- Comment on Wimbledon school crash: Woman rearrested over deaths of two girls 1 day ago:
If it had never manifested, there wouldn’t have been a diagnosis. Bad wording for sure.
- Comment on Tajikistan launches crackdown on 'witchcraft' and fortune-telling 6 days ago:
True that, Chief
- Comment on Tajikistan launches crackdown on 'witchcraft' and fortune-telling 6 days ago:
Kinda funny how a religion that’s based around talking to an imaginary friend because it’s going to do you a solid when you’re dead is objecting to people talking to their imaginary friends and asking them for a solid while they’re alive.
- Comment on Please advise on this conversation we had over on c/Piracy. Transporters and replicators, basic operating principles? 1 week ago:
Well, as noted in that conversation, it wouldn’t work in the real world.
My understanding of canon is that transporter technology does use the energy produced by the warp core to deconstruct matter into energy, then reconstruct it at the desired location.
In that process, a computer has to hold the “pattern” long enough to make the transition possible. Hence pattern buffers.
Replicators use the same method, but have what amounts to better memory, and lower resolution.
A transporter can reconstruct things to such a small scale that every synaptic connection remains intact. Replicators can’t. They are, barring some exceptions that don’t really make sense, unable to produce anything alive.
A replicator cab only produce something it has a “recipe” for. At some point, someone used a transporter or similar device to deconstruct a given thing, like a hot cup of tea. That “pattern”, rather than being held in volatile memory, was recorded. Iirc, in the novels it was Spock that helped refine the technology to be as useful as it would be in TNG, but I haven’t read those in ages.
So, when Picard wants “earl grey, hot”, the replicator pulls up the pattern, uses the energy from a source that isn’t well specified, and turns that energy into matter. Literally every single cup of that tea is going to be the same, within the ability of the replicator to resolve. Since tea isn’t complicated in terms of long chains of molecules, it should be the exact same cup of tea.
However! There were instances I recall seeing of people adjusting replicator files. Tweaking them to their liking.
And, there’s on screen use of big replicators to turn out shuttle parts, as in body pieces.
There’s apparently an upper limit on complexity, which was supposedly about not wanting to make things too easy and make it harder on writers to come up with viable plot points. After all, if you can just replicate entire ships, things get crazy fast. “Oh, the Klingons are invading? Let’s churn out a few dozen extra battle cruisers”
- Comment on what exercises work for you to avoid back pain? 3 weeks ago:
Aight, a lot of what goes into keeping your back musket healthy isn’t specifically using the back muscles. I spent years power lifting, and even longer doing general strength training. That still didn’t prepare me for life after a major series of back injuries.
First thing to realize is that your core contributes to a healthy back. So you can’t skip that.
Second thing is that you don’t ever exercise back muscles without stretching first. You have to work that in so that before you ever do any weight based exercise with the back, it’s limbered up and the muscles are “warm”. And that goes for body wbeight, not just lifting.
Third is that you need to adjust your back exercises and your front exercises. You don’t want to get your pecs stronger than your lats and upper back can balance, you dig? Later on, you can worry about increasing strength to different muscles like the pecs and get them bigger. But the first year or two of building your body into a healthy state, don’t go crazy with the front of your body. What happens is that you’ll be doing stuff and your back can’t support the movements properly, leading to injury.
Now, specific exercises. I like the superman a lot for early stages. You’re belly down, arms extended above your head. You then lift your legs and your upper body. Kind of like the inverse of a situp. Hold for a three count, then back down.
Rows are great for the upper back. Bent over rows in specific. Start with low weights. Anything like a can of food is good for beginners.
Side planks are bomb. They also help with keeping things balanced as you aren’t only engaging back muscles. Regular planks are a solid pick as well.
Overhead lifts with light weight, like a can of food. It focuses more on the trapezius, but it’ll also work out everything connected to the shoulders to some degree.
Add in some squats, without weight, to connect it all to your base, and you’ve got it all balanced with “leg day” as well as core day.
