- Comment on Texas Needs Equivalent of 30 Reactors to Meet Data Center Power Demand 3 days ago:
Please! It would be such a nice improvement!
I want to get out of here :(
- Comment on cilanto 🌿 1 week ago:
I love cilantro too, but now I have to wonder… What if we’re not the ones getting the “true” taste?
I’ll take my blissful ignorance with some cilantro on top.
- Comment on Meta approves bonuses of up to 200% of company executives' salaries as it trims stock awards for employees 1 week ago:
Meta justified the executive pay increase by stating that their cash compensation was below market rates.
“Local serial killer justified his latest triple-homicide by stating that his body count was below the national average.”
- Comment on Valve have just updated the Source 1 SDK on GitHub to the latest code based on Team Fortress 2, effectively making TF2 code source available 1 week ago:
That has been a dream of mine for well over a decade. When I (rarely) play TF2 it’s with bots only, since they have all the vanilla stuff.
I miss the times when an entire team would do a Scout rush, with only the 3 vanilla weapons, just for the hell of it. It was always complete chaos. You can do it with bots, but it’s very tedious, and they only run along the ground from node to node. Give me a dozen Scouts flying off the rooftops spamming
!Also, does anyone else wish someone would bring back his crazy legs when he does the midair jump?
- Comment on This post is in honor of [username]2 3 weeks ago:
Weirdly, my password was rejected because someone else used “hunter” as theirs, so I had to add a damn 2 to it, smh
- Comment on Has anybody played Foundation, the medieval city builder? Looking for a laidback game 1 month ago:
I haven’t played Foundation, but since you’re looking for laid-back and medieval, there’s a really cozy looking game I want to try called Tiny Glade that apparently has no objectives. It seems to be a pure sandbox game.
Plus, if you like supporting devs who use smaller/less-well-known engines, this one runs on Bevy, a small Rust-based engine!
- Comment on Square Enix Unveils Die-Cast Miniatures of Retro Consoles 5 months ago:
Chrono Trigger is my favorite game of all time.
Every day I pray to whatever benevolent god(s) are out there that CT is never remade/remastered.
If it is, I hope it’s everything you want it to be, but I know I won’t be touching it.
- Comment on THICC 5 months ago:
“We apologize for the apology. Those responsible for demanding it have been sacked.”
- Comment on A major disappointment 5 months ago:
If “A Major” in the title was intentional, then bravo!
Honestly I’d be exited to be able to meet the composer anyway, and maybe give him a pat on the head.
- Comment on Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet 5 months ago:
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
the Borderlands movie I would have loved will never exist.
For me it’s Monster Hunter. I refuse to watch the one they made a few years ago. I wonder if there’s a supercut of only scenes that feature the monsters. Or anything involving the Charge Blade.
After reading the synopsis, why tf did they have to make it an isekai?
- Comment on Dollar General shares crater 20% as retailer cuts outlook, blaming 'financially constrained' customers 5 months ago:
Okay, my own post needs a TL/DR 😂 so very basically: Don’t give these greedy fucks your money. Anyway, here goes…
I just watched/listened to the episode again at work. I also recommend you watch the episode (he tells it better than I can), but here’s my rough summary:
- The dollar store market is dominated by Dollar General and Dollar Tree (who also own Family Dollar)
- They make such obscene amounts of money because they drive out the local competition and have abysmally bad employment practices.
- They often have two—or even just one—employee stuck with all the store’s duties, including stocking and manning the register. Unsurprisingly, this leads to the absolute messiest place you can imagine. There are some customers in one clip who were volunteering their time to help the one person (who was stuck at the register) stock the shelves.
- The median DG employee makes little more than $18,000 per year, and something like 92% of all their employees earn less than $15/hr.
- There are several documented cases of rat infestations in their distribution centers, and sometimes the stores themselves.
- One store had birds nesting in the ceiling and shitting on the merchandise. When employees notified corporate, they were instructed to clean the products and put them back on the shelves. To them it wasn’t that big of an issue because "the birds aren’t stealing anything."
- Some stores report not having any working climate control, including AC in the hotter climates. Reports of candy melting and employees sweating their asses off.
- OSHA has designated DG to be a “severe violator” and both DG and DT have racked up millions in “proposed fines” (not sure what that means) over the years.
- Since there’s often only one poor soul manning the entire store, it’s not surprising that criminals are attracted to these locations.
- (anecdotal) One employee got robbed and helped to secure the store after calling the cops. Their manager asked if everyone was okay, then immediately (<15 minutes later) asked what they were gonna do about re-opening the store.
- DG (and almost certainly DT/FD) practice in the typical union-busting practices you hear about with all mega corporations. Including, of course, gaslighting employees in their training videos.
- There are several cases of stores whose entire staff walk out due to, well, all of the above. They do responsibly lock the doors however. They’re not just leaving them open to looting.
And that’s about it as well as I could summarize. Hope it helps you stay informed about why you should never give these shitty companies your hard-earned money.
