- Transfem enby
- She/her or they/them
- Anti-fascist, anti-racist
- Reddit refugee…
Say it with me
Trans rights are human rights!
- Comment on Google to shut down Keen, its experimental Pinterest-like social media platform 11 months ago:
Why stop there? Shut it all down. Pull the plug.
- Comment on Usage Of Elon Musk’s X Dropped 30% In The Last Year, Study Suggests 11 months ago:
I’m taking note of all the prominent individuals and organizations which chose to remain on the fascist platform and thus implicitly support it.
- Comment on Christians think gay people are trying to convert them to being gay *because Christians try to convert people to being Christian*. 1 year ago:
Do you mean to suggest that linking gender-affirming care to satanism/pedophilia, eugenics and hard drug use, in one disjointed pseudo-religious rant is indicative of an agenda? I am shocked!!
- Comment on Christians think gay people are trying to convert them to being gay *because Christians try to convert people to being Christian*. 1 year ago:
I love how you basically state “here’s what I believe!” and then try to deflect all criticism by saying you don’t trust medical studies from the past 30 years.
If you are not receptive to new information, it seems to me that is the definition of blind belief and brainwashing.
- Comment on Mark Zuckerberg explains why so many tech companies are doing layoffs right now 1 year ago:
It’s the immigrants
- Comment on Microsoft: Introducing Sudo for Windows 1 year ago:
Finally! The day I’ve been waiting for so long. Goodbye Linux, hello Windows!
- nobody ever
- Comment on Average website visit in 2024 1 year ago:
I don’t mind frameworks, but some features that seem super useful to devs, like google analytics, and various diagnostic/logging tools, social media integrations, I would prefer to “opt in” when I decide they are necessary.
- Comment on Average website visit in 2024 1 year ago:
I require https, but not every website is secure, and sometimes the certificate has a problem or is expired.
- Comment on Average website visit in 2024 1 year ago:
Technically it’s uBO, but I use the extreme setting that blocks all scripts by default. Truthfully I wasn’t aware just how many scripts get loaded especially on ecommerce and social media sites, there are too many heavy frameworks being used. Much of it is unnecessary bloat, slowing down my browser, and no small amount of it is devoted to tracking and data collection.
In general, I find less than half of loaded cripts are required to make a page functional. It’s a process requiring trial-and-error, but I have a good set of base rules in place for trusted sites and scripts.
For me, it’s about not giving websites free reign over my browser and by extension my computer and personal data, but having some measure of control over them.
And occasionally there are suspicious sites where I truly don’t want any scripts to run. I don’t even have to worry about them.
- Comment on Average website visit in 2024 1 year ago:
Internet in 2024 (for me):
- Service unavailable in your country (VPN)
- Confirm you’re a human (VPN)
- Blank page (noscript)
- Obscure error (fingerprint / cookie blocking)
- Page not found (https required)
The percentage of websites that “just work” with privacy measures in place is depressingly small.
- Comment on Should this be in unethical life pro tips 1 year ago:
Honestly. I think that’s what many of the nutjob protestors and “commentators” do. Why work a real job when you can be paid by suckers to jetset around the country/world spouting controversial views.
- Comment on The origin of starfleet combat training. 1 year ago:
Taught Chuck Norris everything he knows.
Yes, Chuck is from the future. But also the past. At the same time.
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
That is basically my plan, also there is strength in numbers. I want to join or build a queer community so we can support and protect eachother.
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
Is their literally anything that I, a transgender woman, am not a direct cause or symptom of in those deranged and hateful people’s minds?
Also, conservatives talking about misogny is sickeningly ironic.
- Comment on Lemmy glitterpost 1 year ago:
Yeah, now imagine all the people out their panning for gold, no idea where it has been
- Comment on Bonjour, je m'appelle Jesus 1 year ago:
He can suck the French outta me anytime. I do love long haired foreign twinks
- Comment on Bonjour, je m'appelle Jesus 1 year ago:
Depends on your perspective. To me it looks like he’s absorbing her soul. Time to feed I guess? Jesus, Harvester of Souls, sounds metal af
- Comment on Substack says it will not remove or demonetize Nazi content 1 year ago:
So they have no rules, any content is acceptable?
Anything less is “censorship” after all
- Comment on They have a strong psychic connection 1 year ago:
You need how much dilithium dear?
number one looks appalled
Well isn’t that rather a lot…?
Oh you’re traveling to the beta quadrant with a friend, that’s nice. But isn’t it so far away, and dangerous?
You want to join a band… no th-that’s great that you’re getting out more, but aren’t there bands closer to home?
Well if you promise to still visit mummy, you can join a band with your friend.
Don’t forget to send subspace messages! Number one, how much pure dilithium do we have?
- Comment on It's canon now. And so is a certain image format. 1 year ago:
ps did I mention it’s illustrated by ALAN LEE
- Comment on It's canon now. And so is a certain image format. 1 year ago:
I mean… it might be $200 that I’ll never justify spending. It might be entirely pointless and tarnishing professor Tolkien’s legacy. But it’s still going on my wishlist, yeh
- Comment on It's canon now. And so is a certain image format. 1 year ago:
to be published in a limited gold embossed leather bound volume with 500 pages of commentary, March 2024
- Comment on Electrician job 1 year ago:
I’ve legit seen an electrician do similar in a 480V switchgear in the US… used to help with installs of industrial submetering equipment, but rather than waiting for a facility shutdown, we would often install our CTs on live equipment. IIRC he wasn’t even wearing arc flash gear…
- Comment on how much backing up would you do of a media server? 1 year ago:
You think you can get the media again if need be.
Depending on how large your collection is, would you remember every item in it? How much effort did you put into organizing it?
IME it’s far more of an inconvenience and expense rebuilding data from scratch than properly backing it up. And the peace of mind from a robust, tried and true DR process is golden.
- Comment on Steve Jobs Rigged The First iPhone Demo By Faking Full Signal Strength And Secretly Swapping Devices Because Of Fragile Prototypes And Bug-Riddled Software 1 year ago:
wow and there I was demonstrating my senior project robot, sober, fixing network connectivity issue (we didn’t test in the lecture hall… oops) and successfully applying multiple code fixes on the fly while the audience and all my professors looked on
But these guys are the real experts
- Comment on Voyager 1 stops communicating with Earth 1 year ago:
uh have they tried rebooting it?
- Comment on GIS nerds be like 1 year ago:
yeah, it’s addictive, I started with sidewalks in my neighbirhood, and before I knew it, I was mapping parking zones, fire hydrants, trash cans, benches, traffic signals, speed limits, turn lanes…
- Comment on GIS nerds be like 1 year ago:
Be sure to check out the osm wiki! For editing, you can use their web viewer, but I personally prefer JOSM for more advanced work. Vespucci is a great tool for mapping on your phone.
- Comment on GIS nerds be like 1 year ago:
National hydrography dataset and national geodetic survey (but I actually meant USGS, they provide a lot of data, their map viewer is a good introduction).
- Comment on GIS nerds be like 1 year ago:
Agreed, I’ve learned a lot doing this. Sometimes it leads to a story, like the ruins of a federal fire watchtower that was destroyed by arson, or discovering one of the largest fisheries in the country. I’ve also noticed a lot more houses are torn down in my city than might be expected. Whole blocks are empty fields now, or maybe have one derelict house remaining.
It’s also disturbing just how much trash people collect in their yards… and the massive wounds of foresting and strip mining.