- Comment on When fighter jets are scrambled to intercept a plane for security reasons, what can they actually do? 4 days ago:
I can only speak for the UK and from a amateur perspective but here’s the rough breakdown:
90% of the time it’s likely a private pilot that’s wandered into a restricted airspace without realising it. They’re politely escorted out.
9.9999% of the time is an adversarial nation testing the response time of the quick-reaction force defenses. They’re politely but forcefully escorted out. Maybe some insults traded over the radio but that’d be about as heated as it gets.
0.0001% they pose a threat and refuse to be escorted out. At that point it’s basically the same thing of asking “what would happen if someone climbed the fence to the White House and towards it and when the secret service pointed guns at them didn’t stop, would they get shot?”
It’s the pilot’s call at that point, but if they posed a threat to life then yes they probably would shoot them down.
- Comment on Amazon Restricted Vaginal Health Products for Being ‘Potentially Embarrassing’ 1 week ago:
- Comment on Amazon Restricted Vaginal Health Products for Being ‘Potentially Embarrassing’ 1 week ago:
Christ, I wish Americans would get over their embarrassment that half theirs population has a vagina.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
First of all, welcome to the collective of silicon wizards (a.k.a electronics engineers) your robe and hat are being dispatched as we speak.
Second, well done for attempting a new skill most are too afraid to even consider.
Third, all of the advice offered here about flux and tinning the wire ends is sound. So I’ll offer some other advice, check what temperature you set the soldering iron to. It might be too low. I prefer putting my temp at 350 degC. Others will argue for a slightly different temperature.
If your answer is “but I don’t know what temperature my soldering iron is at” then you ought to get one with a temperature control. I won’t recommend a particular brand or price point because you should only spend what you can afford on a hobby. But there’s plenty of articles and opinions (be careful about some of those being the same) about which brands are good quality at different price points.
Also, two additional things to think about getting:
A basic as fuck desktop extractor fan that has a carbon filter. This will be for the flux fumes.
Some form of overhead lighting and magnification. These can be separate but you can get magnifying lamps. This will help when you start venturing into the world of surface mount components.
Good luck and we’re looking forward to seeing your future creations 😊
- Comment on Italy to require VPN and DNS providers to block pirated content 2 weeks ago:
Because they don’t fight back unlike the billionaires who threaten to take jobs away / donate to their political rivals, the criminals who blackmail or threaten bodily harm (since this is Italy we’re taking about), and the individuals who fall into both categories.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 2 weeks ago:
No… Let 'em burn.
I want Brad so emotionally scarred that every time he goes to tweet some bullshit he has a depression inducing anxiety attack that he has to find the nearest corner to go cry in until exhaustion.
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 2 weeks ago:
la puissance du soleil dans la paume de ma main
[Takes a drag on a sexy cigarette]
- Comment on "Me Ug! Ug feel ACADEMIC!" 2 weeks ago:
As an R&D engineer I feel both seen and offended by this meme. Excellent work, am I ok to cite this meme in IEEE format?
- Comment on EU consumers don’t trust US goods: a look into Trump’s trade deficit claims 2 weeks ago:
Yeah even though I’m in the UK I will never eat US chicken. The reason they wash their chicken and eggs is because Salmonella is endemic to US poultry because their standards are so lax they’d rather chemical their chicken than fix the problem. 🤮
- Comment on Romantic 3 weeks ago:
I see some of you have never played Battleshits before.
Rules are as follows:
Two people enter a toilet cubicle each and proceed to try and shit.
The first one to shit wins.
If both players have shitted then the size of the shits is judged and the largest shit wins.
It is a puerile and crass game of speed, deception and defiantly not for the weak-stomached as I found out to my own detriment as a spectator.
This has been your daily reminder that we are all just slightly more evolved apes with access to the power of gods.
- Comment on Driver caught doing 122mph on 30mph road as UK’s shocking speed records revealed 3 weeks ago:
Lifetime driving ban.
- Comment on US and UK refuse to sign AI safety declaration at summit 3 weeks ago:
Sadly it is in one respect only: financial services.
And that’s the only reason why they’re interested; so the City (of London, not Greater London) has more freedom to invest into these AI start-ups and get their big payout when they grow large enough to move head office to the US.
- Comment on What job do you need this hard hat for? 3 weeks ago:
Unfortunately these buffs don’t stack. And the effect only works when constructing large enough engineering feats where people have to look straight up to see the whole thing.
- Comment on Driver stopped in Tesla Cybertruck banned in UK 1 month ago:
So that’s why Musk is sticking his oar in UK politics. Wind your neck in you weirdo, you’re giving actual engineers a bad rep.
- Comment on When they tell you "oh of course it's safe" they are lying 2 months ago:
Can u get preganté?
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 2 months ago:
Allow me to introduce my little friend: Transmetropolitan Bowl Disruptor
- Comment on Lower Decks Eulogizing 2 months ago:
Lower Decks! Lower Decks!
