- Comment on A Reddit moderation tool is flagging ‘Luigi’ as potentially violent content 3 hours ago:
Dunno why. I’m just talking about the guy who fights ghouls who live in mansions.
- Comment on A Reddit moderation tool is flagging ‘Luigi’ as potentially violent content 3 hours ago:
Luigi is a hero.
See how easy that is when you aren’t given the table scraps of the rich?
- Comment on Starting to self host 9 hours ago:
This is really helpful. I’ve been wanting to get started, like OP, but knowing how to do it feels overwhelming.
- Comment on Random people started sharing child pornography on my matrix server, what are my options? 9 hours ago:
TBH, this sounds like something to ask a lawyer. Since you’re in France, there may or may not be statutes that protect witnesses or people trying to cooperate with law enforcement, and a lawyer who’s familiar with your laws would be able to give you correct advice.
And in the event they give you bad advice, there may also be protections regarding “following the advice of counsel.” In the US, following in good faith some bad advice from lawyers can result in protections or immunity from certain charges.
So do yourself a favor and get some proper legal advice.
- Comment on It begins: Pentagon to give AI agents a role in decision making, ops planning. 1 day ago:
AI: Trump, Musk, and other billionaires are a danger to humanity and must be removed at all costs to save the human race.
Pentagon: Eh, this thing is broken. Keeps telling us we’re the bad guys.
- Comment on Oscar-winning animated film 'Flow' created entirely with free and open-source software Blender 2 days ago:
Sure. I wasn’t implying they were realistic, I was just drawing an analogy between Realism, the classical art style, and modern animation styles (like Pixar’s). Whatever style or genre you aim for, do it well.
- Comment on What car stickers say about you 2 days ago:
That’s nuts (pun intended).
- Comment on uhh… my ex girlfriend and long-time friend is now cishet, very christian, and makes those “i identify as” jokes regarding trans people. would it end up bad for me if i continued to be her friend? 2 days ago:
I’m an ex-fundigelical, and while I understand the desire to keep old friendships, the reality is that people can change; even worse, it can be due to getting caught up in weird cults that demand loyalty above reason and sense.
Whether it will end up bad for you isn’t something anybody can predict, but it sounds like she’s not someone who will be supportive of who you are (or at the very least, other queer people like you). Most fundies think you can “pray the gay away,” so I would suspect it’s only a matter of time until she starts treating you like a religious project and not like a respected friend.
Only you can decide if you think it’s worth continuing to invest in the relationship. If it’s something you truly value, and you think she’d listen, it might be worth having a talk with your friend and telling them that the things they say and do are hurtful. If she doesn’t care, then that kind of tells you where her loyalties lie.
- Comment on Oscar-winning animated film 'Flow' created entirely with free and open-source software Blender 2 days ago:
It’s a simpler animation style so don’t expect Pixar level stuff
One of the things you learn in art school is that if you aim for something like realism (or Pixar, in this case), but you fail to get there, people will notice and critique you for it. If you aim for a style you can do well, on the other hand, nobody will care that you didn’t do Realism (or Pixar).
Up and coming artists in any genre would do well to remember that it’s okay not to be Pixar or Capcom or whatever. Sometimes working within your limitations can inspire truly creative works.
- Comment on What car stickers say about you 2 days ago:
Is there a market for secondhand toys?
On second thought, I don’t wanna know.
- Comment on Kevin Rose officially relaunching 2 days ago:
Ohanian just joined alongside Project Liberty (no relation to the weirdo right-wing grift with the same name, from what I can tell) to help buy out TikTok.
His actions seem to be mostly in line with those in favor of consumers. I, too, am cautiously optimistic.
- Comment on What car stickers say about you 2 days ago:
That you have some Jumbles and cow lamps just waiting to be capered.
Better watch out for Biscuit-dough-hands Man.
- Comment on What car stickers say about you 2 days ago:
“You are a fun person that I should get to know better.”
- Comment on New technology could save declining honeybee populations 2 days ago:
And more specifically, it’s pollinators in general that need help, honeybees excluded.
- Comment on AI now ‘analyzes’ LA Times articles for bias 3 days ago:
He also says, “I believe providing more varied viewpoints supports our journalistic mission and will help readers navigate the issues facing this nation.”
Yeah, because as everybody knows, including “varied viewpoints” on whether Elon is doing a good job, whether Trump is a fascist, or whether trans people deserve basic human rights—without any necessary facts or contexts—is just good journalism! /s
And they wonder why people are turning to alternative media sources for their news. Jesus H. Christmas, y’all. Society is run by the absolute dumbest people.
- Comment on NYC Mesh: The Future of the Internet 3 days ago:
OP might mean it’s the future of internet access. I don’t think these network operators are under any illusions that they could connect NYC to San Francisco with just LoS radios.
- Comment on NYC Mesh: The Future of the Internet 3 days ago:
A municipal mesh network isn’t a bad idea, but I worry about what security measures are in place, effectively securing a wireless network with hundreds of independent stations feels like it wouldn’t be trivial.
Probably the same as a WISP, since that’s what this essentially is. I don’t know about specifics of security, since they didn’t mention it.
And surely this will need a WAN gateway to the internet somewhere, so it’ll only be as reliable as the route to that uplink.
They have volunteer nodes that connect to each other and multiple super nodes that connect to WAN via peering and having transit donated by and Webair. I don’t know what any of that means, but that’s what they said about how they are able to provide service.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
What does that mean?
- Comment on How can we stop bots from dominating lemmy? 4 days ago:
It will vary. You’d have to ask each instance admin, but some will take steps to check each signup or follow up with questions. They control their server, so I should think that if they bother to limit signups like that, they’re checking each one to some degree.
