- Comment on Show more pls 3 days ago:
I must go.
- Comment on Why I am not impressed by A.I. 3 weeks ago:
Thats because it wasnt originally called AI. It was called an LLM. Techbros trying to sell it and articles wanting to fan the flames started called it AI and eventually it became common dialect. No one in the field seriously calls it AI, they generally save that terms to refer to general AI or at least narrow ai. Of which an llm is neither.
- Comment on Why I am not impressed by A.I. 3 weeks ago:
So youve never used it as a starting point to learn about a new topic? You’ve never used it to look up a song when you can only remember a small section of lyrics? What about when you want to code a block of code that is simple but monotonous to code yourself? Or to suggest plans for how to create simple sturctures/inventions?
Anything with a verifyable answer that youd ask on a forum can generally be answered by an llm, because theyre largely trained on forums and theres a decent section the training data included someone asking the question you are currently asking.
Hell, ask chatgpt what use cases it would recommend for itself, im sure itll have something interesting.
- Comment on Why do AI bros and other staunch AI defenders seem happy about the potential of killing off the creative industries? 1 month ago:
In addition to this, the current state of AI is basically just advanced algorithms. Id would be extremely difficult, but in theory you could still trace the connections between bodes and run the optimization calculations yourself.
Soon enough, we will have AGI. Im not a big fan of LLMs, because theyre a fundamentally flawed idea. The only way to get that much data is without consent, and they will always be prone to hallucinations. AGI on the other hand is fundamentally different. It’s capable of learning just like a human, and capable of doing tasks just like a human. By all measurements it will be able to do anything a human can do, and by most measurements, it will do it better.
The issue most people have is that they do not understand that the current state of AI is like the OG printing press. It’s crazy to a layperson, and it has its uses, but since most everyone is illiterate farmers, its not that useful. But to claim that transcribing text is pointless is ignoring an entire world of possibilites, to the point where people who rail against AI almost seem malicious or willfully ignorant. Why do you not want us to be able to almost instantly diagnose new diseases? Or have a nursebot babysitter that is literally a better parent than you are, and doesnt have to sleep or eat? Whats the issue with making cars safer, making construction more efficient, and taking corruption out of the government? Why do people hate the idea of people no longer having to be alone, or having a therapist that is available at all times, perfectly tailored to help you with your specific issues and no biases?
Yes, these things are impossible with modern AI. But to claim that AI is useless… It’s either malice or ignorance.
- Comment on Why do AI bros and other staunch AI defenders seem happy about the potential of killing off the creative industries? 1 month ago:
I mean, he basically said industrialization is bad. Not sure why he’s saying that online, via his computer.
- Comment on Actual shitpost 1 month ago:
brrp it’s mostly piss, morty. Does that get your… does that get your rocks off brrp morty?
- Comment on Actual shitpost 1 month ago:
And 2% magic
- Comment on for those who know 2 months ago:
I mean, so will men, assuming the timeline is accurate. That honestly sounds like a good thing given the loneliness epidemic. Sounds optimistic though.
- Comment on for those who know 2 months ago:
I dont know
- Comment on Ice cream machine is also broken 2 months ago:
Nah, its more that if i had a way to impact the system, id do so in a heartbeat even if it meant my death so that others could benefit. Hence, I expect the same of the people that have been through what ive been through. The customer and the employee have the privileged position because they evidently dont know that hardship or dont care. How you work at mcdonalds and dont understand that rich people are evil is beyond me, so for the employee im leaning more towards doesnt care. Which, again, due to experiancing the trauma of living in the US and not being wealthy, means that he is the definition of a class traitor and is on the level of the CEOs. He saw an opportunity to get his, fuck everyone else.
- Comment on duhh 2 months ago:
Fuses, my heart, the golden gun
- Comment on Ahahah, it's too late Batman, I've already released an uncountable amount of PFAS into Gotham's water supply! 3 months ago:
Joker has put joker serum in the water, scarecrow put fear toxin in the water, i cant remember for sure but i think there is either a lazarus pit under gotham or an actual demonic entity.
