- Comment on Writers telegraphing their fetishes 9 months ago:
Found the landlord
- Comment on Too soon? 9 months ago:
Imagine being in a suicide cult and they try to save money on the suicide punch
- Comment on Google employees question execs over 'decline in morale' after blowout earnings 9 months ago:
Profits are higher than ever, but line must go up so you’re all fired.
- Comment on Pure poetry 9 months ago:
This is the first I’m hearing about double socking needing to be dress socks, are you sure that’s a thing?
- Comment on Pure poetry 9 months ago:
You don’t tape it over the blister, you cut a hole for the blister
- Comment on Russian soldier says in video that Russian commanders execute their own men 9 months ago:
1547-1917: Nothing much. That’s the point of a Tsardom. 1917: Big mad (also other things) 1918: Actually we’re going to do it too. Kind of have to honestly. 1919-1990: Nothing much. That’s the point of a dictatorship of the proletariat? 1991: Big collapse 1992-2024: Nothing much. That’s the point of a
Tsardomfederal republic? - Comment on Russian soldier says in video that Russian commanders execute their own men 9 months ago:
That’s been a thing since they had official Tsars.
- Comment on The discourse 9 months ago:
So are men
- Comment on Morlock United ✊️ 9 months ago:
Wait, it is?!??
- Comment on Draw your own conculsions 9 months ago:
Mass adoption of cellphones, social media, streaming services and the destruction of third spaces. Endless entertainment, decreased socialization.
People have been fucking while living with their parents for most of humanity. That’s not the problem, at least in terms of first experiences.
- Comment on Ukraine unveils AI-generated foreign ministry spokesperson 9 months ago:
Imagine pretending you don’t understand the value of PR and propaganda in a war.
- Comment on Ideas 9 months ago:
Still not over the HRE, huh?
Well, as long as no one starts talking about Version #4
- Comment on No wonder he's hiding 9 months ago:
Yes, unless it’s not. Ultimately “dark matter” just means we don’t know how our current models match observed reality, but it’s entirely possible the models or the observations are just fucking wrong.
- Comment on Morlock United ✊️ 9 months ago:
Bougie propaganda never changes, smh, they’d rather kill the world than pay a living wage
- Comment on sweet dreams 9 months ago:
That’s what the universes above and below us say too!
- Comment on Imagine denying other living and breathing lifeforms agency to thrive amd change lol lol lol 9 months ago:
In this case “they” is a fairly small city and its sense of tradition, so you will find “they” is actually “because the people wanted to.”
- Comment on We can dream right 9 months ago:
I’d say more refugees than immigration per se, but yeah, it’s about that too. The great thing about a metaphor about “othering” people is it can apply to a lot of things. Racism, immigration, jingoism, homophobia, etc.
It’s taken mostly as a metaphor for apartheid because of the, you know, country and the apartheid they did in recent history and the apartheid done in the movie, but there’s plenty of meaning to be found in “don’t be a bigot and don’t let people starve out of neglect and spite.”
- Comment on We can dream right 9 months ago:
I actually said you didn’t like hearing the message, not what the message was.
- Comment on We can dream right 9 months ago:
Gonna be real champ, there’s a ton of sci-fi in the movie, it sure sounds like you just don’t like hearing the message.
- Comment on Seal ions 9 months ago:
I hope the dolphins find out out about syndicalism one day
- Comment on og debate lords 9 months ago:
I think if you run into any of that line of thinkers you better watch your drink, or you’ll wake up on a ship to the mines of Sparta.
- Comment on we love those power laws 9 months ago:
Have hope! The swords were actually invented in 20k years!
- Comment on please tell your husband hello 9 months ago:
No. I wanted to be a microbiologist, but then I extrapolated their average salary.
- Comment on the struggle 9 months ago:
Not as fast as you think.
- Comment on Academic Rizzlers 9 months ago:
Ok bro that empathizes with Nazis
- Comment on We can dream right 9 months ago:
Tbh, the sequel is the aliens come back and conquer humanity, but since the whole thing is a metaphor for apartheid politics, the sequel plays into a bit of a different narrative than anti-racism.
Though it’d honestly be pretty great if the sequel was the aliens don’t come back, but Earth tears itself apart worrying about what will happen if they do.
- Comment on We can dream right 9 months ago:
How dare sci-fi explore political issues, like the tendency of humanity to resort to othering people that make them uncomfortable.
- Comment on Breaking the news 9 months ago:
To the children, right?
- Comment on kissies 9 months ago:
It’s nice to see someone who achieved their fitness goals
- Comment on recruiting theocracy 9 months ago:
This makes sense, the Navy weren’t the people doing the Crusading.