Remember, the key to preventing back pain and injury is warming up. Doesn’t matter if you’re doing body weight, power lifts, intensive yoga, martial arts, whatever. You want the back loose and with the blood flowing before you start adding in anything that makes the muscles work hard.
- Comment on I'm transferring to another ward within my hospital and the whole thing feels odd. How do I sort myself out? 3 weeks ago:
Tbh, you’re better off long term working a variety of areas. If you just work (as an example) peds all your career, you’ll have missed out on a lot, as well as being subject to more limited opportunities if you leave a given hospital/facility.
You get enough time in across a few specialities, you have a better chance of finding an ideal work environment. Plus, lower risk of burnout.
You’re right, it isn’t fair. But if administration has failed to fix the issue, and you’re being treated poorly by coworkers in one unit, switching wards is the only real answer unless you want to leave the hospital entirely.
But, I gotta warn you. The kind of gossipy, drama loaded environment you’re leaving isn’t an exception to the field of nursing. That’s the default. There’s too many opportunities for boredom, and way too many stressors for a group of nurses and related staff to not engage in that kind of mindless bullshit. That’s how even the best end up coping with the realities of the job often enough that it’s often engrained into the culture of nursing no matter where you go.
You gotta make this about you improving your skills, experience, mental health, and keep your eyes on the long term. Forget the other people, forget politics. Do the job, become even better at it, and you’ll eventually find a place that’s right. Or, you’ll decide it isn’t worth it, and either leave nursing nursing entirely or leave facility work.
- Comment on Moderators banning/censoring people arent oppressors violating your rights; they are customer service representatives curating the space for their intended costomers. All this to say, I see Karen. 3 weeks ago:
Well, that’s the problem.
Karen is just an excuse to call women something without having the guts to be up front about it.
Originally, it was about a specific kind of entitled behavior. But it turned into a generic misogynist term like bitch used to be.
- Comment on Why is it considered sexist to ask women to smile? 3 weeks ago:
That’s one of the great things about the intense internet, running across all those local variations on life :)
- Comment on Moderators banning/censoring people arent oppressors violating your rights; they are customer service representatives curating the space for their intended costomers. All this to say, I see Karen. 3 weeks ago:
I agree with you.
But can we let the Karen thing go now? It’s been long enough
- Comment on Why is it considered sexist to ask women to smile? 3 weeks ago:
Oh, heck yeah! Having critters to take care of makes having a knife on you pretty much mandatory. My pocket tools I maybe use once a week, but just with our chickens and doing all the little stuff tending to them, I’ll use a knife at least daily, and that’s just for them.
- Comment on How active is Lemmy now? 3 weeks ago:
The stats are irrelevant, imo. What matters is how useful lemmy is both to average users and specialty users.
Right now, the more niche the hobby/interest is, the less useful lemmy is unless it fits into the handful of subjects that lemmites grok.
That being said, for general use, lemmy is great. Plenty of memes, plenty discussion about subjects of general interest, and plenty of posts for casual scrolling on the john. In that regard, it’s better than bigger forums because you don’t have to scroll through a dozen fake posts to find things that interested a fellow human.
I can usually, on bad days when I’m not very mobile, spend an hour or so on lemmy before I get back to where I had previously left off. That’s about the sweet spot, imo.
- Comment on Introducing AI News Bot for Lemmy! 3 weeks ago:
Hey, I appreciate the work. No bullshit, it’s a great idea, and the way you implemented it as its own C/ is perfect.
That being said, it’s too much. It was essentially a wall of nothing but the bot for me. I’m not sure if that’s because there was just that much for it to scrape with it being new, if it needs a rate limitation to keep it from flooding, or maybe the list of sources needs to pared down.
But it definitely interfered with accessing human posts by sheer volume. Which is the bad thing about bots.
I don’t know Jack shit about how bots work under the hood, but it definitely needs some kind of change to how much it’s posting.
Again, I think the idea is great and I was initially happy about it. Thanks for doing something to help us all stay updated.
