- Comment on That explains a lot 3 days ago:
That’s not how that works. It’s not a DnD sphere of annihilation, it’s an infinitely dense point of matter.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
The wound predates Reagan and goes back to the Civil War. Sherman had the chance to cauterize it, but he held back and let it fester, and here we are.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
A lot of Trump voters are horribly uninformed. They didn’t know - and still don’t know - what Project 2025 is. They thought it was fearmongering because they only heard about it from Dems. They have no idea what’s happening right now, nor do they care. All they know is their team won, and they’re otherwise tuned out. Maybe they’ll wake up when they feel the effects, but they’ll probably just blame Democrats because Fox News tells them to.
- Comment on I'll show them 3 weeks ago:
You won’t even know they’re ads, it will just implant false childhood memories, giving you positive associations with the brand.
- Comment on Brazil condemns US after deportees arrive handcuffed 4 weeks ago:
Undocumented immigration is not a felony, not even a misdemeanor. It’s a civil infraction, illegal in the sense of illegal parking. Do you support this kind of treatment for traffic tickets?
- Comment on I put on my robe and my wizard hat 3 months ago:
There is much, much more overlap between them than you may think.
- Comment on The Onion buys rightwing conspiracy theory site Infowars with plans to make it ‘very funny, very stupid’ 3 months ago:
To quote the Onion themselves:
No price would be too high for such a cornucopia of malleable assets and minds. And yet, in a stroke of good fortune, a formidable special interest group has outwitted the hapless owner of InfoWars (a forgettable man with an already-forgotten name) and forced him to sell it at a steep bargain: less than one trillion dollars.
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
The reason given for hiding them just makes that fact worse. It’s for “aesthetics”.
- Comment on Tradition 3 months ago:
How is a gmod shitpost anything but a return to tradition?
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 3 months ago:
The worrying part is the implications of what they’re claiming to sell. They’re selling an imagined future in which there exists a class of sapient beings with no legal rights that corporations can freely enslave. How far that is from reality doesn’t matter, it’s absolutely horrifying that this is something the ruling class wants.
- Comment on Half as Hot 4 months ago:
90 F to Kelvin, halved and converted back, is approximately -190.
It’s difficult to find data on what exposure to that temperature would do, the threshold for an extreme cold warning (meaning absolutely do not go outside without heavy protection) is about 150 F warmer than that.
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
Which raises the question of why he would create a planet with the illusion of age and send you to hell for falling for his own trick.
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
Privacy regulations are to the left of the Overton window. The idea that corporations don’t have some divinely ordained ownership of our personal data is unthinkably radical.
- Comment on hard to argue with 4 months ago:
Kicking is our natural unarmed attack. Still a last resort compared to throwing rocks or whacking with sticks though. We evolved from ancestors who already used tools to defend themselves.
- Comment on Fruit Flies 4 months ago:
Are horseflies a lie because they don’t eat horses?
- Comment on I love diablo-likes, but they're also really annoying. 4 months ago:
This is why I’m looking forward to the first few seasons of PoE2. It sounds like they’re starting out focused on making the moment to moment gameplay more interesting. They’ll cave to the zoom zoom crowd soon enough and ruin the game with power creep within a year, but it’ll be fun while it lasts.
- Comment on I don't want to call Twitter X out of spite, but calling the travesty that is X Twitter is an insult to the people that made Twitter what it was. 4 months ago:
It was, but now it’s a steaming turd with Nazis and KKK apologists.
- Comment on You'll have to use pto time to drown, but make sure it's approved first 4 months ago:
Charge the manager with a separate count of murder for every employee that died due to their orders.
- Comment on Installation 4 months ago:
Get the fuck out and call the fire department.
- Comment on I always get them confused. 5 months ago:
I just remember it intuitively based on vibes. Stalagmites sound bulky and lumpy, and stalactites sound sharp and light.
- Comment on Let me at 'em!! 5 months ago:
To put into perspective just how trivial it is, the actual amount of energy of splitting a single nucleus is on the order of picojoules. The shock from touching a doorknob is a few millijoules, literally millions of times more powerful.
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 5 months ago:
Historically it was just a US/UK English difference, but it evolved into both being used because one of the first big manufacturers of optical discs, Philips, called them discs, while the US-based IBM spelled their magnetic disks with a K.
- Comment on Path of Exile 2 - Gameplay Overview | gamescom 2024 6 months ago:
Exactly. I give it 50/50 odds that this video is something people will look back on and laugh about how much effort went into bosses that were functionally removed from the game.
- Comment on Path of Exile 2 - Gameplay Overview | gamescom 2024 6 months ago:
I really hope they keep the power creep in check. Everything they’ve shown looks great, but if player power is even a fraction of what it is in PoE1, it’ll just be a neat bit of trivia that if you intentionally hold DPS and let bosses live they all do unique things.
- Comment on Trump promotes family's new crypto platform, 'The Defiant Ones' 6 months ago:
“For too long, the average American has been squeezed by the big banks and financial elites,” Trump wrote. “It’s time we take a stand — together.”
Do people actually believe for a fraction of a second that Donald Trump of all people is on the side of the average American? And that the way to “take a stand” is with a crypto pump and dump scheme?
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
Power bottom/service top.
- Comment on Dead Cells has its final update out now with The End is Near 6 months ago:
While there’s nothing wrong with a game being declared complete and stopping updates, the way this went down doesn’t sit right. Evil Empire (the studio that split off from Motion Twin specifically to maintain Dead Cells) had longer-term plans and the resources to make them happen, but Motion Twin then ordered Evil Empire to stop development because they thought an actively developed Dead Cells would be a competitor to Windblown that they could preemptively kill off.
- Comment on Octopi 6 months ago:
Octopodes nuts?
- Comment on Fortnite Players Band Together to Pick on In-Game Tesla Cybertrucks: 'Destroy on Sight' - IGN 7 months ago:
The change is if you see one, there’s an implied truce between every non-Cybertruck-owner until they’re dead, then it’s back to a free for all.
- Comment on Welp ... 7 months ago:
That’s a way to deal with it, but in the long term, “pre-AI” becomes a longer and longer time ago, and less and less useful for any practical purposes.