- Comment on NYPD confirms suspect had a British accent 2 months ago:
Wait a minute, are you trying to tell me that the person who’s been going robbin people while wearing a hood is also called Robin Hood and that a real name of a real person and not just British people taking piss?
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
You’re right to reject the logic behind that because it’s nonsense. Its not making sense to them because they still presume some kind of good faith when it come to these sorts of things.
The reason we haven’t built more nuclear power stations is because oil, gas and coal companies will make less money, if we build more nuclear power stations.
They have the means, the motive and they have a well recorded history of being that cartoonishly villainous. Nothing else makes sense.
- Comment on The Onion buys rightwing conspiracy theory site Infowars with plans to make it ‘very funny, very stupid’ 3 months ago:
Its also exactly the kind of thing you’d expect to read about in the onion.
This is beyond mear irony.
- Comment on Stress 3 months ago:
You would have to define how you’re using “have to” here. I mean, I wouldn’t try to come and attack you for neither agreeing not disagreeing with a subject you still managed to have such strong a need to inject in.
Partly because you might be bigger than me but mostly because I generally only see doing that as soemthing I strongly frown upon, in even the most severe of cases. I’m not particularly keen on forcing people to do anything, in fact.
Really, though only you can answer that question.
I’m glad we agree that our lives are probably better now than they for the people who literally had to live in caves, thousands of years ago, though. Thank you for including that important point.
- Comment on Stress 3 months ago:
Work has never been so unstressful, if you look back at the history of mankind.
I agree that it was even worse before. Although, I’m a little puzzled as to what point is being made. Are you agreeing with me or not? I can’t tell.
Industrialization killed workers with 60 hour shifts in unsafe environments. Middle ages made you work 18 hours a day once you were 7 and made you starve if the harvest was bad. In the stone age your family died from hunger after you got killed on the hunt.
Life expectancy was never as high as today.
Looking back at what I wrote, what point is all this agreeing with or refuting?
To me, it seems like you’re arguing that the passage of time is a good thing. I don’t remember saying that the passage of time wasn’t good.
- Comment on Trying to reverse climate change won’t save us, scientists warn 3 months ago:
Are you trying to tell me that the spirit of capitalism won’t return to us, dressed in the splendor of new technology, to absolve us of our past planetary transgressions, and take us to a new, perfect place amongst the stars where we will live in profit and harmony for ever?
Well, thats the second time I’ve fallen for that story…
- Comment on Stress 3 months ago:
Its work
Working, in the way that we do, takes years off of our lives and ruins the quality of life of people in their final years too.
I mean, its a meme and the message is put across very well but, for me, an important distinction is that wealthy increases life, as much as, it not more than poverty decreases it. Its wealth specifically and not wages. After a certain point, increased wages actually have an inverse effect on lifespan.
Wealth, in these instances is, of course, capital that makes you money. Specifically, money you make NOT from working.
The exact point at which life expectancy and QoL increases is always around thr exact level of wealth and passive income someone would need to drastically lower their working hours or stop completely.
Women still live longer than men. There are some biological factors for this, such as oestrogen being a vasodilator etc. However, now that women more and more work as much as men do, the difference is much smaller.
Nothing else has changed, between the sexes, to an extent that could explain such a shift in the data.
Nothing else reconciles all of the positions, let alone in one single stroke.
- Comment on We are at the Wolfenstein stage of capital. 4 months ago:
To me, its that being forced to do the same thing all day, nearly everyday, wears out your body and mind, long before their due date.
We just that we don’t get many reframed, visible representations of it. Especially ones this apparent.
- Comment on Pee posting? 4 months ago:
I’m going for a piss
Oh yeah, want some help with that?
- Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 4 months ago:
You might well be right but I find it troublesome at best.
I mean, the gestapo simply couldn’t have rounded up that many Jewish people without huge help from the local population, as the area they had to cover with such small numbers made that impossible.
People knew that no one came back from the camps people were sent to or were even heard of again.
People did put up real fights where they could. The problem was the collective punishment the nazis used really curtailed much of this. Also, people don’t ever think they’re going to die. We understand it in an abstract way but, in turn, the concept is too abstract for us to fully realise.
Personally, I lean towards it being a far more uncomfortable truth. Although, i understand why others might not.
- Comment on Fruit Flies 4 months ago:
You already know what you call a fly with no wings
A walk
- Comment on Scientific Method 4 months ago:
Jokes on you, I was testing my null hypothesis
- Comment on When is an invasion not an invasion? When the British media report on Israel… 4 months ago:
“A special military operation”
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 4 months ago:
Lol yeah, what these sorts of things would be dismissed as is literally called a “repugnant clause.”
