This should surprise no one. The reception was poor, delivery was poor. It’s a niche market item in an existing niche market. On top of that, the de facto spokesperson of Tesla isn’t well liked by a lot of potential buyers.
Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt
Submitted 1 week ago by to
Comments 1 week ago 1 week ago
“niche market,” is a way of saying they made a bad product few want.
pickup trucks are hardly a niche product especially in the us 1 week ago
I don’t think I’d call that thing a pickup. I’m not gonna run to the farm and pick up a 1000lb bale of hay in that thing. A Baja looks like it has more bed space. 1 week ago
It makes more sense if you start from the other side - EVs are a niche market, and an electric truck is a small subset of that.
The Cybertruck sold 38,965 units last year, vs 33,510 for the Ford F150 Lightning. 1 week ago
To be fair, it’s valid to cater to niche markets.
However, that wasn’t what Tesla was aiming to do. 1 week ago
pickup trucks are hardly a niche product
Tanks camouflaged as pickup trucks are. 1 week ago
And the cybertruck is hardly a pickup truck. What were you saying? 1 week ago
Just wait till DOGE start requiring it for all government vehicles 1 week ago
I’d like a GTA singleplayer cheat making every police car a cybertruck that can’t pursue you for long and would rather lose control and do a barrel roll than even get close to you. 1 week ago
“Isn’t well liked” is quite the understatement. “Despised” is more like it. I actually like the way the cybertruck looks, I think the technology is interesting, and if I really wanted to, I could probably afford one.
I wouldn’t drive one if it was given to me for free. I’d rather take a taxi every day than drive a public display of support for the treasonous fascist manchild that owns the company.
Tesla’s second biggest problem is their shit standards and quality control. Their first biggest problem is their shit corporate leadership. 1 week ago
I swear that every time I saw one, the people around would point and laugh. 100k+ to drive a car that is always broken and mocked by everyone is quite expensive. 1 week ago
I mean off the bat that’s one of the worse combinations of people/product I’ve ever seen. I mean off the bat electric car’s target market is people that want to think they are doing something better for the environment.
So… then the guy making them goes loudly in the “fuck the environment” group.
To top it off though, Cybertruck itself always confuses me. I don’t know who the target audience is. The original tesla’s I could look at and think, that’s a cool car, if they ever came down in price I’d be interested.
Cybertruck you look at and think… What a car would look like if you scaled up games from the 32/64 bit console era and made them HD without increasing the polygon count. 1 week ago
The target audience is monied tech bro millenials who really wanted a warthog out of Halo.
The problem is that the overlap between tech bros and nazi lovers is definitely not 100%, probably not even 10%. 1 week ago
We’re not all buying EVs for the environment. I bought an EV because I think the car is cool and it’s really enjoyable to drive. It’s nice that the “gas” is also significantly cheaper, but that wasn’t high on my list of reasons to get the thing, either.
The EV owners I’ve talked to didn’t buy them for the environment, either, but I haven’t talked to any Leaf owners or anything. Maybe they’re more environmentally conscious. It being better for the environment long term is definitely nice, and I hope progress continues on batteries made with less toxic components.
Thankfully, I did not buy a Tesla and they were never on my list of options because of Elon. So he definitely alienated a customer due to him being an awful human being. I also won’t use any of their charging stations, since I don’t want them to profit off of me. 1 week ago
Plus the initial sales were to people who had already committed to preorders at a lower price for a truck that was hyped up to be far better than the end result.
Cybertrucks are basically No Man’s Sky but without the possibility of being good in a half decade. 1 week ago
Cybertrucks are basically No Man’s Sky but without the possibility of being good in a half decade.
Dag, yo. 🔥 1 week ago
Isn’t well liked…. Is a Nazi. 1 week ago
Let’s not forget the quality. Also poor. 1 week ago
Plus it looks stupid, like what my drawings of a car looked like at 5 years old 1 week ago
It is jaw dropping that only 40,000 of their one million+ reservations actually turned into sales. Thats 4% conversion!
