- Comment on I benchmarked 6 different metal USB sticks 4 months ago:
Made me stop bringing it. I wear my keys on a Climbing Carabiner and it sits right it is perfect. But fuck off if it doesn’t, it’s pure anger in metal usb stick form.
- Comment on Fruit Flies 4 months ago:
W wait a s second! What do sperm wales eat? Have I been pointlessly jacking off into the ocean for decades??
- Comment on I have the weirdest aesthetic preferences 5 months ago:
Makes my hips look good as well 😏
- Comment on And you will never catch up as Bezos make 8,000,000 per hour 5 months ago:
Jesus fucking Christ
- Comment on YouTube Premium is getting a huge price hike in over a dozen countries, sparking user backlash. Some countries are experiencing hikes between 30% and 50% 5 months ago:
Yeah I’m affected but will probably keep my subscription. Spotify has a shitty track record as well and the price difference is still worth it to enjoy ad free YouTube on the TV. I feel like it’s still a good value to be honest. But it also does suck to get squeezed.
- Comment on European Commission cuts funding support for Free Software projects 6 months ago:
Very big brain moment aktschualluy. The AI will start maintaining all the dropped projects!
- Comment on Google kills Chromecast, replaces it with Apple TV and Roku Ultra competitor 6 months ago:
Thank you!! I read the first article about it and was worried Google killed support for the cast protocol. But it’s literally a rebrand for a new product. Yes, they are discontinuing the 4k basic Chromecast but I guess it didn’t sell enough? I don’t expect any company to indefinitely offer a product because I seem to like it personally.
Not that I want to particularly defend Google, they do have track record of killing useful products. But this is not that.
- Comment on Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line 6 months ago:
The one with Google tv is an excellent ship for sailing the Black Sea. Get yourself a vpn, streamio, and realdebrid, and you’re set. Not that I would know
- Comment on China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report 8 months ago:
I can think of ways you could please me 🚀🤤
- Comment on China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report 8 months ago:
What an effortless Troll
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
The client works fine, it’s just the virtual file system option that turns off after a reboot.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Yes, but I can’t get the virtual file system/on-demand sync to work properly. It turn off every time I reboot. I gave up after a while since it’s experimental for now anyway.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Thanks! I looked at it but I would like to stop giving money to MS. So my plan is to ultimately move away from OneDrive.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Thank you! I thought was going nuts. It’s been such a long time since I had think about whether something is synced or a way to set it up. With OneDrive I could just grab the files I needed from the cloud and push them off the drive if I needed space. It really took away any hassle about sync.
It really feels like moving to Linux is a step back 10 years when it comes to cloud storage.
I also tried nextcloud but the smart / on-demand/ virtual file system is experimental in the Linux client and doesn’t work as seemlesly as OneDrive. Besides being turned off every time I restart. - Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Funnily, or sadly enough, OneDrive integration is one of the things I miss from my windows days. It’s just extremely convenient how it’s integrated into explorer and office. And how well the smart/ on-demand sync works. I can’t find a setup to replicate this on Linux.
That being said I don’t intend to go back and this move is insane.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
Yes, contradicting the claim that it’s “more objective”.
- Comment on I don't know which one of you needed this information, but you're welcome. 9 months ago:
When the girls start to strut You could look at their butt You shouldn’t do that The gyal dress is just as pretty Not just there to cover her kitty
- Comment on I don't know which one of you needed this information, but you're welcome. 9 months ago:
Holy fuck I’m jealous
- Comment on Slightly less than two drinks = positive effect on programming ability. Who's joining? 9 months ago:
I do it with many drinks and then send before I sober up. You just have to pray that you never see that text again.
- Comment on Uber's new shuttle service sounds a lot like a bus route 9 months ago:
We need to tax the fuck out of the dIsRupTIve vultures called venture capitalists. The only disruption they cause is offering an existing service with extra little value returned to society and workers until the competition is dead. Then prices are raised and society gets squeezed a second time. It’s fucking disgusting. The raised tax on these fuckers can then be used for public transport, amongst other things.
So, no, we don’t get public transport from banning Uber doing this. But Uber wouldn’t do this (or exist) if the investors of this shit company would pay their fair share and if Uber had to follow proper labor laws.
- Comment on magic beneath the forests 10 months ago:
My Biology teacher put it pretty neatly: “Fungi are Fungi.”
- Comment on magic beneath the forests 10 months ago:
Are you giving out a license for all your posts? Are you following up on the usage or is it more of a symbolic act?
- Comment on Eww, Copilot AI might auto-launch with Windows 11 soon 10 months ago:
How do you like it better than chat gpt? Isn’t it the same thing?
- Comment on Time for a break 11 months ago:
How about crucifixion? Some fresh air might do you well!
- Comment on This Windows tool makes it super easy to debloat and cut down ads on your Android TV 1 year ago:
On the Chromecast, one of the other reasons I got one. There’s some localised content I get to access like that.
I considered a VPN on the router but a) the router provided by our ISP doesn’t support that, so it would be another investment and b) I didn’t want to introduce a potential point of headache for when I’m not around. I.e. my non tech savvy partner having trouble with the VPN.
- Comment on This Windows tool makes it super easy to debloat and cut down ads on your Android TV 1 year ago:
Nah, a Chromecast with Google TV is a super cheap and reliable way to sail the high seas. Stremio, VPN, some kind of debrid service. Works better than any legal streaming service my friend told me. Not that I would ever try to hurt the poor studios.
- Comment on Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang 1 year ago:
Mx Ergo, best of both worlds
- Comment on Proton Mail says that the new Outlook app for Windows is Microsoft's new data collection service 1 year ago:
eM Client is the absolute best I’ve ever used.
- Comment on IT support work be like 1 year ago:
Yeah, I don’t know any of my passwords but the one password to rule them all.