- Comment on What would happen if Punxsutawney Phil comes out, and immediately dies? 4 days ago:
The Pox Eclipse.
- Comment on What happens if I eat a box of paper clips before an MRI? 4 days ago:
The good thing is that whatever you were going in for the MRI for won’t matter, because you’ll be dead.
- Comment on Is anyone else getting a bit of schadenfreude from the news each day? 1 week ago:
Look it up, you silly little bundle of twigs.
- Comment on Is anyone else getting a bit of schadenfreude from the news each day? 1 week ago:
Nice argument. I scored in the 98 %ile on the CTMM, how did you do?
- Comment on Is anyone else getting a bit of schadenfreude from the news each day? 1 week ago:
Seeing all these Kamalama-ding-dong supporters bitch and moan and gnash their teeth is somewhat satisfying, because the shit-asses of the DNC are what got us this orange buffoon in the first place. How fucking bad does a candidate have to be to lose to a fucking cartoon character like Trump? Ask Hillary. I feel a little schadenfreud, but then I think of the Alice in Chains lyric: You think it’s funny, well/ You’re drowning in it too.
- Comment on Why does most religion talk about their GOD being male? Especially Christains and Muslims. Is there a prominent female god that as big as the other two that I am missing? 1 week ago:
Likely comment from a godless commie. I keed, I keed, lol. Viva la revolucione, comrade!
- Comment on Is Asmongold an alt-right "entrypoint" influencer? 6 months ago:
I don’t believe he gives much of a shit either way about politics. I think he reacts which ever way he thinks the wind is blowing in order to get more clicks, and thereby, get more money. The only thing I ever saw him get passionate about was when he was going apeshit over Chinese bot-farmers in WoW. I figure Blizzard must have paid him a huge wad to shut him up, because I hardly see him comment on gaming anymore, but I hardly watch him anymore either because he’s just too annoying.
- Comment on Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio) 7 months ago:
The two-party system is a fucking joke. Voting for Rethuglicans is fascist bootlicking. Voting for Democrats is just rainbow-colored fascism. Both sides just virtue signal to their base about identity politics, but change nothing fundamentally that will anger the true masters: the oligarchs who really run shit.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Laptop? How quaint. But my implant that connects me to the Musk Hivemind can project a laptop into my visual cortex to approximate a laptop, though in 2054 the most popular interface is similar to the dildocycle that Mr. Garrison invented on episode 76 of South Park.
- Comment on How can I learn to dance/glide like this guy? 11 months ago:
First you have to be a little light in the loafers. jk, jk
- Comment on Is there a word for the phenomena where everyone benefits from design decisions made to help vulnerable populations? 11 months ago:
Affordance? I’ve heard of it when talking about tools or utensils that are universally usable.
- Comment on Is there a word for the phenomena where everyone benefits from design decisions made to help vulnerable populations? 11 months ago:
Maybe she’s a closeted homosexual with a poo poo fetish. I’d ask the cunt outright if she was just to shut her up. It’s always the ones who are militant about their homophobia that turn out to be closet cases.
- Comment on Altered Carbon 1 year ago:
The first season stuck mostly to the first book. The second season was based on about 1/3 of the third book and 2/3 of stuff they pulled out of their ass, which is probably why it seems so disjointed. They hardly touched the second book, which focused on how corporate captured governments start wars to maintain the military industrial complex.
- Comment on Altered Carbon 1 year ago:
There were two seasons, but there were three books.
- Comment on U.S., Missouri Republican senators vote against allowing abortions in rape, incest cases, arguing that "giving birth in the cases of rape and incest could help the mother recover" 1 year ago:
Missouri also has the lowest life expectency (75) of any state. Not surprising when your state is run by fucking cartoon villains. They should just change the name to Misery.
- Comment on Reddit beats film industry again, won’t have to reveal pirates’ IP addresses 1 year ago:
Fuck Reddit, I’m over here now. (in the best Diceman voice I can muster)
- Comment on "Cheaters never prosper" is a lie that a cheater probably came up with 1 year ago:
It’s easier for religious people to believe in original sin than to accept that one day they’re going to die and they won’t get to meet Space Santa.
- Comment on Cable company logic: "Our predatory anti-consumer practices are really pro-consumer" 1 year ago:
If you do not pay us the IRS, we will put you under the rest.
- Comment on Friday night plans? 1 year ago:
I knew what to expect, so I only watched about 1 second of Rick Astley.
- Comment on It's 2023/2024 and Roseanne Barr is now more attractive than Madonna. 1 year ago:
I just watched that movie three days ago, had to get some everything bagels to celebrate.
- Comment on The Silt Striders always made me feel kinda uncomfortable, anyone else? 1 year ago:
It’s how the Fremen ride the sandworms in Dune.
- Comment on And this is why I no longer have cable. 1 year ago:
Worse, Hulu advertises the fucking show I’m currently watching.
- Comment on a classic issue... 1 year ago:
Shit, that’s hillarious. I could see someone doing a whole YT channel of sober me vs. drunk me arguements. Way better than “WaTcH tHiS (insert demograhic) pErSoN lIsTeN tO Led Zeppelin FoR tHe FiRsT TiMe”.
- Comment on a classic issue... 1 year ago:
Good thing too; the peppermint patty market is so oversaturated no one will ever guess what brand it is.
- Comment on How Reddit Crushed the Internet's Largest Protest 1 year ago:
The Steele Dossier debunked the whole Russian bot thing. Assange proved that that was some shit Killary pulled out of her twat because her plan to run against an orange gameshow clown backfired. If you still watch CNN, MSNBC or Fox to find out what’s going on in the world, then you are still just a brainwashed drone.
- Comment on How Reddit Crushed the Internet's Largest Protest 1 year ago:
Just being obnoxious isn’t a crime, but that’s not enough of a reason to get a ding. I’ve seen way worse comments to others and to myself from assholes on reddit who never got banned. “fOr ThE sAkE oF tHe FeDiVeRse, I dO dEcLaIr…” seriously with this shit? This place is already turning into Reddit. Apparently trolling isn’t boring for you yet, huh?
- Comment on How Reddit Crushed the Internet's Largest Protest 1 year ago:
i got booted from Reddit for saying “fuck Ukraine” in respose to some idiot praising a Van Gogh painting for “having the colors of the Ukraine flag”. It was my third strike on Reddit. After explaining to the moderator of that particular sub that I was just irritated at the idea of politics creeping into art apreciation (and the fact that the painting in question was painted 100 years before Ukraine was a country), they recinded my strike, but too late apparently- still banned. I get a cute little red hammer emoji next to my name when I try to log on, which I haven’t bothered trying to do for 8 or 9 months now.
- Comment on PI is what 1 year ago:
The only reason people don’t like it is because they haven’t tried it. I was a holdout for the longest time. Fun fact: Hawaiian pizza was invented in Canada by a Greek man.
- Comment on I hate how everything requires you to download a shitty proprietary data harvesting app nowadays when everything can be done just fine without an app. 1 year ago:
Not surprised; BOA is the fucking Taco Bell of banking. The only one worse that I can think of is Wells Fargo.