Also, trucks are not a niche market. And there is pretty minimal overlap between the kind of douche who wants one of these and people who object to Musk’s behavior. It’s designed for his cult, especially. 1 week ago
Nazi truck. 1 week ago
I can understand why Nazis like it, given the truck’s habit of trapping you inside as it engulfs you in flames. 1 week ago
Some may call this a bug, but I’d argue this is it’s best feature 1 week ago
Wankpanzer 1 week ago
Apartheidsemi 1 week ago
Fashcan? 1 week ago
The best thing they could do for their sales is get rid of all ties to Elon Musk. 1 week ago
Aed get real professionals to design and build future models. 1 week ago
Also have anyone who understands basic car design point out why shit like door opening buttons are a terrible idea in emergencies. Or why requiring thr doors to lock during a software update is stupid. Or why putting electronics not designed for extreme heat is terrible. Or that trying to use cameras in bad weather isn’t any better than human eyes… 1 week ago
Just ordinary professionals will do nicely. 1 week ago
Or even better, get Olivier Boulet (of Mitsubishi infamy) to do their future designs so we can put the company out of its misery. 1 week ago
I definitely would’ve considered Tesla as my first EV but as of now they’re dead to me. If he was completely gone then that actually becomes a selling point for me. 1 week ago
As the article title states, unlike Elon Musk, Tesla pulls out. 1 week ago
Instead they did the opposite and gave him the biggest bonus in world history. 1 week ago
While true this still won’t make the Cyberdrumpf meet EU regulations. You can’t make it street legal here. 1 week ago
They’ve gone a long way on flash and sex appeal but I think a little straightforward practical value would help them a lot. The market is awash in good competition now so their novelty effect is gone. And the sex appeal has ended for everyone except for 40k cyberdouches. 1 week ago
I remember posting about how a guy with a cybertruck would be an immediate no go for me and I was told by a guy I was being too judgy lol 1 week ago
It’s a solid real world filter.
This is definitely more acceptable than “no social media” being a red flag. Got that one before lol 1 week ago
No social media is a green flag IMO. 1 week ago
I give the gift of a free bird to any I pass on the street. 1 week ago
Imagine a cyber truck bro listening to Joe Rogan in that thing. How does that not make every woman in sight instantly aroused?? /s 1 week ago
My panties are soaked! I’m also a pudgy middle-age dude. 1 week ago
Being honest, if I heard about a woman that has cybertruck red flags (assuming you’re cis/het), that’s genuinely more attractive to me. 1 week ago
This is valid just on taste alone. The thing was ugly even before Elon started his descent into madness. 1 week ago
Rich enough to own a cyber truck, but not bright enough not to own a cyber truck. Yeah it’s what they “call look at me” energy.
Politics notwithstanding people like that are just tiring to be around. 1 week ago
All they had to do was build a solid, reliable truck, and not be fascist. Instead they build a poorly glued together piece of shit and sieg heil. I fucking hate this timeline. 1 week ago
Don’t hate the timeline, hate the news. There are real people out there still trying to make the world work, getting stepped on, pushed over, marginalized, silenced. They need you. They need all of us. Do not let The Bastards win.
(I’m still workshopping the “don’t hate the player hate the game” - suggestions are welcome. Words can still inspire people, even before coffee) 1 week ago
Thanks, friend. Much needed words. Maybe I’ll put my decades of counter strike to good use at some point. 1 week ago
I fucking hate this timeline.
I keep seeing people say this. However, hate us what created this timeline. I don’t believe it’s what will get us into a new one.
I mean no offense towards you; I want you to know this. I guess I just finally realized what it is that bothers me about that statement. In fact, I share your sentiment. Because not only are they poorly made, common sense safety measures are removed and replaced with poorly engineered crap that traps people, while other badly designed components catch fire and burn them to death. 1 week ago
First time I’ve used this phrase, myself. But I had such hope for the future and I guess I am finally admitting my hope is gone. 1 week ago
That hate came from somewhere. 1 week ago
That hate came from somewhere. 1 week ago
I still refuse to see it as a truck. The defining feature of a truck is its bed, and the bed on this thing is presented as an afterthought. Covered, undersized, impossible to access from the sides. It’s just a tank. A penis prosthesis for the undersized. 1 week ago
Who would have thought the preorders all dried up when they advertised it at $39,900 but launched it at $60,990. 1 week ago
I’m betting high odds he will force the federal government to buy them under the guise of a green EV transition. With trump’s full blessing, of course. 1 week ago
So… how long before the federal government buys up a couple million of these things…? 1 week ago
I got some advice for them: Fire your CEO. 1 week ago
The Swasticar! 1 week ago
Is this the one they let musk design? Feels like a Simpsons episode… 1 week ago
No thank you. I don’t want a swasticar.
