- Comment on After 40 years of being free Microsoft has added a paywall to Notepad 6 days ago:
I turned off that AI stuff as soon as I saw it. Click the gear icon in Notepad in the upper right to open settings and turn it off.
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 1 month ago:
- Comment on Apps doing year wrapped gives you a hint on how are you being tracked. There is probably a legal issue there somewhere like data retention. 1 month ago:
I know Steam itself says it doesn’t track your playtime while you’re playing offline.
- Comment on New social experiment 1 month ago:
Windows accepts either one.
- Comment on Microsoft just paused Windows 11 24H2 update for many PCs due to crashes and freezes 3 months ago:
I’ve had the odd stability issue every now and then. (There was one ongoing issue with my wifi that was caused by a bug in my manufacturer’s driver, but that was years ago on Windows 10, and they eventually fixed it.) But I honestly haven’t had any issues caused specifically by Microsoft recently that I can recall.
Any problems caused by major features updates are usually solved by simply reinstalling the driver. (And I haven’t had any of those sorts of problems in at least a couple years.)
- Comment on Grr Windows 3 months ago:
It… only updates once a month, though. The second Tuesday of every month.
- Comment on This researcher wants to replace your brain, little by little. The US government just hired a researcher who thinks we can beat aging with fresh cloned bodies and brain updates. 4 months ago:
Something something Doctor Who Cybermen.
- Comment on Google looks to be fully shutting down unsupported extensions and ad blockers in Chrome, such as uBlock Origin – which might push some folks to switch to Firefox 4 months ago:
IIRC, they’ve said they’ll implement V3 to maintain compatibility, but they’ll also continue to maintain V2. You, the extension developer, will not be forced to use V3 if you don’t want to.
- Comment on Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second 5 months ago:
To add to this, often, even if you turn off Bluetooth, your devices can still communicate via Bluetooth Low Energy, something that’s separate from classic Bluetooth and typically (to my knowledge) cannot be turned off. As an example, I’ve heard that Google uses it to send ad targeting info between devices.
- Comment on YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog 5 months ago:
Wouldn’t yt-dlp be forced to download the server-side ads, too?
- Comment on Stay frosty 5 months ago:
The house would have to have like 5-10 of them. One for every room in the house.
- Comment on Stay frosty 5 months ago:
Honestly, I can’t sleep without any white noise.
Without it, it’s just quiet. Too quiet…
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Yeah, I’m just a big JRPG fan.
As for the Trails series, I’ve been told that the best place to start is (understandably) the beginning. Play in release order. The first three games are in 2.5D (as opposed to 3D), but they actually hold up really well.
Most people (myself included) will recommend that you use a spoiler-free guide to avoid missing hidden quests and collectibles (such as a book series you’ll collect in its entirety over the course of the first game). I’m using this spoiler-free guide for my playthrough of the first game.
It’s also recommended that you go around talking to every NPC in the town you’re in every now and then. Dialogue updates as the main quest advances and, at times, if you’ve had an interaction with an NPC in (for example) a side quest and that NPC later pops up in the main quest, the NPC will remember that interaction from the side quest. Some NPCs also pop up in later games with their stories continuing (or so I’ve been told).
Almost every single Trails game is also available DRM-free with achievements on GOG. The only missing is the latest game (which has a “coming soon” page). The series goes on sale on GOG pretty frequently, too.
Also, examine every chest twice: once to open it and once to see the “empty chest” dialogue. The English localizers noticed that, in the Japanese version of the game, instead of having the empty chests call a single line of dialogue multiple times, each chest had its own line to call. (It was the same thing copied and pasted every single time.) So they had some fun with it and made nearly every empty chest have unique dialogue.
Also, just today, during the Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st, a remake of the first game in full 3D with the modern Trails as aesthetic, was announced for a 2025 release worldwide. Though I don’t know how faithful it’ll be to the original game or to its localization. So you could wait for that if you want or just play the original trilogy immediately. But, again, the originals still hold up really well.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
I’ve started playing through it, but I’ve got other games currently that I’m focusing on (currently Trails in the Sky FC, then Persona 3 Reload: The Answer, and then Metaphor ReFantazio).
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Sadly, it’s not available on PC, but it is available on Nintendo Switch (US eShop page linked above) and PlayStation 4 (and PlayStation 5 through backwards compatibility).
