- Comment on The best “I told you so”s are the ones where you never have to say “I told you so” because the other person clearly knows you told them so 18 hours ago:
My favorite recently was when a friend said, “Reap the fruit of my loins”.
- Comment on Why did my bus driver want me to not pay the fare and instead just "TAKE A SEAT!!!" 2 months ago:
Most of the time, the fare thru collect is nowhere near enough to pay for the service they offer. However, partially because is capitalism, they can’t give the service to for free because, well, reasons.
The fare is useful to track how many ride different lines at different times of day stuff like that. Plus, it gives a way to count how many people use the service for the purpose of getting grants and whatnot - which is what actually funds the bus service.
So, if the driver is in a hurry for any reason, he’ll often give you a free ride…cause actually paying the fare is, well, kinda for appearances, really…
- Comment on The best way to avoid misinformation is to avoid information 2 months ago:
I’m pretty sure you have that exactly backwards, ironically…
- Comment on biodegradable 3 months ago:
That’s…not how chemistry works.
- Comment on How to treat a man 4 months ago:
I’m not gonna teach my daughters who they are or are not supposed to trust. Because I will never teach my children what they should think, but rather how to think for themselves. I will encourage them to only trust individuals that prove themselves trustworthy, but again, that’s not my decision to make.
They’re not extensions of me; they are distinct, individual human beings. So I certainly hope you will not teach her to be distrustful; that leads to misery and pain, all in the pursuit of something that doesn’t belong to you and never will (her mind is her own, whether you like it or not).
- Comment on How the American war on porn could change the way you use the internet 5 months ago:
Huh, didn’t realize that. I understand a lot of the physical servers for those kinda companies are in the upper Midwest, but I never thought about where thire HQ is at; you make some excellent points.
There is definitely a fight brewing over who has final say in regards to what happens on the Internet. Gonna be interesting seeing how this plays out.
- Comment on How the American war on porn could change the way you use the internet 5 months ago:
The difference is, I think, just how much of the content or there is hosted in America. If they succeed in forcing local companies to follow some new draconian measure, it’ll likely have a disproportionately high effect on non-US traffic.
- Comment on How the American war on porn could change the way you use the internet 5 months ago:
Well, they’re the ones that know which pizza shops have pedophile sex dungeons hidden underneath. So, I guess they’re fighting themselves. (As I typed that out, it occurred to me how true is a statement it was…😝)
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
And that’s actually not relevant, but thanks.
- Comment on Casual reminder 5 months ago:
Wow. Reading this comment has lowered the IQ of everyone in this thread…
- Comment on Online Content Is Disappearing 7 months ago:
But… they’ve long since figured out how to monetize without the content. So, that’s a hard disagree from me…
- Comment on Donald Trump wants to control the Justice Department and FBI. His allies have a plan 7 months ago:
Hope nobody’s paying you for such a miserable trolling attempt! (If they are, whatever it is, they’re paying too much lol)
- Comment on Scientists find buried branch of the Nile that may have carried pyramids’ stones 7 months ago:
I have a hard time seeing a raft as having the necessary water displacement capability to handle that kind of weight, thought. And they left a written record regarding much smaller craft; so one obvious question, where’s the record of any more advanced ship building?
I guess it’s just the fact that it’s actually really not easy at all to get such enormous chunks of stone to float. But, I also cannot offer any other explanation, so take that as you will…
- Comment on Scientists find buried branch of the Nile that may have carried pyramids’ stones 7 months ago:
I seriously doubt it; the extreme weight of these stones far exceeded the load capacity of any known Egyptian water craft. By, like, a lot.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Umm, so do you realize how badly you just destroyed any shred of credibility you had left?
Thank you for identifying a source of disinformation, though; I’m adding it to my block list.
- Comment on Musk moves Tesla's goalposts, investors happily move shares higher 8 months ago:
The ability to gamble on the performance of a company auto-magically means investors know more?
- Comment on I wouldn't ever run into this situation because I would never leave my basement 8 months ago:
What, wait, no; yes, it’s falling apart. Why would you want to prevent that? I don’t want it fixed; I just wanna help others survive while it crumbles to dust around us.
If you don’t let this society die, how will we build the new one??
- Comment on AI will reduce workforce, say 41% of execs in a survey 8 months ago:
To replace a corporate executive? No, I don’t think so. We already have algorithms more than capable of replacing CEOs. There is nothing that challenging in what they do…
- Comment on is this copium or hopium or schizophrenia? 9 months ago:
Ugh. So many places in the world already have abundance that is hard to imagine; but that’s only the case because of extreme hoarding of resources and wealth.
- Comment on A Star Trek community where you're free to share opinions 10 months ago:
If you really need a whole lemmy community dedicated to just you, by all means, feel free to create it. 8-D
- Comment on Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed 10 months ago:
Knowing Nintendo the Switch 2 will already be obsolete at launch and power users will get better performance emulating the damn thing on modern hardware instead. Fool me twice, I, uh, won’t get fooled again, or something.
Tell me about. I can almost emulate the Switch on my rather ancient Pixel 4a.
- Comment on Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed 10 months ago:
But their hardware isn’t good. Recently, the hardware has been more of a gimmick than anything. Not to mention the infamous issue of joycon drift, and keep in mind this is hardly the first time they’ve had issues with low quality parts, either.
I agree about them taking the time to make sure their games are as good they can make em.
- Comment on AI Launches Nukes In ‘Worrying’ War Simulation: ‘I Just Want to Have Peace in the World’ 10 months ago:
I don’t know if I love or hate your comment. (Yes, you’re right, shut up.) Well played, Internet stranger.
- Comment on AI Launches Nukes In ‘Worrying’ War Simulation: ‘I Just Want to Have Peace in the World’ 10 months ago:
A glorified chatbot, in other words.
- Comment on What is a "tax write off"? 10 months ago:
I suspect the movie would likely make a profit, bit not enough of one. They’d rather take the loss to “play it safe” and not scare away institutional investors. Or something stupid like that.
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 10 months ago:
Thanks for your reassurance. You know, given that the entire purpose of operating as a society is for everybody’s individual benefit, it seems kinda weird to reject a “gift economy” out of hand, doesn’t it? Basically, if each and every member of a society doesn’t benefit from how that society is organized, then said society has failed at it’s most primary function.
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 10 months ago:
The only way to avoid this that I have ever been able to imagine would require our global society to somehow abandon the concept of currency. But that’s insane, of course, so we’re probably screwed…
- Comment on My Phantasy Star Online dilemma 10 months ago:
Well, you’d know better than I would, of course!
If it is the disc, I’d take it to my local game store and have them run it through their disc buffing machine. I guess I just want to encourage you to not blame the disc too hastily. Honestly, without visible scratches or damage, it’s very rarely the disc. Like…almost never.
- Comment on My Phantasy Star Online dilemma 10 months ago:
Is the disc badly scratched or otherwise physically damaged? Usually, if your disc is the problem, you’ll be able to tell by looking at it.
If the disc is in good condition, then the problem might lie with your console. Hopefully it’s just a dirty lens, but given how long that console was released, the motor in your optical drive could be wearing out. Do you have similar problems in any other games?
- Comment on HP CEO: You're 'bad investment' if you don't buy HP supplies 11 months ago:
That’s not how investments work. If I put my money into purchasing a printer, I invested in that purchase. Not the other way around. Ffs