People say you come back. Reincarnation. Do you think so? Well, it doesn’t seem mathematically possible to me, man. Uh, 'course at one time what we had on the earth was six people, you know. I avoid “two” because it’s controversial but six… most people agree, “fuck, yeah, we had six at one time.” Six people, six souls… cool. They died, souls went back to the place; six new people souls- still six souls. Now we have four billion people… claiming to have souls. Someone is printing up souls… and it lowers their value, you know.
– George Carlin 1 year ago
about a day 1 year ago
Well that’s generous 1 year ago
Nah. The 24 hour window is so all the rich, connected people can apply for some grandfathered exemption clause that’s not available to the rest of us. 1 year ago
Well they only operate in the “business day.” Which means after 5pm they’re more vulnerable and that’s when we must strike 1 year ago
I’d give it 11 minutes. 1 year ago
I understood that reference.