- Comment on Look at the shitty world sober people have carefully crafted around you. Drugs aren't the problem, they are the solution. 1 week ago:
I think most of the powers that be are big drinkers and coke heads
- Comment on 2,000-year-old spoon from Isle of Man may have been used in blood rituals for fortune telling 1 week ago:
What else do you use spoons for?
- Comment on Life goals 1 week ago:
The free air pump is the wildest thing about this?
Free? Where is this?
- Comment on Haircut 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Developer creates endless Wikipedia feed to fight algorithm addiction 3 weeks ago:
I may have a problem
- Comment on Can you eat soap for acid reflux? 3 weeks ago:
Each to their own, I suppose.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 3 weeks ago:
Is no social media a red flag?
- Comment on Interview: Alex Kurtzman on Section 31 and the "evolution" of Star Trek 4 weeks ago:
Prodigy was fun for a kids show.
- Comment on Interview: Alex Kurtzman on Section 31 and the "evolution" of Star Trek 4 weeks ago:
This is stupid and makes me angry. If you want to have a utopia then bad guys have to do bad things? GTFOH with that imperialistic nonsense. Star Fleet isn’t enslaving strange new worlds. They’re intergalactic homies.
- Comment on Best way to stay safe 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on How would you drink from this cup? 1 month ago:
Just don’t tilt it so much and slurp loudly.
- Comment on I still don’t think companies serve you ads based on spying through your microphone 1 month ago:
People always talk about getting served ads after they talk about something. I think it’s the other way around. The ads put the thought into your brain and then you start talking about it and notice after you’ve already been thinking about it for a while.
- Comment on LG discontinues all UHD Blu-ray and Blu-ray players 2 months ago:
It’s the thing Sony does best.
- Comment on On These Apps, the Dark Promise of Mothers Sexually Abusing Children 2 months ago:
I wish I’d asked for a tl;Dr instead of reading the article.
Tl;Dr: mostly Americans paying people in impoverished countries to abuse and rape their presumed children. From racy photos of small kids to extra money for evident injuries. That’s about as far as I got.
- Comment on Laos government pledges justice in mass alcohol poisoning case that has killed 6 tourists 3 months ago:
Was this an unintentiona I-made-my-own-still poisoning?
- Comment on Historic cultural treasures to be returned to Ghana's king 3 months ago:
Should give them some sort of back profit from the museum.
- Comment on brown recluse 2024 3 months ago:
I don’t see Louisiana going blue anytime soon.
- Comment on Cry Harder, Kid 3 months ago:
“Here’s mud in your eye”
- Comment on that’s a long baby 3 months ago:
Busy swaddling can’t come.
- Comment on If only 😫 3 months ago:
I’ve taken the chewables before. They don’t sound nearly as bad. They do have a horrible expand in your mouth while you’re chewing them thing going on though.
Diseased marshmallow has come to my mind quite frequently when eating them.
They do work well though.
- Comment on Gently shake your screen to help Elton John go faster 4 months ago:
Why do these work?
- Comment on AT&T is displeased with T-Mobile Priority, calls it out as a confusing marketing campaign 4 months ago:
Ikr tvs and USPS, you can’t believe a word of their marketing. I mean honestly everything else too, but if anyone was going to complain…
- Comment on Steven Spielberg is ‘a big PC Gamer’ — loves shooters, and insists on keyboard and mouse 4 months ago:
It was a terrible movie, and the book wasn’t much better.
- Comment on big ol booties 5 months ago:
When did Jim Henson find time to create a bug?
- Comment on New panic alarm system at Georgia H.S. saved lives during shooting, officials say. Advocates want it nationwide. 5 months ago:
I’m curious, but not curious enough to watch three videos to see what you’re getting at.
- Comment on When EV startups shut down, will their cars still work? 5 months ago:
Makes you wonder about ice cars too.
- Comment on Why are vegan and gluten free items more expensive? 6 months ago:
Price is set at what the market will pay.
- Comment on So it begins... 6 months ago:
I just watch like half of Star Trek Discovery (which is not that old lol). There’s already been two or three references to him that did not age well.
In the writer’s defense. He did seem much more normal at one time I feel.
- Comment on Grok do a good 6 months ago:
On this context: he has… Uh… Libertarian tendencies.
- Comment on Why are vegan and gluten free items more expensive? 6 months ago:
You have to pay to have morals in a capitalist society.