- Comment on Is PeerTube dead or is discoverability bad? 4 weeks ago:
Seems difficult to build it as a social media if it’s inherently unsocial.
- Comment on It's fire... Maybe concerning but fire still 3 months ago:
Its secret ending has a secret ending. The secret ending within the secret ending also has a secret ending.
To reach each of them you have to recontextualize what you thought the basic assumptions of game were to do something that’s almost impossible.
- Comment on This feels wrong. I love it. 4 months ago:
Can we all at least agree that counting numbers are a joke? Sometimes they start at zero … sometimes they start at one …
- Comment on The Fennec Android browser is currently behind on Firefox security updates, deemed unsafe by F-droid 4 months ago:
I could be mistaken, but since it’s a Mozilla base code and F-Droid distribution chain, I’m not sure where Google can stick it’s thumb in the pie.
- Comment on Juno for YouTube has been removed from the App Store 5 months ago:
All technology development stands on the shoulders of giants. It’s unethical for modern giants to refuse to continue the tradition.
- Comment on Beware Hollywood’s digital demolition: it’s as if your favourite films and TV shows never existed 5 months ago:
Nope. Very real.
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 5 months ago:
Or just agree with what your betters want you to think, obviously. </s>
- Comment on The world if Africa didn't exist 6 months ago:
🎶 It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you 🎶
🎵 There’s nothin’ that a hundred men or more could ever do 🎵
🎶 I bless the rains in South America 🎶
- Comment on ‘If you want to have a good party, ask your friends not to take photos’: Carissa Véliz, expert in ethics applied to technology, advocates for a system of digital anonymity 7 months ago:
I thought her insights were practical and grounded. Do you disagree about the factual nature of their anecdote about engagement with cameras off? Or that the anecdote isn’t indicative of general audiences? Would you care to elaborate on what you mean by “what actual people are actually like”?
- Comment on Most consumers hate the idea of AI-generated customer service 7 months ago:
It’s worse then that. They’re actively profiting from that discount rate, meaning they’re ludicrously profiting from everyone who doesn’t spend half their life getting discount codes (the cost of convenience)
- Comment on Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising 8 months ago:
Yep yep. Was hoping someone would call me out on that. 😝
- Comment on Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising 8 months ago:
Nah. I’ve been advocating for Linux for decades. For decades I’ve been trying to convince people to switch on its own merits, but none of that has been effective.
It took Microsoft sabotaging their product for me to see the needle shift. So I’m done trying to convince people with carrots, it’s time for Microsoft to convince the masses with sticks.
- Comment on Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising 8 months ago:
What’s next Microsoft? Replace the windows os loading windows page with a 30s ad? Or have defender uninstall apps if a competitor pays enough? Maybe capture a screenshot of my screen every 3 seconds for AI analysis?
- Comment on Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims 8 months ago:
I’ll accept that maybe I’m giving Google a pass because of misplaced nostalgia, and while I personally have never used or liked
MetaFacebook, I’ll concede that for a while it provided a service some people valued.It’s still my opinion that Google and Facebook have a large percentage of engineers that personally try to make them a genuinely good service, at least moreso than compared to TikTok and Temu. But I’m willing to concede it’s not as much a practical difference as I would like.
- Comment on Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims 8 months ago:
Emphasis on by comparison, as in “molten hot metal is cooler than the surface of the sun, by comparison”.
TikTok and Temu actively have code in them that would be considered a virus in other contexts. They exploit your system to gain more access than they should, violating the point of sandboxed access.
By comparison Meta and Google merely take advantage of user ignorance and apathy by making opting out frustrating - but still technically doable.
Both practices are terrible, but that’s not the same as saying they’re equally bad.
- Comment on Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims 8 months ago:
Them too, but lukewarm by comparison.
- Comment on Discovering what this man has done has ruined my day 9 months ago:
You’re one of today’s unlucky 10,000.
- Comment on Thomas Edison was the Elon musk of his era 10 months ago:
For what it’s worth, it’s been suggested that Musk’s takeover of Tesla was opportunistic, and against the desire of Tarpenning and Eberhard.
From my research, Tarpenning was pressured into quitting, and Eberhard was fired by the board of directors for lying to the board. Since Elon was chairman of the board at the time, it’s plausible (and even hinted at) that Elon played dirty to push through this firing.
