- Comment on Sun God 2 days ago:
And they stay insulating even if soaked all the way through. Perfect for hiking or trudging through snow
- Comment on A childrens tale 5 days ago:
They’ve got it pretty good compared to some animals. Like at least they get to meet their partners or have sex at all
- Comment on I love the future. 6 days ago:
Elon enters the FBI’s inner sanctum and must solve the Vat’s riddles three in order to prove he’s not a gay communist
- Comment on smort 1 week ago:
Yeah sure buddy, sportness is all made up by —let me guess— Big Sportness? Clearly you’re just mad that you’re not very sportnant.
- Comment on smort 1 week ago:
Not to mention the “stupid = ugly” wojacks
- Comment on smort 1 week ago:
Broke: The results of IQ testing are dependent on a person’s intelligence. Intelligence is an objective reality that can be observed and measured with IQ testing.
Woke: The results of IQ testing are independent of a person’s intelligence. Intelligence is an objective reality but complex and impossible to perfectly measure.
Bespoke: A person’s ‘intelligence’ is dependent on the results of IQ testing. Intelligence is a social construct and IQ testing is a means to reinforce it.
- Comment on place yer bets 1 week ago:
Also the impact risk corridor passes through states that are poorly equipped for large civil defence operations: Ethiopia and the CAR are in civil wars, Yemen is in a civil war with the majority of the country under the control of an unrecognized government, and the South Sudanese government is quite week—being at peace only for the last 5 years
- Comment on "Me Ug! Ug feel ACADEMIC!" 1 week ago:
Author-date systems create line noise that makes text hard to grok. Numeric systems (with or without footnotes) don’t have that problem. Honestly I don’t see the point of author-date. If a a paper is really important then it should be referenced in prose, otherwise “(Kowalchuck et al., 2018)” doesn’t tell you anything more than “[11]”; you’re still gonna need to look it up in the bibliography. And that looking up is actually made harder: finding [11] between [10] and [12] is easier than finding Kowalchuk between Kowal and Kowalski or whatever other names happen to be there.
- Comment on son, happy birthday 3 weeks ago:
It looks nothing like a centric or pennate diatom
- Comment on Economic inequality leads to democratic erosion, a new study finds. 3 weeks ago:
New palace construction drains royal treasuries, a new study finds
- Comment on son, happy birthday 3 weeks ago:
Most species grow to half a millimetre. So they’re just barely visible to the naked eye; like a small spec of dust.
- Comment on Is it worth it?? 3 months ago:
There’s plenty of stuff where ML algorithms the state of the art. For example the raw data from nanopore DNA sequencing machines is extremely noisy and ML algorithms clean it up with much less error than the Markov chains used in years previous.
- Comment on anagenesis 3 months ago:
Funnily enough in Canada we have mars bars instead of the US milky way and 3 musketeers instead of the international milky way. Mars doesn’t sell anything called a milky way here
- Comment on I feel like laying an egg. 3 months ago:
this is cuckoo
- Comment on Sea Creature Party 3 months ago:
- Comment on Be a rebel, pick up trash. 3 months ago:
I can tell the jellies are on the right and that they’re in the genus Aurelia. Seems like a skill issue
- Comment on Pressure vs Temp 4 months ago:
That’s what makes them fluids
- Comment on Pressure vs Temp 4 months ago:
gases are fluids tho…
- Comment on #notaseagull 4 months ago:
The buffalo thing pisses me off the most. Entire cultures are defined by that animal and it’s incredibly significant to the history of the prairies and the continent as a whole. So it’s pretty disrespectful to go to these people and go “um actually what you’ve been calling this animal for centuries is wrong actually because Linnaeus or whatever”
- Comment on #notaseagull 4 months ago:
Je suis un ananas
- Comment on Just Terrible 4 months ago:
Yes, popularized by C
- Comment on Just Terrible 4 months ago:
I’m with that guy. C was a mistake
- Comment on My markup has my cat's contributions. 4 months ago:
- Comment on Fruit Flies 4 months ago:
The fruit flies you’ve seen eating fresh fruit are probably Drosophila suzukii (spotted wing fruit fly). Most (all?) other Drosophila species (including the model organism Drosophila melanogaster) only feed on rotting fruit. Though they’ll consume the sugars too, not just the microorganisms.
There are also some more distantly related flies that feed on fresh fruit and are commonly called fruit flies (eg the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata)
- Comment on Y tho 5 months ago:
There’s a bunch of species of cactus (family Cactaceae) but only Rhipsalis baccifera is found in the old world. Even weirder is that it’s found in sub-Saharan Africa and for some reason also Sri Lanka
- Comment on Let's gooo 5 months ago:
. It’s consistent with\mathrm
for well-defined constants - Comment on Let's gooo 5 months ago:
you monster
- Comment on big ol booties 5 months ago:
- Comment on Chemistry 5 months ago:
My uncle was a med lab tech in the hospital. They still had “no mouth pipetting” signs up in the late 90s.
- Comment on Oxygen 5 months ago:
Organisms need some oxidizing agent to respire. We use oxygen because it’s very highly reactive and thanks to photosynthesis is goddamn everywhere.