companies that aren’t publicly auditable so you’ll never know who they’re sharing your data with? Like the recent trend of cars selling your location data to your insurance company who then uses it to hike your rates?
You’re comparing a government who has to be bribed or break a law in order to share your data at all with corporations who have a duty to sell it to the highest bidder. And in this comparison your conclusion is it’s the government that you can’t trust?
Sorry, I have to say I’m completely baffled by your statements right now.
- Comment on Norwegian government to set 15-year age limit for using social media 4 months ago:
That’s true, but the government is auditable by citizens though. We can legislate them to not keep logs and most importantly we can see if they’re sharing data with advertisers.
- Comment on Norwegian government to set 15-year age limit for using social media 4 months ago:
This is the right way to protect privacy. Auditable government departments have your data anyways. They don’t provide the data to companies, but they answer questions like “old enough to drink?” With yes no answers.
- Comment on Location tracking of phones is out of control. Here’s how to fight back. 4 months ago:
If your phone is in a Faraday bag how would you get phone calls?
- Comment on Not allowed to work from home 4 months ago:
A white strike, like all strikes works because of collective action, not because of some tricky technically lol.
- Comment on A courts reporter wrote about a few trials. Then an AI decided he was actually the culprit. 5 months ago:
If you already know the answer you can tell the AI the answer as part of the question and it’ll give you the right answer.
That’s what you sound like.
AI people are as annoying as the Musk crowd.
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
Yeah. I had a dad that didn’t get laid too. Sex is in the bottom layers of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, then intimacy is up higher as well. If you’re not getting these things you’re not going to be able to hide them. Your kids won’t know why until they’re much older WHY your not happy, but that is a sadness of the soul that nothing can hide.
You ever see one of your friends the day after they get laid and you just know. That’s a kind of joy from having your needs met that you can’t fake.
You’re teaching your kids it’s OK with someone who doesn’t meet your needs. It’s not.
Be with someone who makes you happy. Let your wife do the same. Show your kids what a happy marriage and happy parents look like so they can model their relationships that way. Don’t continue the cycle.
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
It’s better to show your kids what is like to be happy and have your needs met than to show them being miserable and setling. Especially on their behalf.
Which would you rather for your kids?
Which are you showing your kids by example?
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Put that on billboards in swing districts. Can’t be sued for libel because he said it. Might get Republicans but to vote. Shows on the fence voters how dumb he is (although at this point…)
- Comment on No one’s ready for this: Our basic assumptions about photos capturing reality are about to go up in smoke. 6 months ago:
I completely agree. This is going to free kids from someone taking a picture of them doing something relatively harmless and extorting them. “That was AI, I wasn’t even at that party 🤷”
I can’t wait for childhood and teenage life to being a bit more free and a bit less constantly recorded.
- Comment on How Solar-Friendly Is Your State? We Scored Them All 6 months ago:
Why do all the states with great sun and no clouds suck at solar???
- Comment on NASA is about to make its most important safety decision in nearly a generation 6 months ago:
Space x doesn’t work thanks to Musk. It works DESPITE him, and it requires careful management.
- Comment on Uh oh 7 months ago:
Kanye West, the disgraced former shoe salesman and dinner companion of Holocaust-denier Nick Fuentes
- Comment on The interior of your house is hot, the exterior cool. What would the most efficient orientation be for a box fan? Pushing hot air out of a window or pulling cool air in through it? 7 months ago:
Most of the replies are correct overall. But Mattias Wandel had identified another important factor. Fans don’t just “stuck from the back” and blow out the front. They sort of suck from everywhere including the edges. This means that if you’re putting a fan right up against the window blowing in you’re sucking some room air as well. If you’re putting the fan right up against the window blowing out, some of the air you’re blowing out comes from outside in the first place.
The ideal is then to blow out from 2-5ft away. This way all the air that’s blown is room air, and it’s all blown out. The venturi effect plays a small part. The Bernoulli effect? Equations? Explains why the air stays in a “tube” for a few feet away from the fan. Technically also explains the venturi effect… Everything is Bernoulli…
- Comment on US Record Labels Sue AI Music Generators Suno and Udio for Copyright Infringement 8 months ago:
The best part about this is that UMG WMG and SMG all simultaneously went “you can’t take an artist’s life work and exploit it, that’s unfair, it’s OUR job to take an artist’s life’s work and exploit it”
- Comment on US Record Labels Sue AI Music Generators Suno and Udio for Copyright Infringement 8 months ago:
AI isn’t “like a person” it doesn’t “learn like a person” it doesn’t “think like a person” it’s nothing like a person. It’s a a machine that creates copies of whatever you put into it. It’s a machine that a real person, or group of people, own. These people TAKE all the stuff everyone else created and put it into their copy machine.
In fact it’s really easy to show that it’s a copy machine because the less stuff you put into it the more of a direct copy you get out of it. If you put only one song, or one artist, into it then virtually everything it creates would be direct copyright infringements. If you put all of the worlds music into it the copying becomes more blurred, more complex, more interesting, and therefore more valuable.
Sure AI is a great innovation, but if someone wants to put my work into a copying machine they’re going to have to acquire it from me legally.