It’s a sci-fi game made by the creators of some games you might’ve heard of in passing (namely Dragon’s Crown, Odin Sphere, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, etc.), Vanillaware. I can’t go into details because spoilers, but I will say it is quite simply the best and most uniquely told story I have ever seen in a game. It’s a game you have to experience for yourself. You should go into it as blind as possible, too.
I will say the English dub of the game is also surprisingly good, considering it was recorded almost entirely in COVID lockdown. The Atlus West sound engineers (Atlus published the game in the west) must’ve worked some incredible magic to get it to sound as good as it does.
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
On the flip side, this is what makes Windows generally very good at backwards compatibility.
- Comment on Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads 6 months ago:
High switching cost compared to finding another extension (e.g. uBO Lite), even if the resulting experience is worse.
You’re not wrong about the high switching cost.
Switching from Chrome to Vivaldi (because of Chrome’s whole FLoC thing) to Brave (because I didn’t like Vivaldi’s layout) to Firefox (because of Brave’s whole thing) was a pain.
And I don’t mean as a whole. Taking the time each time to change from one browser to another was always a pain. Transferring bookmarks and passwords was easy (Chrome and Firefox are at least compatible in that regard), but transferring extension settings was a whole different beast.
Some extensions had cloud sync support. Others had local export support. Some didn’t have either kind, and I’d have to manually copy the settings from one browser over to the other. And that’s not even getting into finding replacements for the Chrome-exclusive extensions (of which there were only a few, thankfully).
- Comment on Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads 6 months ago:
The headline is a bit overdramatic. Google hasn’t pulled uBlock Origin off its extension webstore. Rather, it’s switching from Manifest v2 to Manifest v3, which won’t support features the current version of uBlock Origin needs to work. We’ve known this was in the process of happening for months. It’s a good reminder of what’s coming eventually (namely, the fact v2 extensions will be entirely disabled by Chrome soon), but this is nothing new.
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
Reddit is not a great replacement for Discord and its live chat features IMO.
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
I never directly paid for Reddit Gold (in the sense that I had a subscription to it), but I definitely gilded others’ comments a lot.
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
So… a Reddit community with an exclusive Discord server?
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
tools to help prevent unauthorized sharing
Back in the day, we called them subreddit mods.
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
So…this is for porn.
Only if those subreddits have something where the user… creating that gets a portion of every subscription payment.
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
The only really active communities I’ve seen are the tech communities and the politics/ news communities. So, yeah, I agree with the other guy: I’m looking forward to much more variety.
- Comment on Anime General Discussion Thread - Favorite Openings and Endings of Summer Edition [Week 31] 6 months ago:
One of my favorite openings and endings has to be the ones for Bye Bye, Earth.
- Opening:
- Ending:
- Comment on Bananas 7 months ago:
Yeah, it’s probably more like a chemical reaction of some kind. Like how some flowers close at night.
- Comment on Alexa Is in Millions of Households—and Amazon Is Losing Billions 7 months ago:
Even if it is listening, based on the article, it seems the current CEO wants Alexa itself to be profitable. He doesn’t want another division of Amazon to be profitable because of Alexa.
- Comment on So how will VP pick be done? 7 months ago:
Ah, that’s what you meant. A presidential nominee will typically pick someone who’s different enough from them (but that they still fundamentally agree with) that people who felt underrepresented by the presidential nominee pick will feel represented by the vice presidential nominee pick. That’s the general logic behind who becomes the VP pick.
- Comment on So how will VP pick be done? 7 months ago:
That’s exactly what happened in 1800. Both Jefferson and Burr, who were from the same party, tied in the electoral college vote. Some people in the party didn’t like Jefferson, but they but didn’t like the opposing party even more.
Each electoral college member got two votes. So all the electoral college members who were part of what would be the winning party ended up casting one vote for Burr and one vote for Jefferson, resulting in a tie. (Due to slow communication in those days, they all assumed someone else was going to be the one who would cast the tie-breaking vote.)
The tie went to the House of Representatives to break it, as is specified in the Constitution. Unfortunately, neither Burr nor Jefferson got the majority vote needed even after thirty-five separate votes. On the thirty-sixth vote, Alexander Hamilton managed to convince some others to vote for Jefferson, and he got the majority vote he needed and became president.
- Comment on So how will VP pick be done? 7 months ago:
No. There’s a reason we amended the Constitution not to do that.