In addition, after harvey got dented, gothams last hope became batman. And hes not really the rehabilitation and reintegration type, moreso the “beat you so bad you cant afford your medical bills even in a fictional comic” type
- Comment on The fact that some humans can shove an entire large pizza inside themselves is both amazing and terrifying 3 months ago:
I dont know yhe other commentor, but i am pretty much permanantly poor because i have to eat about 2800 just to maintain my weight. I literally cannot afford to feed myself the massive amount of food it requires for my body to simply maintain.
Im 30, 145 lbs, 6’3", and it only takes my body about 45 minutes for food to go in one end and out the other, whereas its supposed to be closer to 8 hours
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 3 months ago:
K, so im not going to engage with the age related trolling, as i am very likely opder than you, and your attempts to belittle me very much strike me as a childish response to the the fact that you cant argue against the complete ineffectiveness of your policies.
But, since you have conceeded actually arguing your point in favor of being childish, I guess theres not much more here to discuss. I hope you enjoy wasting your and everyone elses time with your virtue signalling as the world goes to shit, really hope it helps you sleep at night knowing you are acheiving nothing but making yourself feel righteous.
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 3 months ago:
Bruh you are not listening.
We couldnt even get a majority of americans to vote with us this time
Yeah, and expect to see that forever. Were moved ng more to the right. We are literally getting worse and, at best, the democrats are too afraid to do anything about it. At worst theyre actively holding us back from progress and are no better than republicans.
I do not care about how “a large swathe of the country” feels. I’m no longer delusing myself into thinking we can please everyone.
The important thing is to make the world better, and that simply will not happen within the framework we have been given. Violence against republicans and the leaders of the democrat party are literally the only way forward.
Like im not even interested in continuing this debate. If you want to take a look at the last decade of democrat ineffectiveness and decide to continue that trend, then arguing with you is pointless.
I am not here to convince you, you want to sit on your laurels like all the other democrats that failed us. I am speaking to those that actually want the world yo get better
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 3 months ago:
independants or those on the fence would just note that the democrats were pulling the same nonsense
Yeah, and they fucked our country so fuck them. If you were “on the fence” about this election then you simply dont desrve voting rights. Your opinion does not matter anymore.
Right wingers would just see it as confirmation that the rules dont matter
Cool, nothing changes.
On the left, the adults would see this as stupid, hypocritical temper tantrum
Ah yes, the adults who have gotten so much done with the erosion of our democracy since 2016. Bruh fuck “the adults” too, you guys failed us. Get out of the way and let actual progress happen instead of considering maybe possibly giving ukraine a little bit of funding but definitely giving isreal nukes to use on civs.
You people who want to work within the law while republicans consistently evade it are at best a waste of space. As worst, you are actively convincing people to simply pretend the issues are going to solve themselves, cause god knows you and your party wont.
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 3 months ago:
Yep. Pretty simple. As evidenced, humans wont do that ght unless they are forced to do right. Glad to see you understand so well.
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 3 months ago:
Yeah, but as this election showed, people cant be trusted. Theres no need to try and preserve our “democracy” because our democracy led to this. Instead, democrats just need to take over via any means neccassary.
- Comment on That's... normal 3 months ago:
Is it in the room with you right now?
- Comment on Oopsies 3 months ago:
How do I opt in?
- Comment on And 299999999 is divisible by 13 3 months ago:
Its never divisible by zero, and its always divisible by one
- Comment on Disposable vapes to be banned in England and Wales from June 4 months ago:
I, too, love the idea of kids getting sketchy ass vapes from weird ass dealers in alleyways. Nothing but benefits tbh
- Comment on It's a matter of perspective 4 months ago:
What would you prefer we discuss?
- Comment on It's a matter of perspective 4 months ago:
We should build a wall around four, and make three pay for for it
- Comment on It's a matter of perspective 4 months ago:
Got it, helping satanic anarchistic sex cult rise to rival Maga republicans
- Comment on Infinite Suffering 4 months ago:
Dont make me get the spray bottle
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 4 months ago:
what frost giants?
Vote odin
- Comment on Tokyo Drift: Meowing 5 months ago:
Cats sliding with their ass on the ground is the same thing that happens when i forget to turn off the ebrake for my drive home
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
If you can drive, drive to the hospital. Ask the person at the front desk what they would recommend. If they recommend the ER, then at least you didnt have to make that decision. That being said, I do not nor have I ever worked for a hospital, but ive been a patient quite a bit.
- Comment on This is my hole! 5 months ago:
They even shopped in hank and peggy