- Comment on Roku got hacked 11 months ago:
Yeah, but then both OP and The Verge wouldn’t have such a juicy headline for sick internet points and clicks.
It’s more accurate to say “~15,000 Roku users were hacked due to reused passwords”, and reusing passwords is one of the worst things you can do security-wise because if your password got leaked on one website (doesn’t even need to be the full password, just the hash would work), you are now entirely compromised everywhere you reuse that password.
- Comment on Tesla starts shipping $3,000 Cybertruck tent, looks nothing like what was unveiled | Electrek 11 months ago:
Adam Something has an infallible equation that explains all of this kind of stuff: rich asshole + stupid idea with tons of nice CGI renders = dumb shit
- Comment on No tip 11 months ago:
I never tip if I’m picking up takeout food, but I will always tip if I’m eating in or if I’m getting it delivered to me.
I wish tipping was not a thing in the States, I’d rather pay more upfront and not have to tip :V
- Comment on Love to do this 11 months ago:
It might have to do with car culture and even urban infrastructure in the US. US is very much a “cars first” nation where a lot of areas do require a car to even get to the closest grocery store, and a lot of people who live in the suburbs like that tend to have bigger cars since it’s perceived as one-part functionality (more space for stuff = less trips to go drive 30+ minutes each way for necessities), one-part status symbol, and one-part fear and/or overcompensating, since a good whack of people here do follow the line of thinking of “if I get into an accident, I’d rather be in the bigger car” despite the fact the chance of killing the other person is greatly increased due to the bad crash collision light trucks have with other cars.
Companies also found a loophole to bypass CAFE laws and can make light trucks cheaper without worrying about safety and emissions too much, so in the US there’s a ton of marketing for comically oversized trucks and SUVs (as a 2m tall person, you can barely see me in some of those cars), with nary a station wagon in sight. Since they have to follow CAFE laws in other countries, I would assume your guys’ trucks are more “normal” and comparable to station wagons and sedans, which also might help with safety.
- Comment on Love to do this 11 months ago:
I wish we had different classes of drivers licenses in the US for commercial cars. Like a Class 3 license could only allow people to legally drive basic cars (sedans, station wagons, minis, etc.), and to drive things like coupes, muscle cars, sports cars, and those kind of cars you need a Class 2, and to drive light trucks, SUVs, Jeeps, and Hummers, you need a Class 1 license.
I sorta think it would actually help with road rage and aggressive driving since it would at least require those kinds of people to actually demonstrate they can safely drive those kinds of cars.
- Comment on Tekken 8 players divided as devs add “Tekken Shop” with microtransactions 1 year ago:
Bamco knows bikini skins of their characters are gonna sell like hotcakes.
That being said, I’ll forgive them if they only release a Kazuya bikini skin with jiggle physics for his pecs.
- Comment on NVIDIA’s new AI chatbot runs locally on your PC 1 year ago:
Can I sing the NVIDIA song with it?
- Comment on For my head canon, it doesn't 1 year ago:
Slightly less horrifying than Tusk
- Comment on Skull And Bones Open Beta Review: It’s Meh, Matey 1 year ago:
AAAA gaming, folks. This is what a real AAAA-quality game looks like.
- Comment on Street Fighter Vs Mortal Kombat 1 year ago:
Mostly because it has the best character: a wholesome pro wrestler who helps kids and orphanages. Also only speaks in jaguar and always has his jaguar mask on.
- Comment on Sooooo milk first 1 year ago:
Smh my head, just do it the Canadian way and buy bags of milk
- Comment on Hmmm... 1 year ago:
“I’m spiritual”
Doesn’t even believe in spirits, just chi and magic rocks
On another note, if I believe in The Holy Spirit, does that make me spiritual or religious?
- Comment on Ray tracing made possible on 42-year-old ZX Spectrum: 'reasonably fast, if you consider 17 hours per frame to be reasonably fast' 1 year ago:
tbf that’s probably on par with the performance Cyberpunk 2077 was doing on release
- Comment on Lawful Neutral 1 year ago:
LG should actually be LN - you’re sitting in the intended and expected position of the chair, following the rules of the chair design to a T. LG would probably be the same position but scooched to one side of the chair so another person could sit, and LE should actually be the same position as well but with a manspread.
- Comment on Mark Zuckerberg says Apple and Google should manage parental consent for apps, not Meta 1 year ago:
Of course he does.
