- Comment on I'm just gonna stick to slotted, thanks 7 months ago:
Why is screw DLC legal? Why are people ok with companies preventing people from working in their own devices?
- Comment on Zelda 64: Recompiled 7 months ago:
I don’t know much about this scene. How is this different than an emulator? You still need a ROM I believe.
- Comment on Tesla loses EV market dominance, falls below 50% in US [unit sales in 2024Q2] 7 months ago:
Good? Even if Tesla wasn’t shit it’s probably for the best if one company doesn’t make up the majority of an industry.
- Comment on Unofficial Reddit API 7 months ago:
Which YouTube app is broken now? Revanced still works fine for me.
- Comment on Awww, he's so cuuuuttteeee!! 7 months ago:
Unfortunately, most of that (lying, chasing, not reporting a crash) isn’t actually illegal (for pigs). Police have a stupid amount of leeway from the law.
Really, it should be illegal at the state level in every state to chase people. I’ve lived in a city where the PD had that: police could not chase; they’d just find them later.
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
When I got a vasectomy, it was like 20 before they wanted to do a fertility test.
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
Who needs to turn their sperm release on and off so quickly? I understand wanting it to be easier than surgery but no one needs it so fast that you flip a switch. Deciding to have kids is a huge decision that often takes months of fucking to succeed at.
- Comment on Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12.3 7 months ago:
Excellent. Was looking forward to trying that.
- Comment on Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12.3 7 months ago:
Lame. Sounds like they made it useless. Maybe it’ll be ok for weak enemies but so is everything.
- Comment on Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12.3 7 months ago:
Is the first Rolling Sparks change just removing that bug where you free aim it at the ground to cause it to deal all it’s damage at once?
Also unsure what the second Sparks change is about.
RIP bloodfiend’s. Heard it was really good.
- Comment on Motherboards and systems with China's Loongson CPUs now shipping to US customers — options start from $373 for a DTX board with processor and cooler 8 months ago:
The majority of businesses and a lot of consumers. 46% of steam users. Few years it’ll be the majority.
- Comment on T-Mobile In Trouble After It Decides To Build Cell Tower That Is 'Not Safe' For Residents 8 months ago:
FCC already has regulations on maximum power. These emitters are usually dozens of feet off the ground as well.
- Comment on T-Mobile In Trouble After It Decides To Build Cell Tower That Is 'Not Safe' For Residents 8 months ago:
This isn’t regulatory. The auctions companies bid on and win have provisions in them that require companies to utilize the spectrum in X years. They must supply coverage if they bought the spectrum; they can’t sit on it.
- Comment on Homeless people can be ticketed for sleeping outside, Supreme Court rules | CNN Politics 8 months ago:
Prison, of course. In this case it’ll be debtors prison in everything but name.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Old Toys r Us was mostly just a warehouse vibe anyways. But it had a big box store level of toys to look over. It was the highlight of my childhood trips to the stores. They don’t really need to pretend to be the old FAO Schwarz.
- Comment on Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free 8 months ago:
Choosing to take money and work for Putin is quite a bit different than having a salary from a corporation. Equating the two is apologizing for dictators.
- Comment on Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free 8 months ago:
Whataboutism, everyone.
- Comment on Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free 8 months ago:
If the only people willing to give you money are fascists, don’t take the fucking money.
- Comment on Arizona toddler rescued after getting trapped in a Tesla with a dead battery | The Model Y’s 12-volt battery, which powers things like the doors and windows, died 8 months ago:
Sounds like journalists can just make shit up and publish it. “Telsa declined to comment.” so I guess it’s true until corrected.
- Comment on App development 8 months ago:
I know jack shit about photo editing, but did this person just de-saturate the colors? The eyes and hair look like they are less vivid. Even the background looks different., less dark and more blue?
- Comment on Grass is Greener 8 months ago:
TIL clover is a legume. Neat.
- Comment on OpenAI and Anthropic are ignoring an established rule that prevents bots scraping online content 8 months ago:
Generative AIs are thieves and this is just more evidence.
- Comment on Lepidoptera 🤙🤙🤙 8 months ago:
Butterflies and moths for those not wanting to search it.
- Comment on Elon Musk has another secret child with exec at his brain implant company 8 months ago:
Probably not. Affairs deal with emotional or sexual relationships. Donating sperm precludes any relationship with the recipient in all but the most personal of situations. I.e. you donate your sperm to a friend.
And in donations you don’t retain parenthood rights I believe. So it’s a question of who gets to control your body and the answer is only you.
- Comment on Economics 8 months ago:
When I was in school, it was always specific models. They had to limit it to one brand and like 2-3 known good models to prevent the ones that could solve equations.
So there’s no reason for TI to ever lower prices.
- Comment on Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12 8 months ago:
Indeed. Worst part of the beast is just running back and forth. Once had it teleport 3 times before I ever got close enough to hit it.
- Comment on Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12 8 months ago:
Aww. I was just about to try out the Broken Blade. Wonder if it’s still viable.
- Comment on Just me and the boyz 8 months ago:
GWEEEEP! is my bro. Everybody loves GWEEEEP!
- Comment on Pills (Take Two) 9 months ago:
You win this round! Although a shoebox of Groundhog Day pills is probably hell. At least you get to choose to each each subsequent pill.