Earthlings don’t eat Earth either. They’re still Earthlings.
Sperm whales don’t eat sperm.
Mayflies don’t eat May or any other month.
Submitted 4 months ago by to
Earthlings don’t eat Earth either. They’re still Earthlings.
Sperm whales don’t eat sperm.
Mayflies don’t eat May or any other month.
W wait a s second! What do sperm wales eat? Have I been pointlessly jacking off into the ocean for decades??
No, you’ve been keeping the salinity high.
Thank you for your service.
Earthlings don’t eat earth because “earth” isn’t something to be eaten. Sperm whales don’t eat sperm because sperm is (usually) not something to be eaten.
Fruit, however, is supposed to be eaten, and by many, many animals. By calling something a fruit fly, the expectation for most people would be that its diet consists mainly of fruit
Or ya know, that they’re usually found hanging around near fruit.
Speak for yourself, I rather like potatoes, or as the French call them ‘pomme de terre’ which if I recall would literally translate as ‘apple of earth’.
Wtf do earthlings eat other than earth? Plants, animals & fungus are all parts of Earth TO BE EATEN
By other animals or fungus.
I wish I had the time and money to create crimes against nature.
Don’t you drive a car?
It’s not like they built the car, though.
The trick is to use other people’s time and money to create crime against nature.
time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana
You already know what you call a fly with no wings
A walk
Are horseflies a lie because they don’t eat horses?
Without a lie they’d just be horsefs
Came up with that yoursef, did you?
No it’s because they take a horse sized chunk out of you when they bite you
But they do? Along with any other animal that happens to be nearby.
That is the one insect I will go out of my way to kill.
Ok let me introduce you to the barn owl
Do they eat barns?
Polar bears are responsible for the ice caps disappearing.
You’re right. They only drink horse (and cattle) blood.
Horse or cow vampire fly is a little long winded for a name.
But it does sound kind of cool!
I always felt bad for em, we either drowned them in alcohol or froze them. I also felt guilt boiling the ecoli I spent time genetically engineering (in a genetics lab)
I have rescued so many fruit flies from my beer. You hardly need to drown them, just present them with a 5% ethanol by volume solution and let them drown themselves
(My beer system is outside in my courtyard, fruit flies love the drip tray)
I’m still confused. Based on my hometown, are you referring to insects, or rednecks!?
That’s what liberals want us to be
All authoritarians left AND right. Please learn your political compass so you can have grown up conversations.
That was an unrecognized attempt to reference a meme “future liberals want”
Please calibrate your joke meter so you can have normal conversations.
That really makes me wonder what you mean by liberal
My take on the word highlights individual freedom except where it interferes with other’s individual freedoms
My take has most regulation put on corporations, ie. you and I are pretty free; Google has rules to follow (and so does the butcher, baker, and candlestick maker)
Add to it the rule that every free person could have up to 3 slaves and I’m in
Reminds me of the old joke, what do you call a fly with no wings? A walk.
what do you call a fly with no wings?
The victim of a psycopath in the making.
Can somebody explain the fruit thing? I’ve seen fruit flies demolish fresh fruit. The amount of yeast biomass on them must be negligible at that point. Do the eggs/larvae spread the yeast before they start eating?
The fruit flies you’ve seen eating fresh fruit are probably Drosophila suzukii (spotted wing fruit fly). Most (all?) other Drosophila species (including the model organism Drosophila melanogaster) only feed on rotting fruit. Though they’ll consume the sugars too, not just the microorganisms.
There are also some more distantly related flies that feed on fresh fruit and are commonly called fruit flies (eg the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata)
I’m sure the meme is apocryphal, and it’s not entirely correct. Fruit flies do eat yeast, yes…but they also eat the sugars in the fermenting fruit, not just the microorganisms causing fruit decay. I don’t know about the larvae at all, though.
There’s even the old Marx brothers joke “time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana”
The fruit fly trap taught to me by an entomologist friend is baited with wine, suggesting the fruit flies want fermenting fruit
The trap: get a plastic fizzy drink bottle; bigger is better
Cut off the top. The cut piece is a cone
Place the cone (the top piece) upside down on the rest of the bottle
Sticky tape the joint
Bait with cheap wine or leftover wine or beer
Her tastes were revealed in the description of baiting the trap — she specified red wine, but I have tested with various booze and fruit flies have no taste, they’ll go for anything. You could probably extract bait from the sourdough starter you made in lockdown and kept alive despite never making bread after that first try
Doesn’t even have to be actual booze. Apple cider vinegar + a drop of dawn dish soap works a treat.
They’re called fruit flies because they gather around rotting fruit.
So why are you called “tramp-ass human”?
They’re generally called vinegar flies, and they don’t infest fresh fruit like fruit flies do when they lay their eggs in fruit.
Drosophila are awesome! Been working on them for a long time:)
Oh yeah, that brings up memories. We had to do the same experiments in genetics lab, too. I’ll never forget the smell of fruit flies :/
Where my cheeky FlyNap sniffers at?
THE POWER! 4 months ago
What other lies have we been told? Does time not fly like an arrow? 4 months ago
Emperor penguins and king penguins are not descendants of any royal bloodline and do not have an understanding of monarchical governments. 4 months ago
Gray Knights have been dispatched to your location, please stand by. 4 months ago
Better yet, they aren’t actually penguins - they were just called that because they resembled real penguins.
Which are literally dead today, because they dared live close to humans. 4 months ago
Don’t even mention macaroni penguins…so disappointing. 4 months ago
You sound like a conspiracy wonk.
They are the only true emperors & kings recognized by the flightless aristocracy.
Tis the human “royals” who are living lies! 4 months ago
What the fuck… 4 months ago
Ha! That’s a good one. You almost had me for a second. 4 months ago
Someone tell this guy about Jeremy bearimy and timey wimey space stuff 4 months ago
A time, B time, and lunch time. 4 months ago
A man in a very tight suit with a blue box once told me it’s more wibbly-wobbly. 4 months ago
Was he gender, species, and time fluid? 4 months ago
Fish fingers and custard was also a lie 4 months ago
Nah, it just trips into the future 4 months ago
Trippin’, trippin’, trippin’ 4 months ago
Mosquito hawks do not, in fact, eat mosquitos.
I no longer respect those annoying fuckers. 4 months ago
Does an arrow fly at all? 4 months ago
Calm down, Zeno. 4 months ago
Does time fly not like an arrow? 4 months ago
When we’re having fun.