- Comment on The US Is Considering a TP-Link Router Ban—Should You Worry? 1 week ago:
Well I will say, their brand is definitely working class disillusionment, mixed with humor and some anger
- Comment on Watch: A real-life flying car takes to the skies 1 week ago:
It’s a big ass drone with a car shape 3D printed over top of it
- Comment on The US Is Considering a TP-Link Router Ban—Should You Worry? 1 week ago:
Nah that’s amazing. But yes, definitely check out more of their stuff if you like jobseeker. Another in a similar vein is Till Dipper. Not just because of the similar sounding names. But you really can’t go wrong. Their newer album is a little more accessible I think. UK Grim the song gets stuck in my head constantly.
- Comment on The US Is Considering a TP-Link Router Ban—Should You Worry? 1 week ago:
Sickusername btw. Ever seen them live? One of the best shows I saw in the few surrounding years (of the year I saw them)
- Comment on Robot with 1,000 muscles twitches like human while dangling from ceiling 1 week ago:
Ooh yeah let’s hope that’s the case.
- Comment on OpenAI whistleblower’s deemed suicide 2 weeks ago:
And American cops are all too happy to take one less murder case if there’s any room to say it was a suicide. They’re not looking to add unsolved murders, especially ones that implicate he most powerful companies and men in the world.
- Comment on Starbucks Baristas Aren't Writing Messages On Your Cup By Choice 2 weeks ago:
It’s like post modern millennial writing style. Outlets think they have to be clever and tongue in cheek and a little ironic. It’s annoying
- Comment on Guy Who Ruined Buzzfeed With AI Now Says AI Is Bad, Launches New AI Platform 2 weeks ago:
I mean, haven’t they had a really decent actual news outlet for a while though? I remember buzz feed breaking some pretty big stories and had really great investigative pieces done some years back
- Comment on Larry Ellison wants to put all America's data, including DNA, in one big Oracle system for AI to study 2 weeks ago:
What could go wrong
- Comment on When Platforms and the Government Unite, Remember What’s Private and What Isn’t 2 weeks ago:
But if they acknowledged that, how would they be able to high road people?!?
- Comment on Reddit Blames Google Algorithm Changes For Not Hitting User Growth. 2 weeks ago:
This is just attention grabbing language for something that really isn’t even a problem for Reddit. The longer recent trend of stunted growth could be cause for concern, but the actual numbers are something like they got 101.6 million unique visitors instead of their projected 103.4. That’s nothing. They’re talking like they’re in free fall. It could be the start of a trend that could be bad for a public company, but realistically, what we’re all hoping to see isnt what this article is actually telling us. Unfortunately.
- Comment on An OpenAI whistleblower was found dead in his apartment. Now his mother wants answers 3 weeks ago:
A truly depressing response to the article bringing up how yet again whistleblowers against major corporations are being killed mysteriously.
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 3 weeks ago:
they would have you watch ads without seatbelts and without air bags.
No, they would require you purchase these because their business can’t sell their products without them, but they’d make you pay a subscription for them to keep working, and when you stop paying the subscription, the car stops turning on until you pay your monthly airbag and seatbelt fee.
- Comment on Apple Maps now shows the Gulf of America 3 weeks ago:
We’ve known since the beginning their products are made off the suffering of slave labor. Them being evil isn’t new whatsoever.
- Comment on US Bill proposed to jail people who download Deepseek 4 weeks ago:
You overestimate the strength of the cognitive dissonance. These people have somehow found a way to overcome the concept of hypocrisy and the consequences for it. They’re impervious to shame and repercussions.
This is them gathering their strength. The more we care about facts and honesty, the more they win. This is kind of the endgame
- Comment on Trump signs order establishing a sovereign wealth fund that he says could buy TikTok 4 weeks ago:
Two inches from the best timeline. We got fucked.
What two inches? What was the best timeline that we missed out on so narrowly? 2000? Because Reagan won by a lot, if I’m remembering correctly.
- Comment on Day 200 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 4 weeks ago:
Hey! Dropping you a line in this AW2 thread too! lol
I love AW2. I think it might’ve been your post that made me pick up Control, actually. LOVED that! And the DLC is massive and so much fun. I loved the AW tie-ins.
We seem to have a pretty similar taste in games, so I’m glad to hear you loved and wanted to replay Silent Hill 2 right after playing it. That’s my next purchase, for sure. Although, where we differ is that I LOVE replaying games. Especially games like Cyberpunk, where the openness and discovery of the thing leaves a lot to keep finding. I mean, shit, I’m on an embarrassing number of playthroughs and im still finding new locations, new ways to interact or new pieces of each gig story to see. Love it.
My all-time games (I’m a very new gamer) are Cyberpunk, RDR2, AW2, and Control. I want to find more that strike me in the way these have.
- Comment on Day 105 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 4 weeks ago:
Hell yes! Dude I still have been replaying it. And finding new stuff. That DLC, too! It’s so damn good. Glad you’re enjoying it! And I’m glad you remembered to let me know hah! I wish there were more games like this.
- Comment on Day 174 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 1 month ago:
So RDR2O is good? I love RDR2, and I’ve played the campaign to death. But I tried online and found it…meh. Maybe I didn’t invest in it and I was looking for a more cohesive story or maybe a helping hand in getting my toes wet, but it just felt like there was nothing novel or interesting to do. I’m sure playing with someone makes it a lot more fun. I was really looking for more of the campaign. That’s not what it is.