I’d love to have one of those new production old style beetles. But we can’t buy them here because our govt sucks donkey dick. 1 week ago
I wish journalist would stop calling this PS 1 Pontiac Aztek “futuristic”; it just highlights how shitty our future is going to be. 1 week ago
Why isn’t the puny, petulant man-thing that runs the Nazicar Factory not suing us all for not buying them? That’s how you deal with advertisers who don’t wanna advertise with him so why not consumers who don’t want to consume?
It’s the next stupid, asinine step.
I hope anyone who ever admired this fuck face is deeply embarrassed. Or losing money. 1 week ago
I was one of those that put down a deposit and happily waited for this truck to replace my 25 year old car. Then after he called the diver/rescuers pedophiles, I was instantly turned off. Now I actively push others to not buy a Tesla and refer to all Teslas as a Nazi mobile.
Get fucked Elon. 6 days ago
Muskie boy, have you tried suing people to get them to buy the truck? 1 week ago
Have they tried pulling out the “Make a vehicle that’s not a massive and shitty death trap,” or “Boot the Nazi from the company” stops? Because, I suspect doing those two might help it out. 6 days ago
I wouldn’t take a cybertruck if it was free, ignoring musk entirely it’s just a bad vehicle.
The only place I’ll drive a Cybertruck is in Fortnite because there I want my car to be unsafe. 1 week ago
It is not a good pickup truck regardless of Musk being a fascist 1 week ago
Is that “all stops”, as in they will get rid of that guy who very definitely did a Nazi salute? 6 days ago
Uplifting news 1 week ago
I just had a talk with a friend of mine in southern Ontario who lives in a farming rural area. He likes cars and often does searches for used vehicles in his area. In a 200km area around Branford, there are over 200 used Teslas on sale down there over the past month or two because people are dumping them because they don’t like the brand. 1 week ago
Have they tried making a decent truck? 1 week ago
I think the reason Cybertruck sales have ground to a halt has to do with their CEO Department’s way of managing things and breaking into Governmental Agency’s Private Information. It’s also the reason you will find “FUCK ELON MUSK” being spray-painted onto Cybertrucks. 1 week ago
All DEI fault for this failure
/s (if it wasn’t obvious 🙂) 1 week ago
Even if you ignore the politics it’s just a terrible car that is way too expensive. I’m honestly surprised it sold any units at all but I guess people just like vanity toys. 1 week ago
Bit like Elon, Never lived up to the hype 6 days ago
If you do not revolt against the government, you will receive a free cybertruck as a replacement for your house, which will be too expensive to live in.
Each immigrant willing to leave voluntarily will receive a free cybertruck.
The US military, firefighters, EMT’s and police force will get new vehicles! They will all start to use cybertrucks. 1 week ago
Good News: Now the nazi who owns the company can, via his role in the nazi government which he bought, can bail himself out.
(fuck this timeline) 1 week ago
Have they tried suing people who don’t want to buy one? 1 week ago
In case you weren’t referencing this, be amazed:… 1 week ago
I was referencing how Elon is suing companies for not wanting to advertise on X. But this is amazing, too. 1 week ago
Probably an effort to prevent scalping. Oh, how optimistic they were… 1 week ago
Oh no 😥 1 week ago
You joke, but I wouldn’t be shocked if someone in particular gets that brainwave before too long 1 week ago
They should force the government use cybertrucks for employe transportation just like Elon did with X and NTSB 1 week ago
That might be the biggest harbinger of whether musk or Trump is running things. Trump has banned fed government from buying EV. 1 week ago
So much of the promo for the Tim and Eric mandatory attendance world tour 2020 has come true it’s fucking insane, man 1 week ago
You mean These people 1 week ago
Whoa, there was a lot of fElon fellatio in the replies on that site.