- Comment on Trump Quietly Plans To Liquidate Public Lands To Finance His Sovereign Wealth Fund 1 week ago:
Not surprising. For anyone interested, here’s a good doc about his policies with public lands during his 1st term:
- Comment on I hear they got him for a bargain to boot! 1 week ago:
lol are there no more moderators left in here?
- Comment on 2 weeks ago:
Yeah I was a 2600 kid growing up. And I remember saving allowance and mowing lawns so I could eventually afford a NES. I ended up caving though and used that money to buy my cousin’s Colecovision.
While it was still no NES, that was still an awesome jump in graphics compared to the 2600. I did eventually get that NES a couple years later.
My other cousin up the street had a C64. I agree there were some awesome games on there and we would have a blast playing at his place.
- Comment on YSK: This meme is not a porno. Just a random Instagram Post. So, Stop asking for sauce. Thanks 3 weeks ago:
You are correct- from what I remember. I dug up this old photo up from my device but have no idea what artist did it.
- Comment on YSK: This meme is not a porno. Just a random Instagram Post. So, Stop asking for sauce. Thanks 3 weeks ago:
lol true. Needs more misplaced fingers!
- Comment on YSK: This meme is not a porno. Just a random Instagram Post. So, Stop asking for sauce. Thanks 3 weeks ago:
This pic is at least 15 years old I think. Not AI but part of some art project as another poster noted below.
- Comment on YSK: This meme is not a porno. Just a random Instagram Post. So, Stop asking for sauce. Thanks 3 weeks ago:
Yeah what about this one though?
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 3 weeks ago:
I have a system that works half the time 50% of the time. Still working on it.
- Comment on No one has predicted the end of the world in a while. 5 weeks ago:
We’re still here!
- Comment on Judge Rejects Sale of Infowars to The Onion 2 months ago:
There’s a legal eagle vid that explains the math:
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 295 comments
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on Comedy shows have laugh tracks cuz they aren't that funny 6 months ago:
There was a great take on one of these called “Everybody Hates Raymond”
It was the show Everybody Loves Ramon but the laugh track was completely replaced with boos and was frickin hilarious. I think it got removed from YouTube though cuz I haven’t been able to find it for years.
- Comment on Nothing is requiring employees to be in the office five days a week 6 months ago:
Yeah I was expecting this to be a thought piece in general about companies requiring them be back in office.
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on Ecovacs home robots can be hacked to spy on their owners, researchers say 6 months ago:
I dispise vacuuming and sweeping and I have 2 canines, so there’s a lot of fur and grime on the floor that needs regular tending to. I bought the roomba model that is self charging and self emptying, so you can just let it run in a set it and forget it fashion.
Alternatively, it also actually helps motivate me to do other chores as well. I have to pick up everything off the floor before running the vac, and at that point I just start tidying up other things while letting it run.
- Comment on The Hulk would be FUCKING TERRIFYING if he only became The Hulk when he was horny. 6 months ago:
Kinda thought you were talking about Hulk Hogan which would also be terrifying in its own right.
- Comment on Ecovacs home robots can be hacked to spy on their owners, researchers say 6 months ago:
I’m not super happy about it, but my roomba is absolutely essential now that I’ve been spoiled with it. I don’t like the idea of any of my appliances being online straight tied to a vendor’s app and service - but I’m willing to accept the trade off in this instance. Maybe someday I’ll upgrade to a different robot vac. I know there are FOSS setups to work around some of those challenges and circumvent some of the BS.
- Comment on 2.9 billion hit in one of the largest data breaches ever — full names, addresses and SSNs exposed 6 months ago:
Yeah not sure I even care enough to take advantage.
- Comment on 2.9 billion hit in one of the largest data breaches ever — full names, addresses and SSNs exposed 6 months ago:
Just got this bullshit offer from Ticketmaster for one of their breaches and they are only offering 1 year free credit monitoring.
- Comment on Adult pool goers - what do people even do at the pool? 7 months ago:
👆🏽this person knows
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 36 comments
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 28 comments
- Comment on YSK: The Great Race is Better Than Airplane 8 months ago:
Haven’t seen it but that’s a BOLD statement. I would like someone else’s opinion who has seen both.
- Comment on From Infocom to 80 Days: An oral history of text games and interactive fiction 8 months ago:
Never even played Zork once yet I will always think of this track when it comes up.
- Comment on Are all phone calls voip (voice over Internet protocol) now? 9 months ago:
If I am going to interpret your question verbatim, I would feel pretty confident in saying 99.9% of phone calls will traverse a VoIP trunk when they are connected. Does that mean it’s a VoIP call?
You have to remember the Public Switched Telephone Network is a bunch of different phone providers interconnected through all kinds of different protocols. Anytime you’re making a phone call, it’s going to hit a VoIP trunk at some point regardless if you’re calling from one of the few true analog lines left.
And as many pointed out in this thread, even if you have an analog line at your home or office, the chances are pretty high it is just a “handoff” that is probably connected to a VoIP device right on the other side - whether it’s at your site or at the providers central office.
There are still true copper lines and T1s out there but providers really want to get out of that space and are jacking up the rates for these services so high that it is forcing people to move dedicated VoIP service.
Side rant: I just really wish fax machines would go away. They are a challenge sometimes to get them working over a VoIP connection…
- Comment on We may clown on him a lot but it's genuinely quite dystopian how much power Elon Musk has. 9 months ago:
Deep cut lol
- Comment on Comcast Unveils Peacock, Netflix, Apple TV+ Streaming Bundle 9 months ago:
Hopefully you’re working on “AdamEatsAss+” although seems like you might just have some niche content if you ever make that happen.
- Comment on Men over 30, what do you keep in your bedside nightstand? 10 months ago:
Oh no… it’s kinda gross. Mostly snot rags and money.
- Comment on Flood of AI-Generated Submissions ‘Final Straw’ for Small 22-Year-Old Publisher 10 months ago:
Yikes but vivid word picture you painted there