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 4 months ago:
For sure and, even then, in uk law, you can’t sign away your right to take regular legal action against someone who caused you damage, due to their illegal actions. Something like the one in the article would be, rightly, dismissed as a repugnant clause.
- Comment on Why do Counterstrike and the other top 10 games on Steam NEVER change? 4 months ago:
You can play something like dota with people on a very basic computer and okayish connection. You’ll always find matches too.
- Comment on There you go little guy 4 months ago:
A recent Cochrane review examining 35 studies investigating the effect of speed cameras on speed and collisions concluded that although the quality of the studies was moderate at best, the consistency of all studies to report a positive reduction in either speed or collisions was impressive
That’s 35 for and one against, due to heavily manipulating no less than 5 different variables, in order to force themselves to have to conclude that speed cameras don’t improve safety.
Read your links folks!
- Comment on Britain’s prehistoric attitude to drugs isn’t working. Why not learn from Texas? | Simon Jenkins 4 months ago:
The difference being that one is well documented history and the one isn’t.
If it wasn’t the CIA, it would probably be someone one. You don’t have to take it as a personal insult, if you don’t want to. Especially as it wasn’t meant as one.
- Comment on Britain’s prehistoric attitude to drugs isn’t working. Why not learn from Texas? | Simon Jenkins 4 months ago:
It is a wonder how this can go on. I live in London and I, like most people, can have weed delivered, just as you would a pizza flavours and all.
Most people who’ve been on the internet long enough are aware of the CIA flooding the US with crack in the 80s. They thing most people don’t realise is that the CIA have also run the global heroin game since the 1940s too. The crack in the 80s job was neither the first nor the largest time they did it. For anyone interested, Google operation gladio.
Heroin was grown in Myanmar, moved out through Thailand, shipped to France where it either ended up with the mob in the US or flooded into eroupe all under the protection of the CIA. Myanmar was the largest supplier of heroin in the world, right up until Afghanistan took the title in the 2010s.
I know right?
It make no sense at all why the UK wouldn’t legalise weed. Well, that is, it makes no sense at all, right up until the second you stop presuming any kind of good faith. The second you stop, then, as if by magic, everything clicks into place.
- Comment on Drake 4 months ago:
Wamp wamp wawa
- Comment on Horse archers ruin every game they are in. 4 months ago:
Much like in real life, see them off with large groups of light cavalry. Meet them on their own terms with something that can chase them down and mob them.
- Comment on That explains it. 5 months ago:
He’s been telling that story for years
- Comment on Darwin's Tomatoes 5 months ago:
Oh, for sure but come the 50th occurrence however…
- Comment on Why are so many leaders in tech evil? 6 months ago:
Nope, come on man are you kidding me (?) and disagree again.
I agree that maybe you can’t but that doesn’t make it true or not. The last Conservative government of great Britain showed themselves to be utterly corrupted by greed and capitalism. They didn’t even have to pretend not to rip the entire country off during the covid pandemic.
Even then, its not “more” or less than the US. My point is just that capitalism corrupts all governments, to one extent or another, because its incompatible with democracy.
If there is a top, in terms of money or having things etc., then it isn’t communism.
- Comment on Why are so many leaders in tech evil? 6 months ago:
Please name which country in Europe has a government thats hasn’t been bought and paid off.
Of course, no one can. Unfortunately, that’s because capitalism is incompatible with actual democracy. Theres isn’t a country in the world whos democratic process and systems of governance hasn’t been utterly corrupted by capitalism and all that it brings with it.
If there’s a top that someone could rise to, it isn’t communism.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Well of course, if anywhere wed be sending them to Rwanda right guys? You like sending people you don’t like there isn’t it?
- Comment on The theory that we live in a simulation involves simulants running their own simulations; wouldn't that require impossibly more resources for the main sim? 7 months ago:
I seem to remember that the common concensus is that it would be easier to create a whole universe than the individual simulation model.
- Comment on Freeloaders 7 months ago:
It cant be usury, if I call it interest.
Not only is their god all powerful and all knowing, apparently, they also beleive their god to be an idiot.
- Comment on Freeloaders 7 months ago:
taking care of junkies or lowlifes for the duration of their lifespan .
They prefer the term shareholders or landlords, thank you very much!
- Comment on To all you outside of the US... 8 months ago:
We did but then you lot started ringing bells.
Tbf, were fucked too.