- Comment on Wow, ok. 4 weeks ago:
I went down a rabbit hole on this one. I think the age may be irrelevant, or only correlated with children. At least Kidman and Holmes left him over Scientology. They were trying to avoid having their kids indoctrinated. That worked for Holmes, backfired on Kidman. It might have worked for Holmes because it backfired on Kidman.…/after-tom-cruise-once-denied-ab…
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 4 months ago:
The approach of LLMs without some sort of symbolic reasoning layer aren’t actually able to hold a model of what their context is and their relationships. They predict the next token, but fall apart when you change the numbers in a problem or add some negation to the prompt.
Awesome for protein research, summarization, speech recognition, speech generation, deep fakes, spam creation, RAG document summary, brainstorming, content classification, etc. I don’t even think we’ve found all the patterns they’d be great at predicting.
There are tons of great uses, but just throwing more data, memory, compute, and power at transformers is likely to hit a wall without new models. All the AGI hype is a bit overblown. That’s not from me that’s Noam Chomsky
- Comment on X's idiocy is doing wonders for Bluesky. 4 months ago:
“Freedom of choice Is what you got Freedom from choice Is what you want” -Devo
- Comment on Apple finally adds support for RCS in latest iOS 18 beta | TechCrunch 8 months ago:
They’re also adding a lot more incompatible text formatting and shit to keep Android incomplete with their real chat protocol. Gotta keep those teens bullying Android users. Also E2E encryption would be nice, but the EU didn’t force them to do that.
Still great because MMS is garbage and ruins photo and video quality.
- Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
The fingerprinting I’m talking about gets encoded in the screen recording too. Subtle pixel changes here or there over the entire length of the video. It’ll be lossy when it’s transcoded, but over the whole video it’s there enough times it won’t matter. Even scaling to lower quality won’t fix it and then it’ll also be lower quality.
It’ll be like DRM, there will be people trying to remove it like anything else. They’ll break one thing and another will come along. There would still be a black market, but most people can get an unrestricted copy in exchange for money so there’s one less reason to pirate.
Unless you’re actually pointing a camera at the screen, then OK, you do you.
- Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
They could offer a way to download a copy and steganographically tag it to hell with your id so that they know if you distribute it. You can “loan it out” by letting friends stream off your Plex or whatever. If you start selling that streaming service or it shows up in torrents, it has your ID on it.
Boom, you own it forever and you’re incentivized not to over share.
Or you know sell DRM free versions and let people do whatever, but that probably has a snowballs chance in hell.
- Comment on Senate passes TikTok ban bill, sending it to Biden, who has already committed to signing it 10 months ago:
Exactly. They really sealed the deal when they sent a push message to get people to call Congress and stop the ban.…/tiktok-congress-ban-push-notificat…
“TikTok can be used to influence our citizens politically” * TikTok proves it true immediately on a personal level for legislators * “See!”
Couldn’t have found a better way to put gas on that fire. You’re supposed to ~bribe~ lobby when they start talking shit.
- Comment on Tesla’s in its flop era 10 months ago:
Exactly BYD is their biggest problem. Also they can’t claim higher build quality so you’d really pay more for just the brand.
- Comment on Altered Carbon 1 year ago:
If you’re an ssshole don’t you come back as an insect or animal? That would mean rich folks would have to do actual good to avoid that. Whatever their policies, after the first few trust fund dung beetles and assorted other multi-lifetime embarrassments, they’d probably snap out of it.
Hey check out the cockroach yacht club guys! Lol, how did that forced birth + soul tracking debt thing work out for you!?
Then like half their debtors would achieve nervana and fuck off to heaven or whatever.
I think the kharma religions, this would take care of itself.
- Comment on Google Search Really Has Gotten Worse, Researchers Find 1 year ago:
“Notably, Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo all have the same problems, and in many cases, Google performed better than Bing and DuckDuckGo by the researchers’ measures.”
Click bait headline. I see they’re good at SEO themselves.
- Comment on Wonderful holiday scents 1 year ago:…/mcdonalds-ice-cream-machine-tea…
Right to repair DMCA mess and maybe intentionally temperamental to extract repair fees.
- Comment on Study shows Tesla owners have most car accidents, but Ram has the worst drivers 1 year ago:
They dropped to second place for DUIs at least. BMW drivers are nearly twice as likely to be caught driving drunk.
- Comment on Google Drive misplaces months' worth of customer files 1 year ago:
You need an encrypted cloud copy. 3-2-1 backup with duply to wasabi (AWS bucket-like). Otherwise you’re hosed if you have a fire/tornado/theft/etc.
- Comment on Kendrick Lamar's company just dropped a limited-edition 'dumb' phone. It's already sold out. 1 year ago:
It’s more like “Why are you smoking cigarettes, stop buying cigarettes.” It’s addictive, well marketed and cool, and totally avoidable with some self discipline.
I wouldn’t joke about people with an actual illness by telling them to toughen up, but we’re not talking about that.
- Comment on Kendrick Lamar's company just dropped a limited-edition 'dumb' phone. It's already sold out. 1 year ago:
Why not get a phone that can take, send, and receive pictures and video. It would also have maps, GPS, encrypted messaging, streaming music, audiobooks, e-books, home automation apps, ride hailing, food ordering, decent browser, etc.
Then, stay with me here, don’t install social media apps. The lengths people go to so they can avoid social media when it is extremely avoidable is crazy to me.
- Comment on This week’s dead Google products: Google Podcasts, basic Gmail, and more! 1 year ago:
They wrote up a whole thing about it. It was linked in the article.
- Comment on Fell asleep while wife was driving home last night, she went above and beyond by remembering how important this was to me... 1 year ago:
Also going 69 MPH? Nice.
- Comment on Neuralink’s human trials volunteers ‘should have serious concerns,’ say medical experts 1 year ago:
Why let you have your memories at all? Each day you remember the doctored history of a happy employee. You’re excited for another day of peak productivity with a short break for your favorite meal (the only food you’re aware of): Soylent green. Hey where’s Steve today… who’s Steve… better get back to work.
- Comment on The Batshit Crazy Story Of The Day Elon Musk Decided To Personally Rip Servers Out Of A Sacramento Data Center 1 year ago:
On CHRISTMAS FUCKING EVE! He has like 10 kids. He started a fire drill for employees on Christmas Eve, they have families too. What a cartoonishly villainous thing to do.
- Comment on Steve Jobs: The difference of stealing yourself vs being stolen from 1 year ago:
Technically correct, but it was originally aimed at Blackberry.…/original_android_prototype_revealed…
Apple pioneered a moderately useful mobile browser and fully touch screen UI (except for the home button).
They’ve been copying each other ever since, to the point where I watch the WWDC keynote thinking “they didn’t already have THAT!?” most of the time.