- Comment on i need a professional 10 months ago:
I don’t understand the joke… Is something wrong with research gate?
- Comment on it works! only 99.99$! 10 months ago:
Ah yes I love the science of rock and rock accessories
- Comment on Just think of the taxes that they can then avoid! 10 months ago:
Walmart not big enough that’s why
- Comment on The eclipse shadow travels on the ground at about 2300 mph, so you could follow it with an SR-71. 10 months ago:
There we go okay I got it
- Comment on The eclipse shadow travels on the ground at about 2300 mph, so you could follow it with an SR-71. 10 months ago:
- Comment on El Salvador Will Keep Buying 1 Bitcoin Daily Until BTC 'Becomes Unaffordable' With Fiat Currencies, Says President Bukele – Featured Bitcoin News 11 months ago:
You seem to misunderestimate the gang problem. I was in Ilobasco a few years ago and my family that lives there urged me not to go outside past 7pm because I can be a target. Like wtf why do the gangs get to dictate curfew? This was in 2017. Since Nuevas Ideas I have only heard good things and good changes to the area from my family. There were so many people associated to the gangs that I have little sympathy for those ‘innocently accused’. I would rather a few loosely incorporated get caught than let the gangs do what they want freely.
- Comment on El Salvador Will Keep Buying 1 Bitcoin Daily Until BTC 'Becomes Unaffordable' With Fiat Currencies, Says President Bukele – Featured Bitcoin News 11 months ago:
Bukele and his government is nothing like Trumps. He doesn’t want El Salvador to use USD as the standard currency, that’s it…
- Comment on Why don't we hear more about the 2017 Las Vegas shooting? It was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, we never found a motive, and it seems no one ever mentions it. 11 months ago:
The guy just had a lot of guns. He had 23 with him and he had like another 20 at home.
But I would also imagine that him having them all loaded put into a row in his suite is faster than reloading.
- Comment on Why does my printer suck so much? 11 months ago:
I started with a cr10s that I actually got for free. The first print was amazing, then every following attempt just shit it’s pants. I spent about 20 or 30 hours trying to look up what the fuck im doing wrong. Tried reprinting again and again and again and it was extremely infuriating. I then started disassembling and reassembling and found that my problem was a broken cable.
Point of the story is I learned so much about 3D printing trying to figure out why the prints are not working. Now I got 2 more printers and if something goes wrong I can easily identify what’s wrong.
Don’t give up hope
- Comment on Why don't we hear more about the 2017 Las Vegas shooting? It was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, we never found a motive, and it seems no one ever mentions it. 11 months ago:
Not trying to minimize the bump stock thing but I would wager that having 23 different guns and hundreds of rounds of ammo is why so many people got shot that night. This guy had it all planned out including bipods, red dots, cameras etc. this guy even went as far as to nailing his door shut so in any case someone got to his hotel before he was done, he would have extra time.
Yeah the bump stocks made a difference but I don’t think it was by that much.
- Comment on Leaked SpaceX documents show company forbids employees to sell stock if it deems they've misbehaved 11 months ago:
I’m a little naive about how this works but how does buying and selling unlisted securities work? What does it mean to get unlisted stock? If someone was given stock as a perk but was fired what happens to the stock? I’ve never worked at a startup so I don’t know how that works…
- Comment on Divide and rule 11 months ago:
I mean I would rather be caught dead than be purple
- Comment on How Long Has the CIA had an "Open Source Targeter" position? 11 months ago:
No it’s someone who shops at target openly
- Comment on WII 11 months ago:
- Comment on What would be a good glue to repair this spatula with that wont he toxic or come undone in a dishwasher? 11 months ago:
Drill a hole through both and put a bolt/nut
- Comment on How many times will I tell you? 11 months ago:
I do thanks. I like to keep a nice gloss of poo coating every inch of my bathroom. Is this not normal?
- Comment on How many times will I tell you? 11 months ago:
For you maybe
- Comment on How many times will I tell you? 11 months ago:
And what if I want poop particles around my house huh? When was the last time you asked me
- Comment on Google fires employee who protested Israel tech event, as internal dissent mounts 11 months ago:
Based on internet fan fiction and doomerpilled
- Comment on Google fires employee who protested Israel tech event, as internal dissent mounts 11 months ago:
That guy probably posts here
- Comment on I've noticed my boomer parents using Instagram and tik tok. I can't tell you how excited I am for them to kill those platforms like they did facebook. 11 months ago:
Thank the lord you brought this up. That dang rock n roll is the devil incarnate. DAE agree? Can I get 5 updoots
- Comment on Europe's biggest 3D-printed building rises in just 140 hours 11 months ago:
Those layer lines tho 🤢
- Comment on I've noticed my boomer parents using Instagram and tik tok. I can't tell you how excited I am for them to kill those platforms like they did facebook. 11 months ago:
The vast vast vast majority of the content farmed on tik tok is not hydroponic farmers or d&d related lmao
- Comment on Amazon "search through reviews" is blindly just running an AI model now 11 months ago:
This is great
- Comment on I've noticed my boomer parents using Instagram and tik tok. I can't tell you how excited I am for them to kill those platforms like they did facebook. 11 months ago:
Kids think anyone older than 25 are boomers. I would wager that the average age here on Lemmy is ~30. So by default, we are all boomers here.
With that said, follow my only fans account for cat news and all things related cats at
- Comment on TikTok faces calls for ban amid claims of anti-Israel ‘indoctrination’ 11 months ago:
They should have banned it years ago when the question of data security came into question. Tik Tok is brain poison, more than regular internet dosage. It’s cocomelon for adolescents.
- Comment on Abbreviate it to BOMB. 1 year ago:
When I was 8-years-old, my foster brother allowed me to play Super Mario 64 on his Nintendo. When I finally got the last star in Jolly Roger Bay, we both cheered a little too loudly, prompting my foster parents to barge into the room and whip me with a belt for playing video games when I, as a foster child, didn’t deserve to play anything other than Checkers or Connect-4. A few months later, my foster parents brought home McDonald’s and I thanked them profusely, as it was a break from the dry Ramen I was used to eating. They beat me bloody for speaking to them and locked me in my room (the water-heater closet) with nothing to eat but the pickles they picked off their Big Macs. Today, I suffer anxiety attacks any time I am forced to speak in a social situation. I know you were curious about “my bullshit” so thank you for asking
- Comment on So glad I'm ditching these fucking idiots 1 year ago:
All the real ones yoho solidworks
- Comment on I just want to chill 1 year ago:
Still sad how funny colors doesn’t exist on lemmy
- Comment on Altered Carbon 1 year ago:
Be me. Reincarnate into a cow. Moo. Moo moo moo. Moo moo moo moo moo. Moo 🐮