One of Meta’s major value propositions for companies is its advertising tools. Marketers love marketing towards children because A) they can be impressionable, and B) they bank on kids annoying the shit out of their parents to spend money on whatever fuck random thing that’s being advertised. Marketing towards adults is harder because we got responsibilities and other things to consider before spending money willy-nilly on fun things, but kids don’t have that.
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
As somebody who lives on an island, I don’t understand the appeal of Amazon Prime. It’s a bogus product - if you live outside the mainland USA, you still get slower shipping speeds (usually like 1 week with Prime vs 2 weeks without it). It’s literally just an instant gratification thing - if I need something now, I’d just go out and buy it from a store instead of ordering it through Amazon or any online retailer.
- Comment on Own a Roku TV or streaming device? You're about to see a lot more ads on your home screen 1 year ago:
For those with Roku TVs or any of their products, I found that a PiHole blocks the ads on the home screen so far. Hoping I could pick up an ONN box in the future so I can just not deal with this shit lol.
- Comment on Average DS9 Episode 1 year ago:
If the episode where Nog gets PTSD had a scene of him firing something akin to white phosphorus, it would be eerily similar to Spec Ops: The Line (second pic in the Plot A bit of the meme).
- Comment on The Krusty Krab was rigged from the start 1 year ago:
“They asked me if I knew the Krabby Patty Secret Formula. I said I had a Secret Krabby Formula for a patty. They said ahoy, matey!”
- Comment on Oh hey, I heard Star Trek got mentioned on the news! Let's just go check and- 1 year ago:
$50 says she’s just doing that old Volkswagen handsign from those commercials in the 2000s
- Comment on cool phone trick 1 year ago:
- Comment on What's your favorite game that you will NEVER finish? 1 year ago:
XCOM: Enemy Within on Classic difficulty.
It’s been the dragon I’ve been chasing for a decade, but I’ll squadwipe on a mission that fucks up my entire run, ragequit, and never touch it again for a year or three, then go “how come I never beat it?” and start the vicious cycle again.
This is only vanilla btw, don’t even get me started on my Long War “attempts” (read: repeated wipes within the first couple of months).
- Comment on What's your favorite game that you will NEVER finish? 1 year ago:
XCOM: Enemy Within on Classic difficulty.
It’s been the dragon I’ve been chasing for a decade, but I’ll squadwipe on a mission that fucks up my entire run, ragequit, and never touch it again for a year or three, then go “how come I never beat it?” and start the vicious cycle again.
This is only vanilla btw, don’t even get me started on my Long War “attempts” (read: repeated wipes within the first couple of months).
- Comment on Xbox Player Gets Banned for 1 Year After Recording Baldur's Gate 3 Scenes 1 year ago:
As perplexing as the thought of “blood and gore good, nudity bad” is, legally I can see why Microsoft would take the heavy-handed approach.
If the dude in the article were to, say, share those scenes with somebody under 18 (which iirc is illegal since you’re distributing pornographic material to a minor), it’s probably not crazy of a stretch to say that Microsoft is legally liable for that happening on their platform. Easier to just do a carpet ban all-around to avoid it in the first place.
- Comment on Not noice 1 year ago:
You stop seeding because you are selfish.
I stop seeding because I am selfish.
We are the same.
- Comment on Must be a pissing contest in there 1 year ago:
Two dudes recently watched the Barbie movie and are beaching each other off.
- Comment on Why'd they stopped making tv shows as good as x-files? 1 year ago:
Fair enough - everybody’s tastes are different. Fwiw I didn’t really enjoy the X-Files that much when I watched it, but I have heard the same thing that it’s a really good show.
- Comment on Why'd they stopped making tv shows as good as x-files? 1 year ago:
OP, are you sure you’re not conflating the X-Files being your favorite show with it being good? Because Breaking Bad exists and that came out after X-Files. Also is arguably better than the X-Files lol
- Comment on How have you personally found the Lemmy community compared to its competition and other social media? 1 year ago:
Super cool at first, but slowly becoming more and more like Reddit.
Only a matter of time before it becomes a less moderated version of Reddit.
- Comment on The first minds to be controlled by generative AI will live inside video games 1 year ago:
Cyberpunk 2077 sorta explores this a bit.
There’s a vending machine that has a personality and talks to people walking by it. The quest chain basically has you and the vending machine chatting a bit and even giving the vending machine some advice on a person he has a crush on. You eventually become friends with this vending machine.
When it seems like it’s becoming more apparent it’s an AI and is developing sentience, it turns out the vending machine just has a really well-coded socializing program. He even admits as much when he’s about to be deactivated.
So, to reiterate what you said: predictive text and LLMs are not alive nor a mind.