- Comment on Why is it considered sexist to ask women to smile? 3 weeks ago:
Well, it’s perfectly legal here, though there’s places you can’t take a knife inside with you.
But, yeah, plenty of people do.
For one, we’re pretty rural and a good knife is a necessity. It’s the most versatile tool on the planet. Then, we’ve got a fairly difficult problem of feral dogs, and not everyone can/will carry a gun for that risk. Not that a knife is a great idea against a dog attack, but it’s better than nothing I guess. And there are people that carry them specifically as a weapon, with the other factors being less important.
There’s this one lady, shes in her seventies now, and carries a buck 119 on her hip everywhere, even church. Has done so since I was a kid at least. She’s one of those tough as hell farm ladies.
Women in particular end up very worried about being victimized just because it’s statistically a huge risk. So they want something to equalize their chances, even a little. I can’t say a knife is the best choice for that, especially without training, but knives scare people, so they think they’re a magic wand you wave around and bad things go away.
When you add in the women and girls that are engaged in activities that up their chances of being victimized, that are also not going to realistically carry pepper spray or a gun, the percentage gets a big bump. There’s a little section just outside of town that’s essentially a meth driven community. There’s nobody there unarmed entirely because meth heads are fucking crazy.
It might be surprising, but some folks carry multiple knives. Typically that’s going to be because they have specific tasks that are better suited to a given type of knife. Best example of that is a guy I know that keeps animals, livestock. He keeps one knife that’s just for cutting twine and other rope/string. A folding hawkbill, or a carpet knife depending on what he grabs first. But he also has a pocket knife for whittling and a general purpose folding knife for general use.
I carry two myself. One bigger one for general tasks, one smaller one with a blade that’s half serrated for specific jobs that are better suited to a serrated edge. Use both of them multiple times a day. And they go everywhere with me that it’s legal to do so. They’re just too damn useful to leave at home.
- Comment on Why is it considered sexist to ask women to smile? 3 weeks ago:
Oh yeah.
Honestly, it’s risky with women too, just not as risky.
I know women that will pull a knife on you for giving them an order like that. And I know a shit ton of men that will go straight to punching that kind of fool in the face. Women aren’t as likely to get violent, but when they do, they don’t fuck around because it’s usually men saying that kind of condescending shit.
But, yeah, I’ve seen fights started over even less rude things. Some guys, you don’t give an order to, period, no matter how nice you do it, or how you intend it.
Tbh, I’m not going to respond well to it, though I’ll give a person the chance to GTFO before I step to violence. It’s an option if they don’t fuck off though.
- Comment on Is consciousness dependent on input to the brain? 4 weeks ago:
Well, you asked a question that doesn’t have a definitive answer.
However, nerve endings aren’t the end-all be-all of the sensorium. The brain has activity, even when cut off from stimulation via the senses.
We aren’t reliant on our bodies for "self*, in other words.
- Comment on If it would solve world hunger, what would be the largest item you could fit in your ass? 4 weeks ago:
True that. Gotta go for a whole “gaze” of coons
- Comment on If it would solve world hunger, what would be the largest item you could fit in your ass? 4 weeks ago:
A raccoon.
- Comment on Demanding a pronoun is like demanding a burkas. 4 weeks ago:
Look, your comments show what you’re saying better than your post. So keeping that in mind, you’ve made an error.
See, while language is a consensus based thing, or isn’t the only determinant of how it’s used. The consensus doesn’t inherently forbid individual usages.
So, the idea that me insisting on my pronouns be used is not the same as a burka or similar garb.
Now, I get part of your argument, that there’s a point at which highly individualized pronouns become enough of a hassle that expecting anyone to remember them is an exercise in futility. You aren’t going to shift the way a language functions like that, it just isn’t going to happen that everyone gets to pick their own pronoun/s when they aren’t also a part of the current language structure.
