- Comment on Wasnt great orange leader going to end the war in 24 hours? 5 hours ago:
He didn’t say which twenty-four hours but when it’s going to happen you’ll know.
- Comment on Somebody stabbed this repeatedly 5 hours ago:
You’re lucky that you can sleep.
- Comment on Mandatory Minion/Musk Meme 5 hours ago:
Bullshit fucking comic.
Minions don’t talk.
- Comment on If tomato's are a berry and jelly is a sugary fruit spread then my cheese pizza Lunchables is more akin to a pastry..? 8 hours ago:
A Greek salad is a fruit salad and it needs tomatoes.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 hours ago:
Chad does not need help if you can’t understand the text maybe you should seek help yourself.
- Comment on Hentai is art 11 hours ago:
That book should be labeled ‘Where the vagina is located.’
- Comment on This tiny piece of shit! 11 hours ago:
It looks like a dick to me.
- Comment on It's official, a new era is upon us for !! 15 hours ago:
Looks like the better user won.
- Comment on Mr. Grey, can I go to the bathroom? 1 day ago:
She crushes billionaires.
- Comment on EA has open sourced Command & Conquer: Red Alert under GPLv3 1 day ago:
I wish.
I have dry balls.
- Comment on EA has open sourced Command & Conquer: Red Alert under GPLv3 1 day ago:
It’s a kick ass game but some of the tropes didn’t age well.
- Comment on Something something sexual tyrannosaurus 1 day ago:
Sorry to hear that hope you get better soon.
- Comment on Got sum Zucc? 2 days ago:
Zuck cums Sweet Baby Ray’s.
- Comment on WWJD 2 days ago:
Pretty much.
- Comment on Something something sexual tyrannosaurus 2 days ago:
Your friend fucks your girlfriend for you with your dick?
- Comment on "Why do you hate clowns?" Exhibit No. 2 2 days ago:
Pennywise renounced his criminal ways and got his medical license.
They’re doing pretty well these days.
- Comment on Reserve your Cybersub now! 3 days ago:
Geez you sound like my parents.
- Comment on Reserve your Cybersub now! 3 days ago:
Hehe Nazi sub.
- Submitted 3 days ago to [deleted] | 12 comments
- Comment on 3 days ago:
Sorry but that’s just funny.
Its like grifting Trump supporters.
- Comment on It works for anything 3 days ago:
This completely fucks up this painting because it is not a pipe it is an image of a pipe but it is a meme and one that makes me irrationally angry at that.
- Comment on Do you find this compelling evidence to doubt the result of the election? 4 days ago:
This is the same bullshit that the republicans were peddling back in 2020.
There wasn’t enough fraud to change the election the big difference is more people decided they didn’t care who won and sat the election out.
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 4 days ago:
The american voters gave republicans the presidency, the senate and the house.
They also got control of the SCOTUS so the democrats don’t have many options right now.
Hopefully the people smarten up for the 2026 midterms and actually vote.
- Comment on First Gaming PC 5 days ago:
I’ve played Outer Wilds for about four hours now and while it’s decent I haven’t understood the hype yet.
It is worth sticking it out or is it not for me?
- Comment on ! is replacing ! which will be retired in a month 5 days ago:
I sincerely hope for the best for you and your team.
I can see why you wouldn’t want to hang out at Twitter and I can also see why Truth Social is better at laundering money then being a legitimate social media site.
- Comment on ! is replacing ! which will be retired in a month 5 days ago:
See, we put the ultimate trolls in the white house. Trump AND Musk. It’s fucking hilarious.
I am legit having the best days of my life right now.
I couldn’t imagine this making the best days of my life, family, friends and success in my career do that for me so I don’t think we’re as similar as you’d like to believe when you’re thinking about me.
But anyways I don’t want to be keeping you shouldn’t you be making yourself a dirty soda?
- Comment on ! is replacing ! which will be retired in a month 5 days ago:
I’m not a troll and I wouldn’t brag about it because it’s a sad thing to try to be.
- Comment on ! is replacing ! which will be retired in a month 5 days ago:
I’m not a big fan how in Lemmy etiquette it’s frowned upon to call a troll a troll.
- Comment on ! is replacing ! which will be retired in a month 5 days ago:
I’m showing you where you can find proof, can you do the same?
- Comment on ! is replacing ! which will be retired in a month 5 days ago:
If you look at the conservative community’s modlogs you’ll see a completely different story than the you’re promoting.
Conservative moderators are usually heavy-handed and thin-skinned, unable to handle anything that strays from their ideals.