- Comment on Billionaires shouldn't exist 11 hours ago:
How’s that boot taste?
- Comment on Senate Republican leader defends Musk’s efforts as a ‘scrub’ of federal government 6 days ago:
If you wanna give the majority of your paycheck to the government because you feel good about it, then do that. Nothing stopping you from donating all of your money to them.
Wow. Much hyperbole. I feel like that must get kinda exhausting, but hey, you do you.
- Comment on Top Trump official moves to block illegal immigrants from receiving food stamps: 'Follow the law, full stop' 6 days ago:
I recognize the words, but still feel like I’m resting a foreign language. And the combination of arrogance and stupidity on display here is simply not with the energy of “getting upset”. Y’all are simply just not that interesting.
- Comment on Top Trump official moves to block illegal immigrants from receiving food stamps: 'Follow the law, full stop' 6 days ago:
Well, let’s see - considering the rather lengthy form you have to fill out, not to mention handing over your government issued ID, this is rather blatantly nothing more than pandering to their base.
However, realizing the level of willful ignorance, if not outright stupidity, it would take to think that illegal immigrants are signing up for food stamps, I really have a hard time finding empathy for conservatives these days. Seriously.
- Comment on How can A person find out if they were hired as a DEI or fired because of it? 1 week ago:
Ok, also misogyny.
- Comment on Is this a c/ for making fun of conservatives? 1 week ago:
More power to you! I suppose these things take time.
- Comment on Is this a c/ for making fun of conservatives? 1 week ago:
Apparently the mods couldn’t resist their need for displaying openly Nazi shit. I think I heard there was a stickied post or something that was was out of line? Anyway, justifiably they got the ban hammer, and apparently nobody has stepped up to try and claim the community.
So yeah, let’s keep the mockery flowing, I say! 👍
- Comment on Poll: More Americans View DOGE Favorably than Unfavorably 1 week ago:
- Comment on We could be going towards Star Trek like earth, but instead we're going for Star Wars like democracies 2 weeks ago:
Your reaction to a thread…about movie references…is to wish it wasn’t about that???
Ummm, yeah, I stand by my accusation of gatekeeping.
- Comment on We could be going towards Star Trek like earth, but instead we're going for Star Wars like democracies 2 weeks ago:
Oh, please, that’s like…not even remotely creative.
If you’re going to resort to trolling, at least put some effort in! Otherwise, what’s the point?!
- Comment on We could be going towards Star Trek like earth, but instead we're going for Star Wars like democracies 2 weeks ago:
It’d be pretty dope if people didn’t try to gatekeep, well, everything. 🙄
- Comment on Copyright madness: YouTube seems to doubt whether Shakespeare is in the public domain. 2 weeks ago:
Doesn’t this crap cause the demonetization of many accounts? There’s your financial incentive right there.
- Comment on NOAA Employees Told to Pause Work With ‘Foreign Nationals’ | An internal email obtained by WIRED shows that NOAA workers received orders to pause all “ALL INTERNATIONAL ENGAGEMENTS.” 3 weeks ago:
Let’s hope that’s all he bombs, right?
- Comment on Have you tried coping harder? 3 weeks ago:
Which is itself, of course, monetized.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 4 weeks ago:
Somewhat ironically, they understaffed the airport they all fly through, and yet somehow it was innocent civilians that died.
I detest this timeline. I am disgusted, really. I’ve never quite understood hate, though; to me hate feels like making a solemn vow that subject of my hate will always have power over me. Because hate is irrational. It overpowers reason. But it is only through reason and logic I find myself.
The catch 22 is fear. Fear also deprives is of reason, but it also shames us, lessens us. Just as Yoda taught us, “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
I don’t wanna suffer anymore. But I don’t want anyone else to suffer, either. Not even those responsible; I just want them gone from our timeline.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 4 weeks ago:
Yes? And if you fight fire with fire the whole world burns.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 4 weeks ago:
I do not blame you. I just happen to be the most stubborn idiot I know. shrug
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 4 weeks ago:
I fucking hate this timeline.