- Comment on Thames Water boss defends bonuses as sewage spills soar 2 months ago:
Fucking ridiculous.
Jail that fucking boss and board of directors, let Thames Water fail, and bring it back into public ownership. Then, just to prove a point, throw them into stocks and dump Thames Water sewage onto them.
- Comment on circuits 3 months ago:
The post-grad assistant helping me with that assignment night before it’s due:
“Oh that’s easy, just apply Kirchoff’s Gambit. Here’s the solution because the lecturer hasn’t changed the assignment questions since they started here 20 years ago.”
Me, wide eyed: “You are an angel amongst demons!”
- Comment on circuits 3 months ago:
How the university lectures go:
“Here’s a design theory, here’s another, and another, and another. Be sure to master these techniques for the exam, because they’ll be with you for the rest of your career.”
How the industry design practice goes talking with the senior electronics design engineer:
“Whilst I was high/drunk/sleep deprived from insomnia/all three at the same time, I drew up this circuit schematic last night and finished at 6am then got into the office for 8.
The calculations for these resistor and capacitance values? Idk, they just feel like the right values based on what I read in the data sheet. If they’re wrong who cares, we’ll stack SMDs on top or just respin the boards because PCBs and passives are cheap and we’ll (read: you’ll) desolder and reuse the more expensive ICs.
My design justifications notes? Haha that’s your job, silly junior engineer. Oh by the way, I’ll make value changes to 80% of these components fixing my mistakes, also known as ‘tuning the sensor circuits’, before I update the schematic. Even after it goes into production I’ll just pinch boards off the line and change some things in the BoM without writing an ECO because I don’t have time for that.
Yes I do still prefer to use leaded solder without an extractor fan, why do you ask?”
That engineer will either be the most liked person in the company or the most hated person in the company, yet either way are clearly un-fireable.
- Comment on circuits 3 months ago:
My circuit design lecturer: “If you dig down deep enough into the theory, every component from resistors to microprocessors are analogue and complex.”
Me: (internal screaming intensifies)
My plug: “Here, smoke this doob.”
Me: (inhales deeply) It all makes sense now.
- Comment on Frog's Gift 3 months ago:
Elon Musk: now singlehandedly responsible for the US falling further behind China in innovation and research (for the record, fuck the CCP).
I seriously hope the UK takes advantage and offers visas and funding for the research. We’ve already got a good research sector though it took a hit from Brexit. Taking in these US scientists, even if it’s only for four years, would accelerate the UK’s growth, suck it Yanks!
p.s. also the EU would love to have them as well.
- Comment on Marine Scientists 3 months ago:
[History Channel Gesture]
Rare Earth Nodules
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
That moment when you take a drag of your Blue Raspberry vape and the dosimeter next to you maxes out.
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
Taste: slightly metallic, not great, not terrible.
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
So a nucler reactor is just a kettle with an extra spicy heating element?
- Comment on Guardian will no longer post on Elon Musk’s X from its official accounts 3 months ago:
Agreed, it comes off as petulant and is really grating when fellow supporters get all smarmy when said individual/group doesn’t immediately adopt the next thing in progressive politics the nanosecond it enters public discussion.
- Comment on lab toys 3 months ago:
Yep. Ghosts in Machines are real.
I have witnessed it first hand multiple times.
At university there was an old 1st gen Makerbot 3D printer and if you took away one of it’s prints that were displayed around it, all of your prints would fail, even if you replaced it the printer held a grudge. And never EVER say a 100% certainty statement that the print would succeed like “it is printing ok, it will be finished in an hour”. Only say things like “the print is doing ok so far”.
The electronics lab was throwing out five old Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes so our little maker group took them in and two were working fine. The other three weren’t displaying the trace on the screen. One of our members, a chap from Romania who in his youth spent his time fixing old TVs in his home country, said to let him have a look. I swear down he plugged them in, leant his ear against it, said to the scopes “shh it’s ok, we’ll look after you”, and gave them gentle taps on top just behind the screen, and all three jumped back into life in perfect calibration.
And finally, my girlfriend at the time had a 1st gen iPod that would, at the most inopportune moments randomly wake itself up, play a few seconds of a random song, then shut itself down.
- Comment on Capsaicin 4 months ago:
My new recipe book:
A Taste of Fire and Ice.
Just don’t expect the sequel to be released anytime soon.
- Comment on Britain will rejoin the EU within 15 years, former Brussels chief predicts 4 months ago:
I would hypothesise now that the UK has left, France’s proposals for a closer integrated EU standing army and two-speed EU are much more likely to go ahead.
Because of that I see a future in 20 years for something like a three-speed EU:
- Full integration.
- Free movement of goods and people.
- Mutual recognition of qualifications and frictionless framework for EU standard goods back and forth across the boarder. With a seat but no voting rights for the discussion of said standards.