- Comment on In January, billionaires amassed more wealth than the poorest third of humanity owns. 6 days ago:
Hear me out: the currency is to be made from the hide of billionaires.
- Comment on They seem to turn a blind eye to many things as long as you have a (R) next to your name and promise to hurt the right people. Must have missed that bible verse 6 days ago:
Honestly? No part of you thinks that they might just have a darker side that you’re uncomfortable contemplating exists? If so then you are far more optimistic about the human condition than I am. Not disagreeing with your assessment; you obviously know them. I’m just pessimistic that a contradiction of morality of such magnitude can inhabit a single person’s mind. It seems impossible to me to arrive at such conclusions and not have walked down some truly dark, evil paths.
- Comment on Tesla's market cap sinks below $1 trillion as stock slumps more than 8% 6 days ago:
Bigger fool theory.
- Comment on They seem to turn a blind eye to many things as long as you have a (R) next to your name and promise to hurt the right people. Must have missed that bible verse 6 days ago:
I will never understand how they fell for this.
They fell for nothing. This is the expression of their evil nature, full stop.
If anything you’re falling for their act! Stop assuming decency or rational self interest is at work in the math they do, it isn’t.
- Comment on US could cut Ukraine's access to Starlink internet services over minerals, say sources. 1 week ago:
Canadian. I’ve divested 100% of my meagre savings out of us stocks. USA is not a reliable trading partner, or a leader in anything anymore except deceit.
- Comment on ICE Wants to Know If You’re Posting Negative Things About It Online 2 weeks ago:
Hey ICE: fuck each and every one of you wish-tier-gestapo cosplayers. I think new negative thoughts about you every motherfucking Planck second, and wish I could slice time finer still so that I could cram more defiling thoughts about you, your mission, your mandate, your “leadership”, the miserable excuse for a country you want to create and the pitiable fools who enabled this to happen into the thoughtstrean.
Relax tho, Vanilla, I don’t want in. Actually you’d need a dump truck of gold bricks before I’d even consider setting foot in your currently-shit-hole country anyway. I’ve simply bag after bag of dick for you to dine heartily upon.
You’re dumpster-fire bouncers. That’s what we think of you.
- Comment on MIT builds swarms of tiny robotic insect drones that can fly 100 times longer than previous designs 3 weeks ago:
Yeah I was gonna say like why are we even workshopping the name with a winner like that. Get this employee a bonus check!
- Comment on Google officially changes the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America on Maps 3 weeks ago:
In not at all related news disabling Google maps on your Android device can often be a source of delight! I never knew how capable organic maps was and it has a very nice auto integration.
- Comment on New bird flu variant found in Nevada dairy cows has experts sounding alarms: ‘We have never been closer to a pandemic from this virus’ 3 weeks ago:
Just in time for the hero to save the day with the ol’ UV lung-bleach-brush combo move and horse dewormer aperitif.
- Comment on Teslas turn toxic as sales crash in Europe and the UK | EV sales in the region are growing, but not for Tesla 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 3 weeks ago:
Why isn’t the puny, petulant man-thing that runs the Nazicar Factory not suing us all for not buying them? That’s how you deal with advertisers who don’t wanna advertise with him so why not consumers who don’t want to consume?
It’s the next stupid, asinine step.
I hope anyone who ever admired this fuck face is deeply embarrassed. Or losing money.
- Comment on Current day America has proven beyond a doubt, humanity is the only animal that wouldn't jump out of a slowly boiling pot of water. 4 weeks ago:
Also the only animal whose greed and hoarding behavior outdoes it’s conspecific altruism.
- Comment on USA| Trump’s FCC chair investigates NPR and PBS, urges Congress to defund them 4 weeks ago:
You sound like you could tell us a lot about poor practices. I think I’ll tune you out though, it seems like valueless content to me.
- Comment on After Musk gesture, activists project 'Heil' on Tesla plant 5 weeks ago:
There is no other side to this. He is a Nazi or at least sympathetic to the cause. Your defense of a budding megalomaniac and accusing others here that they are in a deluded social media hole is both gross and speaks volumes more about you than them.
- Comment on Justin Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister - live updates 1 month ago:
Oh I hated Mulroney too… Conservatives have been slimy and repellent to my sensibilities since about grade 4.
Your lack of ability to take me seriously is, frankly, your own flaw to come to grips with. It doesn’t change my ability to vote or who I will vote for, and mine counts the same as yours, Peaches.
- Comment on Justin Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister - live updates 1 month ago:
Nothing. This is the SAME SHIT THAT HAPPENED IN 1993, except it was a conservative PM then (Mulroney). The last generation of them that cared to be a leader for all sides. Harper was outright an enemy to decency.
Nowadays, the notion of self-sacrifice for utilitarian ethics is a rarified trait; and utterly non-existent on the right of the aisle. Run the thought experiment for yourself and simulate a republican or a conservative candidate doing the right thing. It’s good for a laugh.
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 1 month ago:
The spice must flow. The Tlielaxu will have their Axolotl Tanks.
- Comment on A new generation of cheaper batteries is sweeping the EV industry 3 months ago:
Maybe, but this is why I already bought an EV in 2020. By the time the battery has degraded, I hope to be able to replace them with cheaper, higher capacity upgrades.
- Comment on We're not going to terraform Mars, but we're doing a good job of venusforming Earth. 3 months ago:
I heard if you ingest huge quantities of bananine, you will see the golden path humanity must walk, but will be condemned to life as a half banana, half human monstrosity.
- Comment on Pakistani religious body declares using VPN is against Islamic law 3 months ago:
Pass me some apostate-o chips while I log in then!
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
I am Jack’s Lungs. I breath in soot and particles and eventually they cause cancer and I kill Jack.
That’s how that shit works, homes. Not a thing to “idk whatev” about.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Ok but maybe a counterpoint is we are overestimating the ability of the atmosphere and ocean to absorb CO2 and maintain a habitable planet. I’d rather store isotopes in the earth (where they came from anyway) than carbon in the air.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
mmmm sounds like someone has zero concept of the scale of the problem: ie how much cable we’d need to bury. Simmer down Tony Snark, you’re demonstrably less clever than the rest of the species’ experts in this.
- Comment on We're not going to terraform Mars, but we're doing a good job of venusforming Earth. 3 months ago:
It should also be a strong strong signal to stop listening to the apes that are hoarding all the bananas, and instead, eat that banana-hoarding abhorrence.
- Comment on Microsoft Edge gets "unfair advantage", browser makers claim 4 months ago:
As it’s based on chromium, I’d call what it has a handicap and just keep on using Firefox.
- Comment on This man is a parody of himself 4 months ago:
Narcissus DeGrasse Tyson?
- Comment on Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic 4 months ago:
Additionally: if you’re at a gas station filling an ICE vehicle and you get mugged, and you panic and peel out, there’s gas going everywhere, plenty of potential ignition sources etc.
The argument “I have more control and agency therefore I am quantifiably safer” can fuck alllllll the way off. Safety regulations are written in blood.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price 5 months ago:
Now, call me crazy, but if I was optimizing for maximum welding power, I’d start with oxy acetylene and at least try a few other options. How would buying a website even be a good start?
No wonder people are making fun of him!
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price 5 months ago:
He is a net loss for humanity is the currency is moralistic.
We be deep in the red between Trump, Bezos, this clown and many other “captains of industry”.
- Comment on 'Global Oligarchy' Reigns as Top 1% Controls More Wealth Than Bottom 95% of Humanity 5 months ago:
Ok my investments have all tanked so I guess I’m an insurgent working to tear down the system from within 🤷♂️