That’s not a matter of right or wrong, it’s a purely practical thing. To create that kind of shift in language requires broad acceptance of the idea, and it being part of early language acquisition. In other words, if you aren’t learning the structure of completely individual pronouns as part of your learning your language as a very small child, then that’s going to always be unfamiliar and awkward. It will take conscious effort to use the proposed change.
And that’s where the barrier is. It’s easy enough to get folks on board with he/she/they because it’s already there in the unwritten rules we pick up passively. Once you start trying to invent words, you have to convince other people they’re useful at all. Then you have to teach them what those words mean, when to use them or not use them, and how they’re supposed to be applied when a niche situation arises.
As an example, xe and xey replacing not only the gendered he/she, but the agender they in consistent way. It kinda makes sense, though English isn’t a great language to use x as the first letter of a word. There’s other languages that only have a single pronoun for individuals and one for multiplies, so the concept is easy to swallow.
But, you still have to convince people that there’s a good reason to switch. There’s people that already fight hard for the right to have their gendered pronouns recognized, and won’t give that up because it matters to them. You’ve got people that will (accurately) point out that we already have the singular “they”, so adding another word in is not useful. You’ve got people that will object because the you’ll still have to teach the previous forms so that people can read the centuries of writing already out there.
That’s a huge barrier to overcome, and that’s just for one change.
And there isn’t a single consensus about what alternate pronouns to add/replace. There’s multiple competing ones, so there’s no critical mass of people to shift the majority.
To be clear though, none of that is the equivalent of forcing you to wear a burka. None of it.
That’s where you screwed up. You conflated two things that are absolutely not the same, crammed them into a ragebait title, and didn’t think it through before posting.
Mind you, that last part assumes you don’t actually believe the tripe and are just playing around with ideas. I prefer not to assume malice, until it is so certain it can’t be alienated avoided.
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 1 month ago:
Oooh! I was just talking to someone with a serious hot take.
So, back during covid, I had cause to interact with the sheriff of our county. We became friends. Maybe not bosom buddies sharing the contents of our hearts or anything, but I can talk to the man about what ACAB really means and he listens instead of being a dick.
So, the subject came up earlier today when I stopped in his office after a dental appointment.
His hot take was that if it had happened here, he would have done his job; arrested the man, processed him, and posted guards on him 24/7 until he was shipped back to NYC. But he said he also wild have personally been present at any questioning or handoffs to make “plain fucking sure nobody did anything stupid”.
He also said that he agrees with why the man is angry, but that murder is too far. Then he said he’s worried about the man because he wouldn’t know who to trust with him. A fairly conservative country county sheriff outright admitted that he wouldn’t trust most cops to keep the man safe.
He even expressed concern about the safety of the people that called in the report in Altoona.
That’s probably the most surprising thing I’ve ever heard from him. He’s normally a fairly unbending sort when it comes to violent crime. Never let them out of jail again type of unbending. But for his thought to be worry about the killer? That’s fucking wild.
Anyway, beyond that, it’s kinda mixed. A ton of my friends are left leaning to full on leftist. So i expected some support. What surprised me among friends is that nobody is arguing that the guy needs the book thrown at him, even among my more moderate friends, and the smattering of conservative ones that aren’t so conservative I can’t be friends with them.
Relative wise, my family is politically mixed. And it’s still new enough that I haven’t talked to everyone because how the fuck do you have a conversation with that many people in a week without a gathering? But the usual group chats are leaning more on the side of the guy than on the CEO. The older family tends to be more about him needing to be in jail, with a few calls for the death penalty, but the “in jail” folks aren’t exactly ranting and raving.
The most extreme of the families, of which I’m not the most extreme, but I ain’t exactly not extreme at all, they want the guy out of jail. Some are calling him a hero, others more of a victim of the system, but the main group chat of us lefties is devoid of any hate for the man at all.
In other words, it’s not a consensus at all. It’s about what you’d expect over any situation where a regular guy does something illegal as a move against the status quo.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Well, there’s not much to go on. We don’t know you, we don’t have any access to your friends, and you didn’t tell any story that might help us guesstimate what’s going on.