- Comment on Dollar General shares crater 20% as retailer cuts outlook, blaming 'financially constrained' customers 5 months ago:
John Oliver has a great piece about dollar stores (and DG specifically) that really opened my eyes. I never used to go there, but now I never will.
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
Not being able to give support to friends and family will feel really weird.
I see it as being liberated. Besides, while it’ll suck to be unable to fix their problems, if it gets bad enough that they consider other operating systems, you’ll be right there to help them switch!
- Comment on [Official Art] Phantasy Star Online Box Art 6 months ago:
I absolutely love PSO. Still play Blue Burst on Ephinea from time to time.
I want to thank my best friend for introducing it to me all those years ago on GameCube.
It’s too bad PSO2 turned into what looks like your typical shitty MMO. It was really fun back in 2012-ish on the SEA servers with the fan translation patch.
- Comment on Like magic 9 months ago:
Neat! That reminds me of this thing I saw years ago. I wonder if the underlying phenomenon is the same.
- Comment on Hello GPT-4o 9 months ago:
I’ve been wanting to run that one on my hardware but GPT4All just refuses to start its GUI. The only thing is a “chat.exe” that sits idle in the task manager. And this is an issue I’ve seen reported in their Github from several users, on both Win 10 and 11.
Have you find success with that frontend, or are you using one that actually works? I haven’t researched any others since this issue has me a little burnt out.
- Comment on Virgin SNES soundchip vs Chad Genesis Soundchip 9 months ago:
That’s some pretty blatant cherry picking, but I’m sure it’s to emphasize the humor of the source video.
Putting that aside, I’ve never been a fan of the Genesis sound chip. It’s way too harsh and buzzy for my poor ears. I respect the opinion of people who love it, but I feel for the parents who had to tolerate hearing that every day.
Of course I was no better about not being annoying, especially when I would literally run around in circles while the end-of-stage music for Yoshi’s Island played on a loop.
- Comment on So I played the original TimeSplitters last night 9 months ago:
Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot like a monkey
That was from Future Perfect, though 😁 I’ve never played the first one, but 2 and 3 are great!
- Comment on Oh the wonders of technology 10 months ago:
One of my first smartphones could do that as well. I don’t pay for streaming services and I don’t have infinite data like most people seem to have, so I dearly miss that kind of feature. The corporate overlords have decided that free is bad.
- Comment on Microsoft lays out Windows 10 life support prices 10 months ago:
I heard they already killed off Cortana, which is (kind of) a shame since it was one of the more interesting voice assistants I’ve seen, plus it actually had some personality IIRC. They even got the voice pretty darn close to that of Jen Taylor.
At one point I managed to get the voice working in other TTS programs but the process was extremely convoluted and I’m sure it wouldn’t work anymore, if the files are even still buried within Windows.
But back to your point, it will absolutely be Copilot or some other forgettable flavor-of-the-week
data siphonAI - Comment on Pornhub shuts down in Texas to protest age verification law 11 months ago:
What I want to understand is how conservatives reconcile this bullshit with their history of ignoring age-of-consent laws, and their recent push to force children into the workforce, often in the more dangerous industries.
Do they want to protect children or not? Maybe they now define fetuses as children, and anyone not inside a womb is considered an adult?
It’s probably not even worth the effort to ponder such mysteries.
- Comment on The FTC and DOJ want to make sure it’s legal to repair McDonald’s ice cream machines 11 months ago:
Braum’s gang sound off!
With my luck they’re also a shitty company and I had no idea…
- Comment on Teens, with mixed feelings about their own phones, say their parents need to log off 11 months ago:
If you want to have a little fun, start speaking nonsense. Since they’re only half-listening, they deserve no more than your half-talking.
- Comment on Yuzu is gone. 11 months ago:
If they took action against the OOT PC port I would lie down, try not to cry, then cry a lot.
OOT at 4k60 is such a beautiful, fun experience—especially with a good randomizer. Yes I’m old.
- Comment on This one goes out to all the alphas. 1 year ago:
It’s the neutered males that we should be afraid of.
- Comment on That's a low blow 1 year ago:
We oughta put you in Tall Jail for your crimes! You should have at least given him the window seat so he could enjoy the view haha
- Comment on That's a low blow 1 year ago:
I (6’5") actually sold my NA a couple of months ago. I could just fit in it and my knees were at 4:00 and 8:00 next to the wheel (not touching it at least). The only reason I sold it is because it wasn’t my daily driver and money has gotten very tight. So glad I learned to drive manual with it and then enjoy it for a few more years.
I miss it dearly :(
Oh also it was definitely a death trap for someone of my height. That roll bar would not have saved me.
- Comment on Average website visit in 2024 1 year ago:
Holy fuck, that is so disgusting. I was gonna ask why that’s even legal but I’ve learned not to ask such stupid, logical questions. Thanks for the tip!
- Comment on Goodbye MatPat, thanks for everything 1 year ago:
Shit, now you’ve done it. Sorry, just got something in my eye 😭