- Comment on Trump is giving Russian cyber ops a free pass – and putting western democracy on the line. 1 day ago:
The sad thing is that a good amount of these guys aren’t actually working for the state. A lot of them are actually immigrants who left Russia for more opportunities, but are still rampant nationalist attempting to damage the countries that gave them a new home.
- Comment on Trump is giving Russian cyber ops a free pass – and putting western democracy on the line. 2 days ago:
Are another two just off the top of my head.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
There’s a good chance that it’s just a mammalian trait that predates modern humans or house cats. Pretty much all mammals require some extra protection and care when they are young and vulnerable, so it being common among other mammals isn’t exactly surprising.
- Comment on 1 week ago:
This is nothing, on hexbear there’s a person pretending to be like half a dozen different Palestinians with different fraudulent GoFundMe. They cook up a new persona like every other week using pictures they scrape from the media and then run it through an AI filter.
- Comment on Get ya every time 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, Giáp is undeniably one of the greatest minds in modern military history. Not only did he defeat some of the most powerful militaries in the world, he did so in strategically different positions.
I can’t think of another commander who excelled against an occupying force as an insurgent, was successful in counter insurgency, and defeated a better armed opponent in a head to head battle.
You’re totally right, if America had a general as successful everything in the US military would be named after them, we’d never hear the end of it.
- Comment on Get ya every time 2 weeks ago:
Feel like this is really belittling to the VC and PAVN, the Ho Chi Minh trail is rightfully known as one of the greatest achievements of military engineering in the 20th century.
The North Vietnamese military didn’t win because America was just that incompetent, they had arguably a couple of the best generals in modern history. I mean they defended against the armies of France, America, cambodia and China within a couple decades.
- Comment on Special Forces blocked 2,000 credible asylum claims from Afghan commandos, Ministry of Defence confirms. 2 weeks ago:
Man UK conservatives want to be American politicians soo bad.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
Lol, and what are you doing besides belittling other progressive people on the Internet?
What would you suggest we all do that were not already doing? Or are you just going to continue to only respond via virtue signaling?
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
don’t scare me and you have failed in your attempt to discourage
At what point did I try to scare you? I’m just trying to make you realize that people are upset, they just don’t see a lot of options to do anything about it.
You complaining on the Internet is not doing anything more than any other american currently upset at the government. Trying to posture yourself as some warrior of justice from your computer chair doesn’t validate belittling other people’s feelings on the matter.
Once again I ask, what makes you think you are any more upset than anyone else? What actions have you committed that makes your anger more real than others?
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
By doing? The government doesn’t care about protest, and anything more extreme than protest is met with extreme violence.
What actions are you doing that validates your superior sense of self worth?
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 4 weeks ago:
What do they sell during Honkbal Hoofdklasse?
- Comment on Butchers Block countertop 5 weeks ago:
regularly should I oil the and wax the block? I have been applying conditioner regularly, but it didnt feel like it was doing anything. the board has been treated with several layers of polyurethane.
Never, it’s not going to do anything as it’s not going to permeate through the layers of poly.
You may be getting confused with the butcher’s block used for food prep and as a cutting board which you don’t usually leave unsealed, or sealed with wax.
- Comment on Butchers Block countertop 5 weeks ago:
The problem is probably coming from where the undermount of the sink meets with the wood. I’m guessing there’s probably a good chance your finish may have been damaged during installation. It’s pretty easy to damage a couple layers of PU.
From my experience with PU, you prob want more like 4-5 layers instead of two, and I would suggest sealing the seam where the sink meets the wood with some silicone.
As far as the damage goes, you’re prob going to want to put in a dove tail and refinish it, or you can try impregnating it with epoxy if you have any experience with it.
Tbh this just isn’t a good place for butchers block, too many end grains exposed from a variety of wood that swells to different degrees. Ya mix that with heat and humidity and you got yourself a bunch of different places problems can pop up.
- Comment on Butchers Block countertop 5 weeks ago:
More picks would be nice, is this the lip of the sink we’re looking at?
Butcher block is fine for countertops, but I haven’t ever really seen them used with an under mounted sink. I’m not really sure how one would expect to keep the wood from swelling considering it’s end grain is probably getting steamed every time you use hot water.
What are we using to seal this?
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 3 months ago:
Yeap, I work in prosthetics and have to explain to “futurologist” on the internet that we’re never going to see advanced prosthetics that are as functional as your original limbs partly for this reason.
Proprioception is important y’all!
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
Yeah, who would have guessed that modernity was invented by someone who stuck magnets to a fidget spinner and strapped it to a boiler.
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
I haven’t read this book, but I’m pretty skeptical of how they define nonviolent resistance and what makes a revolution “successful”
The Iranian Revolution, 1977–1979 5. The First Palestinian Intifada, 1987–1992 6. The Philippine People Power Movement, 1983–1986 7. Why Civil Resistance Sometimes Fails: The Burmese Uprising, 1988–1990 Case Study Summary
Are the revolutions they are principally utilizing, and that makes me think this book isn’t exactly the most academically honest study around.
The Iranian revolution had battles in the streets and plenty of deadly clashes with the Shahs regime. It also led the the largest political massacre in the country’s history.
