The Prime Universe is a term in science fiction to determine the Main Universe. The universe that the story centers around is the “Prime Universe”, deviations from this are “Alternate Universes”
I’m claiming that because our world is so absurd in ways that would seem impossible if it wasn’t literally happening in front of us, we are obviously not the Prime Universe, as it makes no realistic since that Jan 6th could have happened without a swift military response, that Donald Trump could be President, that souls aren’t real, that we have so much proof for aliens yet no aliens, or that men like Elon Musk could actually be considered our “Best and brightest”… Making it transparent that we in fact, a bizarre “What-If” scenario 1 year ago
is prime universe suppose to be the good universe or something? 1 year ago
The Prime Universe is a term in science fiction to determine the Main Universe. The universe that the story centers around is the “Prime Universe”, deviations from this are “Alternate Universes”
I’m claiming that because our world is so absurd in ways that would seem impossible if it wasn’t literally happening in front of us, we are obviously not the Prime Universe, as it makes no realistic since that Jan 6th could have happened without a swift military response, that Donald Trump could be President, that souls aren’t real, that we have so much proof for aliens yet no aliens, or that men like Elon Musk could actually be considered our “Best and brightest”… Making it transparent that we in fact, a bizarre “What-If” scenario 1 year ago
oh I thought prime universe means alternate universe as the math apostrophe symbol is pronounced prime and often denotes (mathematical) derivative 1 year ago
In this instance, think of it as “Short for Primary”