I keep seeing people say this. However, hate us what created this timeline. I don’t believe it’s what will get us into a new one.
I mean no offense towards you; I want you to know this. I guess I just finally realized what it is that bothers me about that statement. In fact, I share your sentiment. Because not only are they poorly made, common sense safety measures are removed and replaced with poorly engineered crap that traps people, while other badly designed components catch fire and burn them to death.
- Comment on We need a more active admin. 4 weeks ago:
Unfortunately, other instances may need to defederate from this one to solve the issue. Hope it doesn’t come to that, of course, but in the mean time, yes, bringing attention to the issue is definitely a good move, no matter the outcome.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
You may want to do a little research and see if your community has a good clinic to visit. Please be cautious, though! There are unfortunately a large number of places that advertise free testing, but if you make an appointment they will do everything in their power to make sure you carry it to term, including downright abusive manipulation.
That said, there’s still a lot of clinics out there that actually put your own well-being first, not just medically, but also in terms of respecting what you want as an outcome of this.
I wish you the best of luck! As a guy, I know I literally cannot even imagine what you are going through; so just know this internet stranger offers free virtual hugs!
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
You are absolutely incorrect. The similarity in the tests doesn’t mean a thing.
The correct answer is yes, that is a positive result for a pregnancy test. No two ways about it.
- Comment on US Bill proposed to jail people who download Deepseek 4 weeks ago:
Right? Like, seriously, we all know somebody is just butthurt because their stock options tanked.
Oh, wait, I’m sorry! That was very unpatriotic of me, wasn’t it? I mean, we all know that winning an election guarantees being heavily rewarded with insider trading, right? It’s not like they’re there to represent constituents or anything; I mean, doesn’t everyone know we’re a republic, not a democracy?!
- Comment on Give permission. Don't give permission. They know where you are anyway 4 weeks ago:
I agree it’s a powerful tool! I was specifically responding to “problem solved” in the previous comment. My reply was in no way meant as a general review of VPNs.
- Comment on Give permission. Don't give permission. They know where you are anyway 4 weeks ago:
Not the magic bullet people think they are. Oh, and you can’t turn it off, so you’ll have to take the loss in network speed on absolutely everything. And better know how to configure each device so it doesn’t go ahead and check leak your IP anyways, which also restricts choice of devices you use. Cause remember, if any device on your network ever connects to the net without the VPN, then your anonymity just went out the window.
- Comment on Sad 4 weeks ago:
Bait was stale, no flavor. Only 1 star.
- Comment on Technology for lab-grown eggs or sperm on brink of viability, UK fertility watchdog finds 5 weeks ago:
Yeah, copy of the copy is probably a bad idea.
- Comment on Were Sony and Microsoft Truly Worried About The Google Stadia? 5 weeks ago:
What? I had access to games I owned without a subscription…
- Comment on Medical Device Company Tells Hospitals They're No Longer Allowed to Fix Machine That Costs Six Figures 5 weeks ago:
I don’t doubt that. I worry about the guiding principle for those who have the power to make the final decision being profit, and the human issue for them merely a benefit.
But, otherwise, I do think I understand if not agree entirely with what you said. Thank you guys, again, for a better understanding that it’s not as simple as it looks on the surface. I won’t argue against that, it’s clearly true.
- Comment on Medical Device Company Tells Hospitals They're No Longer Allowed to Fix Machine That Costs Six Figures 5 weeks ago:
I’m no expert, but I’ve been around hydraulic equipment enough to not underestimate your argument.
I guess I still find fault in the corporate attitude of leaving this not well addressed. Known valid concerns about the long term safety if their equipment… it’s hard for me to not want more from the company in regards to finding a better solution.
Thank you, though, I do think I better understand the controversial nature of this whole story.
- Comment on Medical Device Company Tells Hospitals They're No Longer Allowed to Fix Machine That Costs Six Figures 5 weeks ago:
This can still be reduced to a profit motive, actually.
Liability sounds all scary, but for a corporation it’s only scary because of the cost.
Hard disagree.