- Comment on Multiple Lemmy Accounts? 18 hours ago:
I mean if you don’t want others to get to it.
Or if say you want to participate on 2 seperate servers that don’t federate eachother.
But in general a small hobby lemmy instance, can join all the communities on the large general purpose one. Hence, you are talking from a server I’m not familiar with, and we’re talking in a discussion on the largest most general purpose instance.
Only reason I can think of is if you are really worried of people confusing you for say a, or something.
- Comment on Is it a pattern for right-wing people to attack films, series and animations with protagonists from minority groups? Or is this an exaggeration? 21 hours ago:
The only “grain of truth” I would say to the “woke movies” claims etc… Is that sometimes, studios will use minority casting, as a substitute for coming up with a good story or doing anything actually original in the plot. IE a shit movie with a diverse cast is still a shit movie.
I would suppose it also ties down to the fact that, actually trying to represent more people as a push, also started around the time that, movie costs scaled up so much that investors aren’t willing to go in on a movie that isn’t a sequel or remake of something that everyone has already seen. Movies now are more diverse, and 90% of them are crap, but the correlation isn’t causation, and that’s demonstrable by the fact that movies that have all straight white characters, are as bland and unoriginal as the ones that the right blames DEI for why they suck.
But yes… in short DEI, affirmative action, and whatever they called it before has always been the scapegoat for why everything gets worse.
- Comment on Kagi search engine now has a Fediverse search option. 1 day ago:
Best I can find links a sweedish page on the topic
It’s kind of odd I can’t find more sources which does make me a bit skeptical
- Comment on How do you feel about someone taking the coins people tossed into a fountain or other public waterworks display for "wishes?" 2 days ago:
- Comment on Gaming chat platform Discord in early talks with banks about public listing 3 days ago:
it has voice and video… though to be honest I’ve never used it.
- Comment on Are there bots on mastodon that act like humans 6 days ago:
What if bots have gotten so advanced they have simulated lives and backstory to help sell their reality.
In which case… could you even be sure you aren’t a bot?
- Comment on i took an iq test and it was nice and i took my time doing it but the answer was 86, is that bad?? 1 week ago:
is that harmful for my future job opportunities?? what if a company wants to see my iq and they see 86
Has any job interview you’ve ever gone to ever asked for an IQ? I’ve never heard of it, and it sounds like a crazy stupid idea for anyone to go for. You like linux, you’ve programmed websites. The bullshit test that your employers are going to care about are certifications. Look around at job opportunities in your area (or if you are lucky remote), see what certs are most commonly demanded, and focus on getting them. In addition whatever you go for, try and get some hands on experiences in them, projects etc… whether it’s personal.
Or say if web development is the direction you want to go… then try and find a friend or family member that needs a web site or project made… make them a “client” so that you can claim it as “work experience”.
Honestly in my experience in IT… generally speaking when it comes to getting a job, in order of value “work experience” > Certifications > Primary education (IE Degree/diploma).
IQ test, I’ve never once in my life come across that question coming up… just don’t advertise it and most likely no one will ever care.
- Comment on China’s humanoid robot turns into Kung-fu master after dancing debut 1 week ago:
damn… there goes my heist plans… was going to wait till AI robots took over the manufacturing lines, then walk in and start stealing product right off the line. I never anticipated all the robots would know kung fu.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Not a bad list, one thing I would say though, for self hosting, vaultwarden is a far more ideal server than bitwarden (same clients work, but faster and all features are unlocked).
- Comment on Sergey Brin says AGI is within reach if Googlers work 60-hour weeks 1 week ago:
Exactly that’s where it should be doubled down… if their own estimates are correct… it’s only a 6 month expense. If they really believe they are about to open the key to basically eliminating the cost of millions of workers indefinately, wouldn’t throwing thousands of workers to accomplish it faster, lead to cost savings.
Say if I wanted a machine that could make eggs indefinately forever… but to make it I had to put 100 eggs into it. why would I put one egg in a day for 8 months, instead of buying 100 eggs today.
