- Comment on Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. 13 hours ago:
Same age, but shit’s just gotten worse every year for a good decade or so for me.
- Comment on The borders are just WIDE OPEN though!!11!! 1 day ago:
Maybe WaPo used to be left leaning. I don’t think their actions and editorials over the past 6 months support that statement to be true at all. There are fewer and fewer trusted news sources, as they become mouthpieces for billionaire shitheads, if not the fascist leaning current regime. It’s a shame. Also, for what it’s worth, the article is blocked for me too, and I have pretty strong blockers running. I could just get an archive link, but to be honest I can’t be fucked to do so.
- Comment on Poll: More Americans View DOGE Favorably than Unfavorably 1 week ago:
More proof that Americans are morons, or just more of breitbart breitbarting? Never mind, probably both.
- Comment on I'm just like some ordinary dude upset about what the government is doing. Doesn't anyone with any sort of means or influence care? Where are those guys? 2 weeks ago:
Yes I have. I’ve worked to get progressives elected. I’ve walked precincts to encourage people to vote. I did that shit for decades. And shit just got worse. What I see, over and over, is fuckers bitching about 2 choices who never even bothered to vote in the primaries, you know, when you usually actually have a choice. Complaints about 2 party system, first past the post, etc. are absolutely legitimate, but it comes down to the fact that these people are elected. So yes, I am blaming the voters. A little less than 50% of the stupid fuckers still think shit-for-brains trump is doing a great job.
- Comment on I'm just like some ordinary dude upset about what the government is doing. Doesn't anyone with any sort of means or influence care? Where are those guys? 2 weeks ago:
Also, those same fucking voters keep electing the same decrepit representatives, so why should they (the reps) be expected to rock their money boat?
- Comment on What job do you need this hard hat for? 2 weeks ago:
Paintball cosplay.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
You aren’t wrong, and I’m not sure why the other person is arguing with you. Seems like that Monty Python sketch about arguing.
- Comment on "Poetic take" on the state of the US 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on YSK: There's a protest today at noon at your state capitol. 3 weeks ago:
The Women’s March on January 21, 2017 was one of the biggest protests in US History. It did jack all. The US gov’t has been taken over by anti-Consititutional, anti-American, anti-law Republicans at all 3 branches. Going to a protest has about the same impact as typing outrage on Lemmy. It’s not pessimism, it’s reality. Until masses are seriously prepared to get violent, we are fucked. Personally I’m just getting the fuck out and watch it implode into Gilead.
- Comment on YSK: There's a protest today at noon at your state capitol. 3 weeks ago:
I just plugged in my state capital into my driving app. It says it will take 6 hours and 51 minutes one-way. Yeah, I can’t even afford the gas for that. So I checked public transportation and it said 12 hours one-way and one of the three tickets I’d have to buy was $100. Your tldr is spot on.
- Comment on I'll take a liberal. Just 86 the tofu. 3 weeks ago:
I just can’t engage because for some reason in righty’s mind, liberal == progressive. Like, for them also, fascism == communist. It’s just a complete failure to agree on basic, high school level definitions.
- Comment on When would it make sense for someone to get a domain name? 3 weeks ago:
I got one for my son when he was a couple years old. This was almost 30 years ago. He hasn’t done much with it, I don’t know if he ever will, but it’s pretty handy for like hosting the family’s email, throwing up shit to share with family/friends, etc… I could do without it, but it’s really cheap to maintain and I like controlling my own data.
- Comment on In US, teleworkers don't want to turn back 5 weeks ago:
Again, I’m sorry for your lack of imagination and child-like need to lash out. Therapy might help you.
- Comment on In US, teleworkers don't want to turn back 5 weeks ago:
I’m very sorry for your loss of imagination.
- Comment on In US, teleworkers don't want to turn back 1 month ago:
Interesting that the rest of the developed world is fine with it. At least based on that title.
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 1 month ago:
PAUL MCCARTNEY: I’ll never forget the first time I heard the Brown Note. I’d been wearing my favorite trousers that day. At least they were my favorite trousers.
RINGO STARR: At first I assumed I was hearing one of John and Yoko’s weird sound experiments. After a few seconds I knew it was bigger than that. I mean the sound moved me — moved me bowels that is.
PAUL MCCARTNEY: A sound that makes you crap yourself? That’s the power of music, man. As soon as I heard it I realized: The Beatles gotta break up. Well, there were other reasons, but that was definitely a reason.
From, and continued here, for those interested in statements from other musicians on The Brown Note.
- Comment on 38% Gen Z adults suffering from 'midlife crisis', stuck in 'vicious cycle' of financial, job stress 1 month ago:
Seems like almost every policy I’ve seen treats the symptoms and not the disease.
- Comment on Lindsey Graham warns US allies over Netanyahu warrant: "Crush your economy" 3 months ago:
It is so freaking weird that this tool gets reelected. I get that he comes from a stupid state (42nd in education)
- Comment on Best HDD/SSD for local media hosting 3 months ago:
I don’t know if I’m alone on this, but I just bought the biggest, fairly inexpensive 5400rpm hdd that was in my price range when I set up. Might notice the slower speed when doing a big data dump, but for streaming purposes you can run many 4k streams concurrently and the bottleneck would probably be your network speed before you hit a drive read bottleneck.
- Comment on what can I use to cushion my knee when exercising with it on the floor so it doesn't hurt? 3 months ago:
Just search for “kneeling pad” or “gardening knee pad” and you’ll find a bunch of pretty durable options for around $10. Or, hell, just get a pair of skateboarding knee pads. You might not be the pinnacle of fashion, but your knees will be well protected.
- Comment on Is it really possible to tax the rich? 3 months ago:
Yeah, that’s fair. US mindset, I’m just still processing our shitshow.
- Comment on Is it really possible to tax the rich? 3 months ago:
Theoretically, sure. Pragmatically, we just elected a fascist insurrectionist, and it’s not going to happen in the near future.
- Comment on Is it normal to feel tired of technological progress? 4 months ago:
Future Shock
,Alvin Toffler argued that society is undergoing an enormous structural change, a revolution from an industrial society to a “super-industrial society”. This change, he states, overwhelms people. He argues that the accelerated rate of technological and social change leaves people disconnected and suffering from “shattering stress and disorientation”—future shocked. -from WP
This was published in 1970
- Comment on Can Bash aliases be nested? 4 months ago:
Should work. Just try it out and see if you get what you want. I tried:
alias llaa='pwd && ll'
then ran
and it did what I expected, current directory and ‘ls -al’ which is aliased. - Comment on Oh Shit 4 months ago:
If I found out someone bugged my bathroom, I think I’d apologize for what they heard.
- Comment on Is there a name for the trope where a story is high fantasy at first glance, except for it's not fantasy and is actually set in a post-apocalypse dystopian future? 4 months ago:
Browsing responses here, you aren’t wrong.
- Comment on AI bots now beat 100% of those traffic-image CAPTCHAs 5 months ago:
It seems like every other captcha I get has a picture of a moped and asks to click for a motorcycle. When I don’t click on the moped it says I’m wrong. Pisses me off.
- Comment on Let's gooo 5 months ago:
All in with the crabs.
- Comment on jealousy 5 months ago:
Jealousy-> ENVY - Comment on Why is the internet overflowing with rubbish ads – and what can we do about it? 5 months ago:
Anyone who wasn’t around then can’t really know what they missed.