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The original was posted on /r/aboringdystopia by /u/lowen0005 on 2023-10-03 03:28:53.
Oh cool, a marketing person played horizon zero dawn forbidden West and decided Vegas holograms were a great idea.
Or cyberpunk. Or watched Blade Runner.
Sky holograms are pretty common in corpo dystopia fiction. And maybe future non fiction. Jesus
The problem with cyberpunk fiction is that some people have no media literacy and a lot of money and decide their company should do things from their favorite stories.
I mean, we have some clear aspects of what was feared. I think the closest country currently is South Korea, given how powerful the corporations are there.
It goes to the point where the main thing young people work towards is the Samsung Aptitude Test, there are whole cities that basically just belong to Samsung. From the factory to the supermarkets where the factory workers shop to the flats the workers live in and spend their time off using Samsung devices.
Many people like to say that if they had a time machine they would go back and kill Hitler or some other valiant act of heroism that would prevent the death of millions.
Yet when faced with the real possibility of killing (or even just properly holding accountable - removal from society, redistribution of resources of) an individual now, who is already responsible for millions of deaths by virtue of withholding resources alone, never mind the active oppression and exploitation of billions that go in to maintaining the system that allows them their power, people suddenly become squeamish.
But not even at the idea of them doing it, but at the idea of anyone doing it (to the point of actively opposing it), and that's just so fucking frustrating, that people can't see the glaringly obvious dictators "of tomorrow", who already literally control everything and are actively getting away with a lot shit directly out of the fascist playbook today, how anyone can still deny it to themselves just blows my mind.
We're never going to get a better future as long as so many people refuse to accept that we're never going to be given it by those living the high life off of our backs.
Not to take away from anything you just said, but it’s a different thing to claim you would do something in an impossible and hypothetical scenario, than to name a currently powerful person and say you’d make them dead if you could.
But not even at the idea of them doing it, but at the idea of anyone doing it (to the point of actively opposing it)
Not that I disagree but it’s absolutely fucking exhausting to come into the comment sections of a post like this and find a comment basically dropping a prepared lecture on something tangentially related because you saw a highly upvoted post involving something capitalism-adjacent and decided to set up your soapbox.
Like, could you at least try to act like the comment is actually in response to the content of the post. Slip one line in there about “ads” or “night sky” or something, anything, that makes it sound like you’re genuinely responding to the post and not just deploying the speech you had in your back pocket.
It’s like having a mouse squirming in a trap and knowing it must be hit and put out of its’ misery but all your muscles amount to nothing while looking at it’s tiny frame. Can’t do it, bro, just can’t do it.
But not even at the idea of them doing it, but at the idea of anyone doing it
I'll start hunting ad executives for sport.
Bird shot from a long barrel should reach high enough, and the descending pellets would do minimal damage to property and people.
Anyone who’s played Cyberpunk 2077 might remember the big ads projected into the sky above the city. It adds a really cool dystopian atmosphere to the game.
In real life it would be a nightmare come true.
Yeah, marketing people are psychopaths. Normal people see Cyberpunk 2077 and think dystopia. Marketing people think “cool idea, let’s make it real!”
It’s not theoretical, look up Candy Crush New York.
The only thing projected in the sky can only be the bat signal. That’s the rule
If we could get cybernetic implants I’d take it. Too bad the only thing we’ll get is higher rent, lower pay, and ads in the sky.
It’s never too early to be an eco-terrorist
Full terrorist might be a bit much, but I wouldn’t be opposed to punching holes in packaging of the advertised products.
If the trend caught on at a large enough scale to just mildly vandalize space-billboard products, that shit would stop in a hurry.
…hell we should do that with regular billboards too - gimme my scenery back!
Full terrorist might be a bit much
I disagree. A society that sells the night sky to private interest deserves to burn.
…on second thought… yeah.
Billboards really ought to be illegal.
And now we have mega led tv billboards that flash their content blindingly in your eyes from miles away, yay!
It’s way better without him. Take my hug 🤗 for enduring this cringe.
I don’t understand the increasingly aggressive ads. When I see a company advertising heavily I get sketched out and assume they have subpar product.
If these are drones and someone does this irl I’m going to shoot them down
Drone-based sky projections/light shows typically use hundreds or thousands of them. Good luck.
So you’re saying we should use an EMP?