No one is against AI, we’re just against the people who own the AI machines stealing our work without paying for it.
- Comment on Consumers are so demoralized by inflation and high rates they've given up on saving for the American Dream and are spending money instead, economist says 9 months ago:
This is the kind of comment that the other dude was talking about. “I’m so smart I wish I was dumber” that’s cringe af. Use some of that intelligence to put a bit more empathy in your replies. Communication is about two people.
Even if it were true, telling someone you’re so smart you wish you were dumber says so many things that harm your ability to communicate clearly:
- it’s likely I’m smarter than you
- if you don’t agree with me it’s probably because you don’t understand. This is also supported by your statement that you’re happy people will see your downvoted comments
- It hints that you’re probably not willing to engage with other people’s ideas because you might feel they’re beneath you
- because you don’t see this discussion as being between peers (see the first point) you’re likely to be patronising
Even if you are so smart, and so right about these topics, the way you communicate actively impairs your message. If you read your messages through the eyes of a slightly insecure audience you’ll be able to fix these issues. Empathetic communication means you can say a lot of the same things and have people be receptive to your message instead of put off by your demeanor.
- Comment on ‘Duty to report’ child abuse laws will not apply to doctors, teachers or nurses 9 months ago:
Duty to report laws aren’t what you think, and they’re not always good. Everyone CAN report. Duty to report makes it illegal for them not to.
Let’s say a kid shows up to school with a bruise, the teacher asks how did you get that. The kid trusts the teacher and answers “my parents hurt me when I don’t behave”. If the teacher is mandated to report an inquiry is started immediately, but since it’s only one bruise and kids get hurt all the time, the parents get away with it. Now the kid gets abused even more for telling the teacher, and the kid realises that telling the teacher the truth will only make more problems. Next time it happens he tells the teacher “I fell”
If the teacher is able to exercise discretion, they can accumulate evidence until the odds of success are worth breaking the kids trust for their own interest.
Now doctors and nurses are less likely to have a long term relationship with children and having a duty to report means they don’t have to listen to excuses and can just shrug and say “I’m sorry, I’m mandated to report these types of injuries” so they can actually be helped by these laws.
Child abuse is a very delicate situation and easy answers are few and far between.
The trick is to dress as an apex predator so they let their guard down!
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 9 months ago:
A lot of the responses are correct, but there is one aspect being missed.
Liberals don’t NEED to hate conservatives. There are real problems in the world that the left is trying to remedy.
Conservatives NEED to hate the left. Modern conservatism (and some would argue all conservatism) doesn’t have any moral ideology. There is nothing they’re fighting to for. Conservative ideology is the idea that there is a group that the law should protect but not bind and a group that the law should bind but not protect. To push this, an out-group has to be created and hate is the only way to dehumanize someone enough to treat them the way conservatives treat women, minorities, LGBTQ+ etc…
Conservatives hate Liberals because conservatism doesn’t work without hate. They hate because they NEED to.
- Comment on Mercedes becomes the first automaker to sell autonomous cars in the U.S. that don't come with a requirement that drivers watch the road 10 months ago:
Nah, I think most people would crash into a tree rather than clear a sidewalk. Cars are designed to protect you in a crash. Pedestrians don’t have seatbelts, crash zones, and airbags.
- Comment on Mercedes becomes the first automaker to sell autonomous cars in the U.S. that don't come with a requirement that drivers watch the road 10 months ago:
No. I don’t think this is a good solution. Companies will put a price on your life and focus on monetary damage reduction. If you’re about to cause more property damage than your life is worth (to Mercedes) they’ll be incentivized to crash the car and kill you rather than crash into the expensive structure.
Your car should be you property, you should be liable for the damage it causes. The car should prioritise your life over monetary damage. If there is some software problem causing the cars to crash, you need to be able to sue Mercedes through a class action lawsuit to recover your losses.
- Comment on First known test dogfight between AI and human pilot carried out, US military says 10 months ago:
I think we both know that there is no way wars are going to turn out this way. If your country’s “proxies” lose, are you just going to accept the winner’s claim to authority? Give up on democracy and just live under WHATEVER laws the winner imposes on you? Then if you resist you think the winner will just not send their drones in to suppress the resistance?
- Comment on First known test dogfight between AI and human pilot carried out, US military says 10 months ago:
Not OP, but if you can’t convince a person to kill another person then you shouldn’t be able to kill them anyways.
There are points in historical conflicts, from revolutions to wars, when the very people you picked to fight for your side think “are we the baddies” and just stop fighting. This generally leads to less deaths and sometimes a more democratic outcome.
If you can just get a drone to keep killing when any reasonable person would surrender you’re empowering authoritarianism and tyranny.
- Comment on Brexit’s Lasting Damage Is Looking Inescapable 11 months ago:
Hating the rich is like hating murderers, it’s not a feeling you should hide in polite company like racism. Every minute of their breathing lives they choose to take more from society than they give back. That’s how these dragons of modern times create their unimaginable hoards. No knight in stories of old hid their desire to slay the foul beasts, because doing so is always virtuous and worthy of praise.