Transcript of me examining this picture:
"Okay, face looks okay, jacket makes sense, let’s look at the hands. Looks like four fingers on her left hand there, the right hand, thumb’s a little screwy, is that a stick or is she part tarsier? Something’s kind of screwy there. Boots look about right, there’s even a pretty decent depth of field on the sho-THE FIRE IS IN THE TENT. 8 months ago
Ah, good idea putting the fire in the tent, that way the fire will stay warm 8 months ago
No, that’s fine. It’s the 👍 thumb! Look at it! It’s freakishly small but not ridiculously small. 8 months ago
Or the single Wolverine stick claw. 8 months ago
The hot air is also guaranteed to keep the tent up. 8 months ago
If you put the whole ass campfire in the tent, it might fly away. Put the fire in the freezer overnight, then thaw it out in chunks when needed. 8 months ago
It also stores a lot of heat in the walls of the tent, which will keep the air inside from cooling down too much over the course of the night. 8 months ago
I did not notice that, all I did was look at the image on autopilot