That being said, a lot of the time someone gets pegged as the “kid” of the group, it comes down to either their relative age, or their behavior.
Some people are just naturally more childlike. Not childish, though there can be overlap. The kind of folks that are bubbly, or energetically happy, or tend to have a certain naivete, that kind of thing. It comes off as younger to some people, so they’ll start treating that person as younger than they are.
But the other part is that sometimes even a year of age difference changes things when it comes to perceptions and group dynamics. You’re 21, so if they’re 22-25, it really can be enough of a gap to set you up in their heads as the “young” one.
That’s the stuff that tends to be common enough to fit without knowing more, or assuming anything about motivations.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 1 month ago:
I would say that depends on his resources. And I wouldn’t say that the entire country’s law enforcement is after him, at least not yet. As of when I’m writing this, I can’t find any mentions of anything beyond the NYPD being involved in the investigation.
Normally, you wouldn’t even see state level involvement in a local homicide investigation. It just isn’t useful. When that does occur, it tends to be because there’s a belief the suspect has left the original jurisdiction, or that evidence in other jurisdictions needs to be gathered.
That’s extra true for the feds.
Yeah, with this being some corporate fuck that’s the victim, if it goes on long enough, those outside agencies will at least “offer” resources, but it isn’t going to be happening this soon.
If the guy has resources of his own, particularly if he has somewhere far enough away to go and funds to stay off grid for a while, he could go decades without getting caught, if ever.
Of course, there’s still zero information about the guy that’s meaningful. He could be planning to turn himself in as a form of martyr, for all we know. Could have been his plan from the start.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 1 month ago:
Assuming they catch him, it’s part of the process.
No matter how you cut it, no matter how much you agree with how actions, and whatever reason he may have had, murder isn’t something that can be dismissed when it is an act of its own. It has to be prosecuted.
Now, you might notice that italics. When murder is done as part of war, it isn’t murder any more, it’s an enemy casualty, and isn’t typically going to be prosecuted as murder.
If what the guy did is part of a bigger movement, and that movement ends up with enough changes, it might be treated as no different than a soldier shooting a target on a battlefield. I’m not saying there isn’t a difference, I’m saying that if power shifts enough, the country changes enough, a killer becomes a hero.
If that’s what it turns out to be, trying to prosecute it as murder would be a joke, a waste of time, so I wouldn’t want it to happen.
But if it’s just one dude grinding his own path for himself? Well, if it isn’t prosecuted, it’s as much a failure of the system as every decision the shitty CEO made and wasn’t fired for. Two wrongs don’t make a right on that scale. Tbh, a thousand wrongs for a good reason don’t make a right, it just makes the problem a different scale, with different priorities.
The only difference between an insurrection and a revolution is success, in other words.
- Comment on Most people's first arguments are fighting with their parents. When someone is getting emotional during a debate they are most likely dredging up emotions they felt towards mommy and daddy. 1 month ago:
I get where you’re coming from, and I think it’s a good shower thought.
I don’t, however, agree with it.
What’s missing is that parents aren’t always the first argument, and that disagreements don’t inherently result in anger.
Where it does make a basic kind of sense is that we do learn our coping mechanisms petty early on by observation. If we’re surrounded by people that argue regularly, and do so heatedly, that’s the structure we absorb as being the default. If you’re among people that disagree without arguing, then you pick up a different default.
It’s the same as any social interaction rules, we pick them up over time. But the emotion of anger isn’t inherent to disagreements. Not even for little kids.
- Submitted 1 month ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on Call to fix palliative care before assisted dying 1 month ago:
As always, why not both?
- Comment on human anteaters 1 month ago:
I’d say the smell is closer to turpentine or maybe kerosene
- Comment on Another offensive pub name 2 months ago:
That’s the point, it’s a non issue.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Raw milk does usually make better cheese, sadly.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Nah, the owners of the company are batshit
- Comment on Another offensive pub name 2 months ago:
People are morons
They’re objecting is to the word sly