- Comment on Call of Duty's massive development budgets revealed: $700 million for Black Ops Cold War 1 month ago:
I mean, factoring in advertising costs and shit, especially with a huge advertising push, could make that total number rise dramatically. And when you actually have the government pumping you full of money, you find ways to spend it. When other games end up asking themselves if they can afford to ____ because the timeline is _____, this kind of production gets to say, “do it. Hire more people.” And it doesn’t have to involve crunch.
- Comment on Experts say high food prices are here to stay. Here's why 1 month ago:
We need to start organizing (in person), grab-n-go demonstrations en masse. People, in person, get together, leaflet-bomb a store after everyone fills up their carts, and everyone runs out. Free food, taken from the culprits (organize only at corporate retailers), and a dent in their most delicate jewels: their fuckin wallets (and their black hearts).
The trend spreads, and a point is made. Did I mention the free food?
- Comment on I still don’t think companies serve you ads based on spying through your microphone 1 month ago:
I found indisputable proof of this happening.
We were using Google maps, driving in a production van. We were talking about the song “Gasolina” by daddy yankee. The person whose phone it was did not speak Spanish. Moments later we were being served suggestions to stop at “estaciones de gasolina”
- Comment on Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior' 1 month ago:
- Comment on Uber Eats undercover: Delivering your food for $1.74 an hour 1 month ago:
In my experience, plenty of local shops delivered. And when Uber eats came about, they had to fire their own delivery people because so many would check Uber eats first. Not to mention the restaurants get less on the food, when small, locally owned restaurants are already surviving on razor thin margins.
So the idea for these services is basically “I don’t want to go to my local restaurant to pick up food, so I’m going to financially hurt them so a middleman can profit by forcing them to deliver to me (which plenty were doing already).”
My point is it’s such a uniquely stupid, uniquely American concept that hurts everyone involved, and makes a ton of money for one large company—who completely inserted themselves into it unnecessarily.
If the argument is whether or not there should be a moral dilemma when ordering from them, I say yes. We can’t absolve ourselves of our laziness on this one, I don’t think.
And the likening it to insurance companies was strictly for the purpose of a meaningless middleman who changed the structure of the system they exist in, in order to profit unnecessarily. I tried to make it clear the likeness stopped there, but maybe I wasn’t.
- Comment on Uber Eats undercover: Delivering your food for $1.74 an hour 1 month ago:
I a, bothered by the ratio of what I pay extra for third party services as compared to what the delivery person receives. You can’t possibly drive the price up further
The solution already existed. It’s called restaurants delivering their own food. But Ubereats shoehorned their way into the equation to be an unnecessary middleman in order to profit.
I absolutely share the moral dilemma with the concept of third party delivery. They’re just as useless as health insurance companies, so if you see the problem with the latter, you can def see the problem with the former. (Not to say they’re on the same scale or have similar histories or have equal amounts of blood on their hands, just that they’re similar in structure in a system that work(s)/(ed) fine without them.)
- Comment on Motorized rotating plant stand? 3 months ago:
Yeah, why waste electricity for something you can do, like, in half a second once/month?
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 3 months ago:
Calling into question the things he liked? lol I dunno I was more really just hijacking the first comment I saw sorry
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 3 months ago:
Well wasn’t he dating Alanis Morisette when he was 30 and she was 17
- Comment on For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. 3 months ago:
Ah, see, I love the game. I’ve been replaying it, actually. I think the endings, yeah, they’re all pretty sad. Even the one ending where
Tap for spoiler
You actually get the cure, it’s a massive, massive bummer. Life moves on without V, and they are stuck. They try to go back to their life, and they realized it’s all gone when they got what they were trying for the whole time. Every ending but one is genuinely sad.
And that’s super duper rare, it feels like. I truly appreciate that everything was a gut punch. I really like my V, and when I’ve replayed it I make them the same way (looks-wise, I have made different builds). The male voice actor was not for me. I think he sounded like a douchebag and I couldn’t root for my own character. And that first play through I was honestly a little disappointed with the game. But when I found “my” V, I was much more invested.
I love the difficult choices they saddle you with. It was a big part of the game for me because they really made you feel like there were no right options, or two right options, and you weren’t just choosing black or white, you were choosing moral grayness or moral grayness. And you had to sit with those choices and, as OP pointed out, watch the consequences unfold for the—I feel, very well-written and acted—NPCs.
I really love the game. It and RDR2 are my favorites. I was never a gamer growing up. In my thirties I started playing games, but I am a huge story person—books, movies, tv shows—and I think the stories and the characters made it. So when I found games that let me really get a sense of these characters, even if there is a lot of dialogue, it’s like I’m playing a really long movie. That’s ideal for me. I could see how some people who game heavily wouldn’t like it though. But I fuckin love that game and its spiritual twin (IMO), RDR2. Both maybe “limited” for true gamers, but for some filthy cazh like me, fuckin excellent and highly enjoyable.
- Comment on In the American class warfare, there seem to be an awful lot of parallels between typical Republican voters and Uncle Tom, a negro who was exceedingly subservient to his slave masters. 3 months ago:
No, but it’s a shower thought. If it were a quote, I wouldn’t have said anything.