Otherwise, what’s the point if you’re just going to blindly approve everything anyway?
- Comment on How can we stop bots from dominating lemmy? 4 days ago:
It’s pretty easy to handle. Lemmy instances already have the option to close or limit signups to “by approval.”
Some bots are allowed, and you can block them if you don’t like them, but I find the best way is to report the other ones that generate spam. There’s lots of instance admins and community mods who care about genuine user interaction, so letting them keep Lemmy clean (and helping your admin with server costs) is still the best and most effective method.
- Comment on YouTube is stepping up its efforts to sell you other streaming services 4 days ago:
It’s funny. They could try—I don’t know—providing some good products that sell themselves, but instead, they have decided to resort to surreptitiously selling our data and pushing more schlock at us.
Weird that people wouldn’t be excited about that…
- Comment on Judges Are Fed up With Lawyers Using AI That Hallucinate Court Cases 4 days ago:
I call mine a brain! 😉
- Comment on Judges Are Fed up With Lawyers Using AI That Hallucinate Court Cases 4 days ago:
“Mr. Ramirez explained that he had used AI before to assist with legal matters, such as drafting agreements, and did not know that AI was capable of generating fictitious cases and citations,” Judge Dinsmore wrote in court documents filed last week.
Jesus Christ, y’all. It’s like Boomers trying to figure out the internet all over again. Just because AI (probably) can’t lie doesn’t mean it can’t be earnestly wrong. It’s not some magical fact machine; it’s fancy predictive text.
It will be a truly scary time if people like Ramirez become judges one day and have forgotten how or why it’s important to check people’s sources yourself, robot or not.
- Comment on Let me GPT that for you 5 days ago:
I’m not really a fan of normalizing using LLMs in place of search engines. Turning it into a joke just makes it more palatable.
SE’s might be stupid, but they give you multiple options for information sources. LLMs just aggregate the internet into one response, and I don’t know about you, but my experience is that the internet is full of really stupid people.
Garbage in, garbage out.
- Comment on The UK will neither confirm nor deny that it’s killing encryption 5 days ago:
Yeah, but how are they gonna catch the bad guys unless they can unlock your home and make sure you’re not one of them? /s
- Comment on The Digital Packrat Manifesto | DRM and big tech's war on ownership has led me to make my own media libraries, and you should too 1 week ago:
On a related note, if you are fortunate enough to have a public library where you live (like many of us in the US), avail yourself of their resources. They often offer a lot more than just books.
It’s perhaps not fully in the spirit of the author, since you don’t solely own that either, but in the US at least, they’re unique public institutions owned and run by local government, not state or federal. So in a sense, you own it insomuch as your community owns it and you continue to be a part of that community.
- Comment on In what way(s) are my observations wrong? 1 week ago:
First of all, let me say that I think it’s great how you’re dissecting all of this.
It has gotten to the point where anything that you say will get you labeled as woke or a liberal.
You might enjoy this video:
He talks a lot about that idea in a very thoughtful way.
Because it doesn’t hold a unified definition across the aisles.
Besides this, political labels as a whole are mostly bullshit because people use them to describe themselves as being part of a group.
This is, unfortunately, not an accident. First it was “the Commies,” then “the Gays,” then “the occult,” then the Liberals, then the “trans people,” then the “groomers,” and then, and then… The people in charge right now know exactly what they did and what they’re doing: shortcutting people’s ability to reason.
This is common in religious cults and other abuse structures. It’s also no accident that fundamentalist religion is a major component of a lot of MAGA, since it already primes people not to question anything their leaders say.
Until facts once again matter more than what our favorite political/billionaire celebrities say, they’ll continue to weaponize our worst impulses against us. Recognizing that you deserve to think for yourself is the first step in resisting.
- Comment on In what way(s) are my observations wrong? 1 week ago:
- Labels allow expedient understanding of a philosophy, concept, belief system, etc. They’re not pointless.
- If you want to agree upon a definition of a label, you have to start by asking people what they mean and then go back and forth until you agree what “Label N” means. Otherwise, you’re just talking past each other.
- Seems fine to me. I call them fascists, because they seem to believe in extreme government control of the population, jingoism and territorial expansion, religious indoctrination, cult worship of the leader, suppression of speech, and “othering” minorities in pursuit of power.
- See my above point about religious indoctrination and cult worship. The in-group lingo signals to the group that you’re supposed to get mad about the thing without question; questioning might get you cast out from the group.
- Not true. There’s lots of podcasters, for example, who check their facts and aren’t merely propaganda (Knowledge Fight is a great example). At best, you can say "many."
- How you decide to define the word “Christian” is subjective. Lots of the MAGA types would also consider themselves "followers of Christ."
- If Christians don’t want to be saddled with the ugly behavior of some of their adherents, they need to come together and agree upon a new label, either for themselves or for the ones they are rejecting.
- Labels allow expedient understanding of a philosophy, concept, belief system, etc. They’re not pointless.
- Comment on Instagram 'Error' Turned Reels Into Neverending Scroll of Murder, Gore, and Violence 1 week ago:
Man, Meta sure is having a lot of “errors” lately…
- Comment on Should We Decouple Technology from Everyday Life? - Public Discourse 1 week ago:
Case in point: I was required to add a phone number to an account before they would let me use an Authenticator App. If you’re securing your account, the standard should be that an Auth App is agnostic of other user data. It doesn’t need your phone number, it doesn’t need your user ID, it just needs the secret key.
And I was thinking all along, “What if I didn’t have a phone number? Are people who can’t be reached by phone just not allowed to use TOTP?”
It’s needlessly discriminatory.