- Comment on Sergey Brin says AGI is within reach if Googlers work 60-hour weeks 1 week ago:
Or, worse, they might actually have to hire enough people to actually do the job. Why hire 100 people with good work life balance, when you can hire 60 people that aren’t allowed to have lives or families.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
To my knowledge that’s a lot of how domestication winds up being.
What I found interesting was a study when they tried to domesticate silver foxes for the fur industry (because basically they didn’t take to being raised in fur farms well). So basically they were selectively bread for not being aggressive to humans.
Which worked, but the drawbacks were effectively… all of their childlike traits remained. IE their ears stayed floppy, and they stopped growing the silver coat that was the whole reason the fur industry wanted them.
Basically I think it could be said that effectively… most domestication traits are more or less, keeping childlike mentality for life in animals.
- Comment on I’m planning to teach middle school Spanish, would casually mentioning having a girlfriend cause an uproar? 1 week ago:
I’d second this… IMO it’s probably good for the students to moderately hear about… but it just takes one curious student to ask follow up questions, and one super conservative triggered parent to blow everything sky high, and tank your career. So IMO… probably not, unless you are looking to get out of teaching and want to do some good on the way out.
- Comment on Meta claims torrenting pirated books isn’t illegal without proof of seeding 2 weeks ago:
I mean isn’t that at least some extent technically true to a level.
I mean if we weren’t talking a shitty corporation to begin with. If this were say, a 20 year old mcdonnalds worker pirating game of thrones.
IMO the bigger concept is still rather than if they got it… defining whether using that data after the fact is legal. I mean hypothetically speaking lets just say they bought 1 copy of each of the millions of books, or bought used copies, or say had a machine that could scan every book in a library. IMO the issue shouldn’t be whether or not anyone managed to download the books in their pure form afterwards. The focus should be the AI trained on their books, is going to be distributing portions of their book to millions of people, and any potential profits of such will be going to meta and uncredited to the original authors. The idea that meta’s involvement in torrenting may have let little timmy get a copy of his text book 15 seconds faster… shouldn’t be the driving force here.
- Comment on on owls 2 weeks ago:
All basic needs met just for existing!, Being a domesticated animal actually does seem like it beats the hell out of wild life…
Course I suppose it depends on what animal what context. Obviously a workhorse, or any food animals would be pretty horrific. I’d imagine though zoo animals, pets, etc… would be pretty superior lifes than even humans carve out for themselves.
While yeah also an insane horror movie plot if “when they turn 40, they walk into that barn and never come out”.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 2 weeks ago:
exactly, she wasn’t saying she was a researcher, she was stating she wasn’t an arm chair quarterback… Going with the sports analogy she’s far closer to a manager or a coach… not a dude on the couch with just the perspective of what’s shown on TV.
- Comment on on owls 2 weeks ago:
Honestly can you imagine how weird domestication must be to wild animals… Like just imagine driving down into a back roads area… noting some large ugly creature there… then seeing a small luxury area but still completely foreign to you, and inside it are people. You approach and be “Hey who are you? want to come to society”, and they are like “nah long as we do these weird tasks we don’t understand for these random other creatures, they feed us and let us sleep on these comfy beds… were cool man”.
- Comment on Tesla Installing Countermeasures as People Are Hacking the Cables Off Superchargers 2 weeks ago:
So your suggestion is basically families should own an EV just for getting around home… and a gas guzzler for long distance travel? IMO the ideal should be a slow phase out of the gas cars.
Or you know… instead of needing super heavy batteries… they could have smaller batteries… if charging stations become common enough that people can relatively easily find places to stop and charge on long trips.
- Comment on Tesla Installing Countermeasures as People Are Hacking the Cables Off Superchargers 2 weeks ago:
Just get rid of the charging stations. It’s ridiculous that EV owners should expect to charge their cars anywhere but at home or at work
why the hell is that ridiculous? People do go places other than home and work. People take road trips and vacations. Electric cars are a good thing, just because one particular brand is owned by a narcisist ruining the country.