I cannot say for sure if they would have handled the company more ethically then Musk, but I am personally uncomfortable hanging them out to dry simply on what could have been.
That said, I agree that employee co-ops are a top tier business organization structure.
- Comment on Thomas Edison was the Elon musk of his era 10 months ago:
- Comment on high energy 10 months ago:
The list after I’m done with it: Being on Tim Making A fort Being high Having A Pos Attitude Being ass ate Using ood Language Be a able Do a Lit Ex Be Pre red Having A Strong ork hic
- Comment on Republicans Keep Taking Credit For Local Broadband Projects Funded By Federal Bills They Voted Against 11 months ago:
Honestly, I don’t think this is a new phenomenon per sé. Politicians being quick to take full credit for good news isn’t groundbreaking (and the masses quick to blame politics for what may be beyond anyone’s control is an interesting parallel)
What’s changed is how brazen, barren, and hollow Trump and MAGA have exposed the GOP to be. Under his guidance they’ve collectively had the finesse of a third grader and this radically exposed how little they’re contributing in terms of policy.
As an example, look at Affordable Care Act. Trump claims to replace it with something better, but after years they’ve produced almost nothing to point to as a substitute, and it’s glaringly obvious to anyone slightly interested.
By contrast, if you roll back to the debates on gay marriage, Republicans threw a ‘separate but equal’ token civil union around, which had enough meat on the bone to fuel a discussion.
- Comment on Altered Carbon 1 year ago:
Nah. The 24 hour window is so all the rich, connected people can apply for some grandfathered exemption clause that’s not available to the rest of us.
- Comment on Um. I choose cow. 1 year ago:
Private golden adventures available. Inquire within.
- Comment on Wait until they get to pineapples... 1 year ago:
Bondage burgers, dominant drinks, and sadistic salsa masochistic music. Sounds fun!
- Comment on Pasta 1 year ago:
Well then show us a carbonara 😏
- Comment on Pasta 1 year ago:
- Comment on Replace Spotify 1 year ago:
Anyone here experiment with Funkwhale? Wondering if it’s a practical choice to make a personal library available in a personal cloud.
- Comment on Philips Hue will force users to upload their data to Hue cloud 1 year ago:
Just get a bulb pre-flashed work either Tasmota or ESPHome. (ESPHome integrates well into home assistant, Tasmota is otherwise a bit more well rounded, but they’re both great)
- Comment on I feel like are all stuck in a movie where all the rich people live on some kind of floating island or satellite with everything they need to live well, and all of us have zero chance of going there. 1 year ago:
I’m pretty sure @randon31415@lemmy.world was trying to create a simplified example. To include a generic autistic tech we can modify the example to “40 people making 10 things an hour. A clever autistic person comes along and writes a computer script that improves efficiency. Now 19 people make 20 things an hour, the autistic tech makes 5 times as much as one of the original people and has the specialty job of maintaining the script, the business owner lays off 20 people (4x of their pay compensates the tech) and the business owner pockets the other 16x as extra profit”
The 19 people still employed don’t get any more pay for their extra efficiency, nor do they get any more time off.
The 20 people who were let go at no fault of their own now apparently don’t get to eat or live or have any kind of security until they reeducate themselves to a new line of work.
The autistic tech doesn’t understand where their additional pay comes from, but is happy to get rewarded well for their good work.
If questioned about why the 20 people needed to be let go, the business owner will blame the scripts efficiency instead of their own decision to pocket the money.
However, to answer your question directly: it does not matter how many new jobs or specialty positions are created - if the net pay available to workers is reduced and the net jobs workers can fill are reduced, some workers are destined to get the short straw.
- Comment on The most popular Chinese keyboard app which is used by more than 450 million monthly users sends every key typed to Tencent in China. 1 year ago:
I recommend free and open source software for everyone. Everything on this list is curated to feature the best alternatives to common proprietary software (according to Linux Cafe):
This list is good free, open source (FOSS) Android keyboards:
I think the best two are Simple Keyboard and AnySoftKeyboard. Simple Keyboard is pleasant to use, but is missing a several advanced features. ASK would be perfect if the swipe typing worked (it’s currently listed as beta, and is mostly actuate, but unfortunately when it does make a mistake fixing it is almost painful).
Finally, try to get comfortable going to alternativeto.net when you get frustrated with software. Worst case scenario you get frustrated with different software for a bit and switch back. Of course it notes the price and license model for each alternative.