This is such a stupid idea on so many levels but mostly because it’s functionally impossible. The amount of satellites that would need to be launched in order to be able to form a visible image from the surface of the Earth would be prohibitively expensive and complicated to organise. They would all crash into each other within about 15 minutes - because orbits are inherently chaotic, and because of the ultra low altitude they’d have to maintain to make it remotely visible, they would burn up in the atmosphere almost instantly.
Basically no one with even a high school level education is actually proposing this.
This is basically just rage bate.
Who said anything about satellites? That looks more like bat-signal-style projections against the clouds
Wouldn’t they be more likely to use drones than satellites?
Yeah, and we already have drone lightshows
It would especially be effective in cities, with a high density of people. And the base cost would not be that large compared to normal advertising spots, which already go for a lot of money.
Basically, if it was legal, it would have already been done.
This is basically just rage bate.
True, also since it’s expensive the company could have use that money to give extra wages in their employees but no they’re too greedy.
Could you project something on the moon?
So what do you think is going on in the prime universe?
Back propagating simulations of other possible less utopian courses reality could have taken within which a bunch of people are complaining about how much things suck and wondering what is happening in the prime reality.
I live in the city, so I never see stars anyway. I say bring on the Blade Runner vibes!
They should project the night sky into city skies. As long as it doesn’t add significantly to light pollution, I wouldn’t be suprised if that would be good for people’s mental health
Or we could introduce more strict light pollution laws instead. Big Island has some of the most beautiful night skies and it’s because they basically have to mandate using sodium lights to keep the light pollution super low for the telescopes on Mauna Kea.
i mean we could also just institute light pollution measures like many places worldwide already have, but i guess that’s not as cool
This is such an old repost I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet
If they’re some sort of holograms they wouldn’t last a week. And I mean hackers making them into Friendly Windmills and the sort.
lauren is a great twitter follow
All the birds are dead in the future.
Good riddance. Goddamn spies.
Pigeons are liars.
Finishing the job from 65 million years ago.
I think we need to root out these hidden dinosaurs once and for all.
Bird watching goes both ways.
Everything's dead in the future!
i remember reading about this idea on the paper in the 80s. i think the loggistics of launching such a large structure to orbit, just achieve bad PR would be have terrible ROI
I imagine if done irl it wouldn’t be one solid space structure, but instead something like a ground based projector operating on cloudy nights, projecting an ad into the bottom of the cloud layer, or if actually in space, an array of satellites that each act as a “pixel”, with a laser that they can shine at a city or location that they want the ad visible from.
Fortunately for us, this wouldn’t actually work that way. Rather, each of the individual satellites would have a different orbit so the image wouldn’t remain consistent, but instead converge into a point and invert itself on the other side of the Earth before coming back together again and repeating this process until they start colliding with one another or decay into the atmosphere. That is, unless each “pixel” made constant adjustments throughout the orbit, which would be a colossal waste of fuel.
Disclaimer: this is based only on my intuition from 780+ hours of Kerbal Space Program. I am not a scientist and I’ve never studies orbital mechanics.
I had the very same gut response as Lauren.
Shotguns ftw
How was the original proposal supposed to work? The only space add concepts I’ve seen have been a camera recording a screen with adds in space, essentially using the earth as a fancy background.
50 cubesats are planned. Each satellite would unfurl a 32 square meter sail that reflects the sun. Each sat forms a pixel and by getting into the right direction they can show s logo. Because it needs the sun to work it would only work at sunset over the target city.
Hmm, 50 pixels in one color for a few minutes for one day for a few minutes seems like little return for a lot of work. Let’s hope it remains economicaly infeasible. Because space treaties for anything takes forever.
Gonna’ have to see your source on this one.
Gonna’ have to see your source on this one.
I believe the preferred phrase is “hack into the mainframe.”
But I can’t remember the last time I lived sonewhere I could see actual stars…
Oh yeah, we are monitored all the time, we have ai cameras everywhere, all our devices have backdoors, big companies know everything about us, goverments support these companies, we are constantly being manipulated through the media, but ads in the sky is where I draw the line. Fuck off.
But the Michelin balloon tho
Implying the places where that would happen have any kind of night view…
I guess 2015 came late
it’s only a matter of time before they start slapping ads on the Vegas sphere
It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message. 1 year ago
With any luck, hackers will turn them into penises 5 months ago
Or a 9/11 recreation