- Comment on are terfs actual feminists or do most transphobic women just call themselves that? 2 weeks ago:
I’m sure some are… but I would say certainly seems to be a much larger percentage that prioritize their hatred of trans… and don’t seem to do a lot of actual reach in protecting women.
- Comment on I spent the last year working on the Fediverse. Here's what I've learned. 2 weeks ago:
I mean in short they are attempting the same gist… just, you know mainly in the form of all of them vying to be the all in one. After google’s disasterus google plus… facebook implimenting threads and video hosting, they all are hoping to be a one stop shop.
- Comment on What is a season pass in computer games? 2 weeks ago:
It’s effectively pre-order for DLC.
IE you pay us now… when we release the DLC you get it… If the DLC turns out to suck… well that’s on you, if we release a different DLC then the one we announced, and delay or downgrade all the resources from the DLC we announced, sucks to be you etc…
Bottom line, at best it’s kind of a kick starter done by companies with more than enough money to not need it.
- Comment on How to use Collabora? All I get is "OK". 2 weeks ago:
Hate to say it, but I cannot find an alternate front end to it. There might be one, but documentation on it is pretty scarce, every tutorial I’ve ever seen has just told how to let nextcloud use it.
- Comment on Why doesn't phones numbers have a "DNS" servet so we can just type in words like we do with the internet? 2 weeks ago:
I mean it’s true, but the same general concept could be said about the internet. Everything runs on IPV4 or IPV6 so they can’t use names. OP’s concept is why isn’t there say, a universal phone book that say if I punched DHORK into my phone, it would go to a server where you are listed on, return your phone number, and then my phone automatically dials you.
To which I suppose the reality is… it wouldn’t really be much of a helper. everyone would have like 3-4 digits in their usernames anyway (because any combination of real first/last names, and english words would be gone in hours of the systems introduction). So your typical registered name would be JohnSmith3821 Which isn’t that much faster to learn, write or dial than a normal 9 digit number.
- Comment on For different game store, legally, what happens if they close? 3 weeks ago:
Haha, suckers… I’ve got all the games in the world… and I’ve got about 5 hours of laptop of battery to play them in
- Comment on Are "Lifetime" Cloud Storage Plans scams? 3 weeks ago:
I mean if you put those HDDs into like a synology NAS or something you could run nextcloud or syncthing or several other network hosting file tools.
- Comment on Reddit will lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says 3 weeks ago:
Again though I’m seeing it, at least working well, would be like a patreon, I wouldn’t think of it as a reddit “power user”, I’d imagine that more as courting people that already have some form of business. Say authors, artists, video game developers, youtube video creators etc… that would be posting stuff either early or exclusively there.
- Comment on If I'm at threat to lose my job because I never shut up about politics free speech means nothing to me. 3 weeks ago:
I mean question if you are meaning at work, or in your personal twitter etc…
That being said free speech is about being able to say what you want… but not about forcing others to be around said speech. IE I don’t know your political views, don’t really feel like digging through the post history because it doesn’t matter.
Conceptually though, if say I worked with a racist for instance. he spent the day talking about how mexicans are taking our jobs etc… that would make the workplace very uncomfortable… and as I need to be at work to survive, I would hope my workplace would have an HR person willing to put an end to that. I got no problem if someone else believes that shit, or if he goes home and posts on twitter and other media sources…
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Care to even explain the question… if it were serious and simple I’d make the POST for you… not give you an account lol
Giving you the best benefit of the doubt, and lets say your bans were unjustified, and the reddit admin’s are power tripping. You are IP banned, any account you get, is probably also going to be auto banned from.
- Comment on Reddit will lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says 3 weeks ago:
So sounds to me like… reddit’s looking to compete with say patreon etc… IE allow people to post content either early to payers, or release some things exclusively to payers.
Obviously the value of that will depend on how big of a cut reddit goes after, and assuming they don’t try and move existing participant focused subreddits to it.