They shipped 39k cybertrucks for backlogged preorders that were based on a completely different description of what the truck would be.
Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 4 weeks agoIt makes more sense if you start from the other side - EVs are a niche market, and an electric truck is a small subset of that.
The Cybertruck sold 38,965 units last year, vs 33,510 for the Ford F150 Lightning. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
Well yeah, but to be fair, they were lying. 4 weeks ago
Which is mind boggling, as the Lightning seems like a good, attractive vehicle, while the cybertruck seems like a pile of shit 4 weeks ago
I have no need for a truck, and I still considered getting one. The Lightning is very impressive all around. 4 weeks ago
The Lightning has also been out for a few years now, so it’s not the “new” thing. Also, I feel like half of those cYbErTrUcK purchases were people trying to resell them. 4 weeks ago
Hopefully these people get double-fucked. Moreso because they bought a swasticar from President Musk, but also because fuckyou to people who buy stuff just to resell at a higher margin. 4 weeks ago
I’m assuming the electric f150 has greater than 1 wheel drive? 4 weeks ago
I guess making a search online is the one thing slightly more difficult than making an assumption. 4 weeks ago
You gotta love these comments in forums. Like the whole point of being here is to discuss and people like this are literally telling you to leave the site. Very useful, much contributions. 4 weeks ago
OK, but what the hell was that person on about though? 4 weeks ago
Actually most vehicles are only 1-wheel drive unless they have a locker or similar installed (4x4 would be “2-wheel drive”). 4 weeks ago
Which vehicles have that? The base cybertruck has two motors for AWD. 4 weeks ago
It’s just to make OP feel smart. A single driven axle with an open differential with one wheel on more slippery ground than the other would result in only one wheel transferring torque. 4 weeks ago
Regular F150s have single wheel drive. 4 weeks ago
Can you explain? I’m not much into cars, but that doesn’t sound right to me. A quick Google suggests maybe you’re referring to the open differential, but I don’t think that means that only one wheel is powered. 4 weeks ago
One of the things I love about my Lightning is that it doesn’t look like a fucking cybertruck 4 weeks ago
Other truck makers tend to let their vehicles fully render. 4 weeks ago
I will hand it to Tesla, iterating on the Cybertruck design must have been really fast. 4 weeks ago
Iteration 1 in play 4 weeks ago
Gotta save some polygons. 4 weeks ago
The Lightning really is a nice looking truck.
The trapezoid Minecraft
CybertruckDeplorian— not so much… 4 weeks ago
I’ll be borrowing that one. 4 weeks ago
See also: 4 weeks ago
Image 4 weeks ago
Hey, that is a very hurtful thing to say about Minecraft. Please don’t compare it to that rolling dumpster fire 4 weeks ago
Deplorian… Made me snarf. My previous go to, overheard a while back, Incel Camino. 4 weeks ago
“Wankpanzer” is the one I’ve been going with. 4 weeks ago
😂 oh I like that! Good trade. 4 weeks ago
I’m not a Ford guy, but they do look pretty good.