The Philippine People Power Movement
The yellow revolution funded militant groups, featured a helicopter attack on the president’s compound, and only didn’t devolve into a massacre of civilians because a marine commander refused to participate in the wholesale slaughter of tens of thousands of people.
The First Palestinian Intifada
Led to the deaths of over a thousand civilians and is a precursor the the genocide we are currently witnessing.
The Burmese Uprising
Started fairly similar to the Philippine uprising, except their military commanders were perfectly fine massacring civilians, with a death toll of 3k-10k people…
I am willing to give this a read, but I would also suggest other people read “Setting Sites” by Scott Crow as a counterpoint.
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
That’s an incredibly reductionist and ahistorical explanation of how the Nazis overthrew the Weimar Republic…
Not to mention incredibly dismissive to the thousands of people who were literally battling brown shirts in the streets of Berlin leading up to the burning of the reichstag .
The Nazi didn’t rise to power because people had a defeatist attitude, it’s because the Nazi murdered their opposition, were perfectly fine with intimidating voters, and were backed by corporations and a significant portion of the population who blamed socialism for the economic slump of postwar Germany.
If you truly believe this, I highly suggest reading “The Death of Democracy” by Benjamin Hett. Phone calls aren’t going to sway the opinions of someone who fundamentally doesn’t think you should be alive.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 4 months ago:
Growth doesn’t mean revenue over cost anymore, it just means number go up. The easiest way to create growth from nothing is marketing tulips to venture capital and retail investors.
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
I think you mean to say, my “feels” are based on justification!
Is English your second language?
Btw abortions rock, I’m responsible for my fair share,
I dont think that’s the brag you seem to think it is?
but I think using clickbaiting as a weapon is bad, even when it’s for good causes
You haven’t explained how you think this is click bait… Something doesn’t automatically become click bait, just because you think it’s over an excitable topic. That would make all headlines click bait, based on the subjectivity of the observer.
“something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hyperlink especially when the link leads to content of dubious value or interest”
There’s a reason we have the Jenova Convention, after all
Lol, it’s like I’m talking to an AI that’s done way too many whippits.
The geneva convention, is an agreement pertaining to how soldiers interact with civilians during times of conflict. It has nothing to do with what we’re talking about.
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
But your “justification” is based on feels…
The article goes into great detail supporting the substance of the title, meaning it’s not click bait or manipulation.
You are the one attempting to manipulate people by claiming that the title is something it’s not.
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
Lol, you can’t confirm it’s click bait unless you read the article…
None of your critiques are valid, as the substance of the article is congruent with the messaging in the title.
You’re just being lazy.
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
Yeah, I could, but it’s a perfectly valid line of conversation to critique a post’s title.
I don’t think laziness is a valid line of criticism. I also find it strange to critique a title separate from its intended context.
we have the saying, “Always judge a book by its cover, and judge a response by it’s grammar”
I don’t think that’s a very common idiom. It seems to imply that pedantry is more important than substance.
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
You could always read the article…
- Comment on Megaflopolis 5 months ago:
don’t think Batman makes Nolan any less prestigious.
I don’t either, but the critics that love art house movies prob do.
- Comment on Megaflopolis 5 months ago:
The reception of it appears to be, but prob only because Coppola is seen as more prestigious by critics because he never made a batman movie.
- Comment on Megaflopolis 5 months ago:
The professional reviews are hilariously mixed, I’m pretty sure Coppola unwittingly made a movie that also serves as a litmus test to see how pretentious and up your own ass you are.
The honest reviews are basically, this made no sense, I don’t know what he was thinking. The positive reviews can be boiled down to “if you have to ask, you’re not sophisticated enough to understand”.
- Comment on Slapping Chicken 5 months ago:
This isn’t going to be accurate, it’s ignoring a key aspect of the heat that will be generated, friction. When designing materials for prosthetics we have to be aware of how much friction occurs between the material and skin. If the amount of friction is too great, the material can create enough heat to damage tissue.
The formula for the skin friction coefficient is cf=τw12ρeue2, where ρe and ue are the density and longitudinal velocity at the boundary layer’s edge.
- Comment on After seeing Wi-Fi network named “STINKY,” Navy found hidden Starlink dish on US warship 5 months ago:
Command Senior Chief
The person who came up with the scheme is also the most senior NCO on the ship. All the enlisted people in charge of monitoring that activity knew, they just knew not to ask questions.You would be surprised how much pull an E-8 or E-9 has in the military.
- Comment on A third of the world’s population lacks internet connectivity − airborne communications stations could change that 6 months ago:
seems today’s pattern in general. Such projects go for something hardly achievable, don’t achieve it, give us all that feeling of passive frustration, and divert attention.
I think it’s kinda a byproduct of venture capital funding. With the Fed prioritizing low interest rates for the last decade, investors are a lot more willing to stick their money in yolo financial schemes.
There are plenty of places on the planet which could use additional electricity, water, wired connectivity, normal roads.
Pssh, why build physical things when you can just gamble on things like virtual currency, virtual intellect, or even virtual reality… /s
Or, say, security from armed apes with UN membership, like Azerbaijan.
Lesser Armenia has really flown off the handle lately. I don’t really know why they have UN membership, Azerbaijan is basically “what if the Saudi tried to build Singapore on the Caspian sea”.