- Comment on Everytime 2 days ago:
You’ll be disappointed if you’re looking for a horny anime. The right image is taken VERY out of context. SUPER good show, though. Be warned, however, that the first episode has what amounts to attempted rape, if that is a worry for anyone.
- Comment on Russian food prices are soaring — but no one dares blame Putin and the war 1 week ago:
Or you get to learn what defenestration means firsthand.
- Comment on Shiny 1 week ago:
So let’s do it like a Druid in the General Channel.
- Comment on Which is better: F-Zero or Super Mario Kart (SNES)? 2 weeks ago:
Unless they can make a new “gimmick” then it won’t get greenlit.
- Comment on wrappers 2 weeks ago:
Praise Prometheus!
- Comment on It was rigged? 2 weeks ago:
I don’t see how Paul wins here at all. Either he beats up a 60 year old man or gets beat by a 60 year old man. There’s no way to look good in this.
- Comment on lab supplies 2 weeks ago:
Free if you spend $1000 or more!
- Comment on Come to the Deep Sea!! 3 weeks ago:
According to the link, they’re thought to get about 26ft, or 8m, with their arms included. Their actual bodies are incredibly small, however.
- Comment on LG's new stretchable display can grow by 50%, bendy panels can be deformed into new form factors 3 weeks ago:
Don’t we already do that when we buy branded ANYTHING? Hell, most people pay MORE for certain brands instead of less because you’re literally advertising for that brand.
- Comment on Here are the patents Nintendo and the Pokémon Company are suing Palworld about, according to Pocketpair 3 weeks ago:
I went and bought several Pokemon-Like games after this whole debacle started. Made sure to get the physical versions, too.
- Comment on Hmmm... 4 weeks ago:
The power of Christ compels you!
- Comment on I ain't going... 1 month ago:
Man really doesn’t want to go to prison. Lays out elaborate traps to keep law enforcement off his “500 acres”.
- Comment on Super hero movies should have more scenes of them accidentally maiming people just because of the sheer amount of power they weild. 1 month ago:
Brightburn. I haven’t seen it (yet), but alternate universe where Superman becomes evil. Trailers showed him absolutely wrecking his classmates in anger and frustration.
- Comment on End nuclear fusion! 2 months ago:
I think you just summoned an Elder God.
- Comment on What do you think about random encounters? 2 months ago:
Old Mother/Earthbound games would just let you insta-win battles if you were way stronger than the area you happened to be in. Made backtracking much smoother.
- Comment on What do you think about random encounters? 2 months ago:
After a while, you kinda start to recognize the sneaky ninjas, standing around in the middle of nowhere just looking back and forth. Then, if you do finally talk to them, their names are just a generic title.
- Comment on Recommendations on casual GB/GBA games? 2 months ago:
I haven’t seen any of the Golden Suns mentioned. Fun games.
I have seen the Zelda games mentioned and advocate for them. Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, Link’s Awakening DX, could also play Link to the past since you mention SNES.
Any of the Mario and Luigi GBA RPG’s. Mario in general. Could have a lot of fun with the All-Star collection. I’ve got a real soft spot for Dr.Mario. Probably my favorite music track in classic games with “Fever”.
- Comment on Recommendations on casual GB/GBA games? 2 months ago:
I’m a fan of the other two GB Zelda games, too. Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons. When I learned there was supposed to be a 3rd one, I always hoped it would come out some day. Alas, no. A lot of gameplay, especially for a GB game.
- Comment on Headlamp tech that doesn’t blind oncoming drivers—where is it? 2 months ago:
The ol’ DMG Gameboy tech.
- Comment on Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2? 2 months ago:
TL:DR-I like the story and gunplay most of all. The social aspects of the game also keep me coming back to help friends and strangers.
Background: I started with vanilla D1, then picked it back up after Taken King and have been playing ever since.
For me, the game has become more about story than actual gameplay, which I still feel is one of the best around. I’m super excited about the 3rd Episode especially, seeing as the Hive still has Xivu to deal, and whatever is going on with Oryx’s body.
I still play every week. Once I’m done with my story stuff for the week, I like to help my group get their raid clears and other tasks completed. If they’re not on, I sometimes boot up LFG and help blueberries as best I can. I genuinely like to play the game, even if it’s helping others.
When story stuff is slow, I actually do like PVP, although, within the past year or so, I’ve noticed that I’ve either gotten worse or the average (remaining) player ha gotten better. No longer can I pick up any random weapon (another boon that Destiny offers, IMO. The ability to take a weapon in PVE/PVP and use it ANYWHERE, with varying degrees of success. But where was I?) and do “OK” with it. Everyone uses “easier” weapons or loadouts, and as much as that irks me (it’s quick play, FFS), that’s their right. Is that contributing to the barren, desolate landscape that is the Crucible? Possibly. I’m not, and never have been, good enough to “carry” in the Crucible, and that goes double for Trials. I tried helping a clan mate recently get the Adept Draw Time mod since it only drops from the Lighthouse. He plays on PC. That session didn’t go well.
I got a bit rambling there at the end, but I guess to answer your question, the story and gunplay of the Destiny series are the reasons I like the game. One made friends playing this game. Already been to one wedding, with another coming later this year. Wouldn’t have happened if I never decided to try the game.
- Comment on Is this too soon? 6 months ago:
That’s a thing for many of these comics. They usually incorporate some (often stereotypical) flavor to the characters, usually wiring the text as though they were speaking English but with an accent from their native tongue.
- Comment on Literally bad 6 months ago:
Horse is pissed off you were late.
- Comment on He has to be stopped 7 months ago:
Where we’re going, we won’t need pants. Hospital gowns are very freeing.
- Comment on End of an era 😢 7 months ago:
Arguably, with no future updates, they’ll work even better when you mod them.
- Comment on What are the best indie games you've ever played? 8 months ago:
Binding of Isaac. When it finally came out on the switch, I played it more than Breath of the Wild.